Write My CDR

CDR report helps you in landing a dream job

To have a prosperous career, you need to make a lot of hard work and develop your skills that may be useful in your job. However, if you’re an immigrant Engineer who is looking for a job in Australia, you need something more than that. Competency Demonstration Report or CDR is a set of documents that one needs to submit in order to get the permission to apply or Engineering jobs in Australia. The complex requirements and a number of document presentations may seem a little hard for aspiring Engineers. However, one can always resort to CDR report writers who are always there to help people with their CDR.


As mentioned, preparing an impressive CDR is not particularly a child’s play. There is a set of documents that needs to be presented at the CDR Engineers Australia, the organization responsible for the recruitment of engineers in Australia, and if the report is not impressive enough, it may get rejected. So, one needs to be extremely careful during CDR report writing. An ideal CDR consists of the following documents:


• The application form CDR
• A self-signed and attested copy of your report clearly stating that your report has been exclusively written by you
• Scanned and attested copies of your academic record
• A copy of your CV
• CPD listing or Continuing Profession Development listing
• Your English test results, preferably IELTS
• Career Episode Reports or CERs – 3 of them
• A summary of your competencies and abilities based on your CERs


Some of these documents require better drafting skills, while some can be presented as they are. To make sure your CDR makes the cut, you need to see your career episodes and resume are well written. Also, you need to pay more attention to your career summary. The professional CDR writer can be of use in this case. Every year, thousands of CDR applications get rejected as they fail to make an impression on the evaluators. So it becomes necessary for you to be a bit cautious. The professionals who have years of experience in drafting CDR for engineers can provide you with the necessary help.


If you want, you can prepare the CDR on your own. However, you need to be very particular about how you write the CERs. The career episodes may be the key to your success.

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