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    CDR Sample for Mechanical Engineering

    With the technological advancement, there is increment in the requirement of Mechanical Engineers in Australia. Now, engineers all around the world are eager for Australia Immigration and seeking a space to make an outstanding career availing jobs in Australia. For this, you can prepare a CDR report for Mechanical Engineer according to the Migration Skills booklet prepared by Engineers Australia. The engineers with four years of Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering can apply for the post of Mechanical Engineers.

    CDR sample for Mechanical Engineers includes all the required reports such Curriculum Vitae (CV)Continuing Professional Development (CPD)three Career Episodes (CE)Summary Statement.The content of the CDR Report Samples is given below:

    Curriculum Vitae (CV): Resume on the basis of a professional template.
    Continuing Professional Development (CPD): The sample of CPD clarifies the Engineering Knowledge of the applicant – 220 words.
    Mechanical Engineer Career Episode Sample 2: “INDUSTRIAL VISIT IN KHANNA PAPER MILLS” – 2255 words
    Mechanical Engineer Summary Statement Sample: Detailed explanation of all the competency element – 2213 words.

    Mechanical Engineering Career Episode 1


    Project Type: Academic Based Career Episode Project

    Demographics: This project was done during the final year of the author’s bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from “Name of the organization”. This project was accomplished successfully by the proper support and guidance of Mr. from August 2015 to November 2015, a period of four months.

    Engineering Activities of Mechanical Engineer:

    1. To perform a comprehensive study on the engine and dynamometer and collect all the essential data on the project from the literature study, research books and supervisor.
    2. To select the suitable dynamometer for this project by comparing the features of different dynamometers which were available in the internet sources as well as different engineering books.
    3. To select the proper specification of the engine for the test setup and model the 3D design of all the components and system such as motor casing, dynamometer shaft, bearings etc. in Autodesk.
    4. To execute the selection process for the electric motor and also develop the required modifications for the dynamometer with the help of my project supervisor and the lab technician.
    5. To construct the complete test bench for the diesel engine by installing all the required components and selected electric dynamometer to the test bench and setup.
    6. To perform the calibration of all the instrumentation, actuators and dynamometers in order to evaluate their performance in the system.
    7. To connect the components with the use of cable and wires so that no short-circuit would occur during the operation.
    8. To execute the engine performance and engine indicating test for the constructed the system.
    9. To coordinate with my team members and supervisor while working in the venture.

    Problems & Solutions

    1. Problem 1 Career Episode 1 and its solution

    Torsional oscillation problem during the engine testing

    The author selected the driveshaft in such a way that the dynamometers would have the proper stiffness and it also should have the adequate damping which would allow the engine to operate at the critical speed. Moreover, the author aligned the dynamometer and the engine in an accurate way for better results and performance.

    2. Problem 2 Career Episode 1 and its solution

    Flowing of gas in the exhaust system of the engine

    For this, the author installed a smoke probe along the centerline in a vertical part of the exhaust system. Furthermore, the author positioned the probe at least 5 pipe diameters far from the closet bend in the system to prevent the flowing of the smoke in the exhaust system.

    3. Problem 3 Career Episode 1 and its solution

    Problem regarding the vibration produced by the test engine which affected the performance

    The author mounted the throttle actuator to the test bed and directly below the test stand of the engine as the actuator used in the system was quite heavier. This helped to minimize the vibration level, and on testing, it was found that the level of the vibration was reduced from earlier during the testing process.

    Mechanical Engineering Career Episode 2


    Project Type: Industrial Based Career Episode Project

    Demographics: This carrier episode explains the author’s role and industrial visit in the “Name of the organization”. The author completed his bachelor in mechanical engineering from “Name of the university”. The author performed industrial visit during 15-06-14 to 15-12-14, and the author was coordinated by “supervisor name”.

    Engineering Activities of Mechanical Engineer:

    1. To gather the information about the working of the “Name of the organization” from the website.
    2. To visit the raw material yard and analyze the basic process of the deinking plant.
    3. To investigate the KPM-1 pulp mill (filler layer), and understand the working of the filler layer, and establish the flow chart.
    4. To visit the KPM-2 pulp mill (bottom layer) and analyze the working of the paper cutting machine.
    5. To go to the mechanical workshop, and observe the performance of the lathe, shaper, milling machine etc. and study the pretreatment procedure.
    6. To work in the bearing maintenance program and find the cause for the damaged bearing.

    Problems & Solutions

    1. Problem 1 Career Episode 2 and its solution

    Performance of CNC Machine

    During cutting of the A4 paper through automatic CNC machine, the minimum diameter for the machine to accept for cutting was 220 cm up to 1200 cm, and the machine should be stopped working when the diameter up to 197 cm, but it stopped when the diameter was 200 cm. The technical staff of the CNC department came, and checked the performance of the CNC to find out is there any obstruction during the cutting or not. There was no obstruction, and they checked the programming of the CNC and noticed some wrong data in the programming, and corrected the CNC stopping time. The cutting process was restarted and it stopped when the roller diameter reached to 197 cm as required.

    2. Problem 2 Career Episode 2 and its solution

    Imperfect Lubrication

    When the author checked the ball bearing in the paper mills, the author saw the brown ball tracks over the bearing and asked the technician about the source of the cause. He told him the cause was imperfect lubrication. Due to the imperfect lubrication, high temperature caused such marks in the bearing. The author discussed with the technical manager and planned to increase the amount of the lubricant during lubrication. The author increased the amount of the lubricant, and the lubricant was chosen having high viscosity. After a few weeks, the author checked the bearing and did not saw brown ball track in the bearing.

    Mechanical Engineering Career Episode 3


    Project Type: Academic Based Career Episode Project

    Demographics: This project was conducted while the author was studying mechanical engineering from “Name of the university”. The designing and analysis work was conducted with the guidance of Assistant Professor from January 2015 to May 2015.

    Engineering Activities of Mechanical Engineer:

    1. To study about the Rack-and-Pinion Steering System in a different research paper to find about the components, calculation involved and working mechanism of the system.
    2. To make initial consideration of different parameters required for the designing of the rack-and-pinion system
    3. To examine the strength of gear tooth and analyzing stress for the shaft of steering of Steering Pinion Gear.
    4. To analyze the contact stress of the Pinion gear and steering rack and determine boundary condition, contact stress, and compare Von-Mises strain and stress.
    5. To perform analysis of stress in steering rack and housing of rack and determine material required for designing along with their properties.
    6. To complete the analysis of fatigue and stress produced in the shaft of steering by using ANSYS software.

    Problems & Solutions

    1. Problem 1 Career episode 3 and its solution

    During the simulation of the Pinion and shaft, the author found that the shaft was not moved when the pinion is moved. The author searched the reason behind this cause and found that there was no clearance gap between the pinion and the shaft. The author then reduced the diameter of the pinion to adjust the clearance gap and adjusted the pinion such that appropriate clearance is formed between pinion and shaft. After the adjustment of the pinion, the author performed simulation again and found the movement of the shaft while helped to solve the issue.

    2. Problem 2 Career episode 3 and its solution

    The author found that the huge amount of stress was produced in the pinion and rack while the author was simulating the Rack-and-Pinion Steering system. The author searched for the reason behind it and found that the author had made use of aluminium alloy for designing piston and rack which produce more strain. The author researched the way to eliminate the strain and found use of Steel AISI 4340 helps to reduce the strain. The author then remodelled the pinion end rack using AISI 4340 steel and performed simulation again and found that the strain was reduced making system efficient.
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