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Computer Network and Systems Engineer ANZSCO 263111

Computer Network and Systems Engineer Immigration to Australia PR Visa

Planning, designing, installing, testing, and optimizing network and system services are among the tasks of a Computer Network and Systems Engineer. They also troubleshoot and find network problems, as well as configuration management and general operational readiness of network systems, especially in settings with diverse operating systems and configurations.

Skill Level: 1


✓ Computer Network Engineer
✓ Computer Systems Integrator

Average Income:

The average salary for a Computer Network and Systems Engineer is $ 104,705 for male employees and $ 116,846 for female employees per year.Average Age: Males: 40.7 Females: 46.7 Persons: 41.8 [See: Australian Bureau of Statistics 2631 Computer network professionals – Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, May 2016]

Australian visa options for Computer Network and Systems Engineer

Employer Sponsorship
Permanent 489 Visa Permanent 482 Tss Visa
Skilled Occupation ANZSCO Code Assessing Authority 189 Visa 190 Visa State Family 186 Visa (DE) 186 Visa All area Regional area
Computer Network and Systems Engineer 263111 Engineers Australia
Visa Processing times-months(75%) 9 9 - 10 17 5 5
Visa Processing times-months(90%) 12 12 - 15 19 11 11
To obtain a positive skills assessment form Engineers Australia, applicants wishing to be assessed as a Computer Network and Systems Engineer may need to submit a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR).

09/05/2019 Round Results:

09/05/2019(current) 189 Visa 489 Visa (Provisional) (Family Sponsored)
Number of total invitations 100 10
Point Score 80 85
visa date of effect 22/03/2019 4:31 PM 28/04/2019 1:45 AM
07/02/2018 (Previous) 189 visa 489 Visa (Provisional) (Family Sponsored)
Points Sore 80 80
Visa date of effect 15/03/2019 9:40 AM 12/10/2018 6:31 AM
Unofficial Results 189 Visa 489 Visa (Provisional)(Family Sponsored)

Occupation Ceiling for Transport Engineer:

Results : 655/ 1318 (Available: 663) (Ceiling Value) [49.70% Filled]

State and territory nominated visas is not subject to occupational ceiling limitations

Unit Group 2631 Computer Network and Systems Engineer

Responsibilities of  Computer network professionals include researching, analyzing, and recommending network architecture and development strategies, as well as implementing, managing, maintaining, and configuring network hardware and software, monitoring and optimizing performance, and troubleshooting and providing user support.

Indicative Skill Level:

In Australia and New Zealand:

The majority of professions in this unit category need a level of expertise equivalent to a bachelor’s degree or more. For the formal qualification, at least five years of relevant experience and/or equivalent vendor certification may be substituted. In some cases, in addition to the official qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1), appropriate experience and/or on-the-job training may be necessary.

Registration or licensing may be required.

Tasks Include:

  • Analyzes create, understands, and evaluates difficult system design and architectural requirements, data models, and diagrams in the construction, configuration, and integration of computer systems.
  • Assesses network operations and integrates hardware, software, communications, and operating systems, and makes recommendations for improvements.
  • Network infrastructure study, analysis, evaluation, and monitoring to ensure networks are set up to run at peak performance.
  • Offering specialized help and troubleshooting expertise for network issues and emergencies.
  • To ensure that networks are set up to perform properly investigate, analyses assess and monitors network infrastructure.
  • In the creation, configuration, and integration of computer systems, assessing, producing, understanding, and evaluating complex system design and architectural requirements, data models, and diagrams.
  • Evaluating and suggesting network and integrated hardware, software, communications, and operating system enhancements.
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