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    CDR Sample for Biomedical Engineer

    If you are an electronics engineer and want to migrate to Australia to seek better career prospects or a new job in your domain, then you can prepare a CDR report for electronics engineer according to the Migration Skills booklet prepared by Engineers Australia. The engineers with four years of Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering can apply for the post of Electrical Engineers.

    CDR sample for Electronic Engineers includes all the required reports such Curriculum Vitae (CV)Continuing Professional Development (CPD)three Career Episodes (CE)Summary Statement.The content of the CDR Report Samples is given below:

    Curriculum Vitae (CV): Resume on the basis of a professional template.
    Continuing Professional Development (CPD): The sample of CPD clarifies the Engineering Knowledge of the applicant – 150 words.
    Biomedical Engineer Career Episode Sample 1: “ECG measurements from the system developed using electrodes” – 2155 words
    Biomedical Engineer Career Episode Sample 2: “High-Resolution Cerebral Blood Flow Imaging by Registered Laser Speckle Contrast Analysis” – 2070 words
    Biomedical Engineer Career Episode Sample 3: “Intelligent system for tracking the position, location and pace for visually impaired people” – 2055 words
    Biomedical Engineer Summary Statement Sample: Detailed explanation of all the competency element – 2060 words.

    Biomedical Engineer Career Episode 1


    Project Type: Academic Based Career Episode Project

    Demographics: This project was done during the final year of the author’s degree in electronics engineering from “Name of the university”. This project was accomplished successfully by the proper support and guidance of Mrs. from August 2015 to November 2015, a period of four months.

    Engineering Activities of Biomedical Engineer:

    1. To perform a literature review where studied and gained information on the FPGA based real-time video processing system.
    2. To select various devices, video transfer standards and software for the design and development of the project
    3. To design an evaluation platform for testing the video processing in FPGA and develop components for the intellectual property.
    4. To perform the design for the video processing system in the software.
    5. To perform the FPGA design flow of project using Altera Quartus II development software and analyse the design using Signal Tap logic analyser.
    6. After the design was created, test the design with various methods and analyse the result obtained.
    7. To organise meetings with the supervisor, prepare progress reports and submit the report to the department.

    Problems & Solutions

    1. Problem 1 Career episode 1 and its solution

    Failing to trigger from connecting the ports

    The author came to know that it was due to the problem of software of version 14 and naming of the instance. So the author eliminated this problem by recreating the signal tap II file (.stp) and did not rename the instance. After that, the trigger problem reduced to a considerable extent.

    2. Problem 2 Career episode 1 and its solution

    No display of signal tap II logic analyzer node finder

    The author corrected the mismatch in capitalisation by re-selecting the top level hierarchy in the Quartus II software. To do so, the author modified the setting from the dialogue box and recompiled the design. The author found that the node was able to find the signal successfully.

    Biomedical Engineer Career Episode 2


    Project Type: Academic Based Career Episode Project

    Demographics: This project was done during the final year of the author’s degree in electronics engineering from “Name of the university”. This project was accomplished successfully by the proper support and guidance of Mr. from August 2013 to November 2013, a period of four months.

    Engineering Activities of Biomedical Engineer:

    1. To perform a literature study about the FPGA array as well as a multiplier and note down all the relevant information.
    2. To design the systematic and functional block diagram of an integrated fog system and analyse the CSR network demo.
    3. To consider the energy efficient digital system design from approximate computing in various application domains.
    4. To perform some proposed works such as approximate adders and multipliers design and the necessary evaluation.
    5. To implement the system by using the histogram equalisation algorithm and ensure the computational performance.
    6. To analyse the experimental result and observe the histogram grayscale images.
    7. To organise meetings with the supervisor, prepare progress reports and submit the report to the department.

    Problems & Solutions

    1. Problem 1 Career Episode 2 and its solution

    Implementation of FPGA and CSR mesh network

    The author used the Bluetooth low energy mesh technique to solve the problem. Bluetooth low energy technique extended the connection length or distance of the IOT due to which it was able to improve the power efficiency of the system.

    2. Problem 2 Career Episode 2 and its solution

    Multipliers design for the project in obtaining the product bits value of the least significant bit and the most significant bit

    The author replaced the single bit exact adder with an approximate adder. Also, the author modified the K-map of the adder to obtain the accuracy value of the product bit of the LSB and MSB.

    Biomedical Engineer Career Episode 3


    Project Type: Academic Based Career Episode Project

    Demographics: This project was done during the final year of the author’s degree in electronics engineering from “Name of the university”. This project was accomplished successfully by the proper support and guidance of Mr Kennith Igbo from August 2015 to November 2015, a period of four months.

    Engineering Activities of Aeronautical Engineer:

    1. To research projects and technical papers with similar deliverables and also learn about the causes, symptoms, and complications of dementia.
    2. To identify the necessary hardware components to be used in the design based on the research.
    3. To work on designing the architecture of the project and then the schematic diagrams to outline the software in development.
    4. Further, design circuit diagrams for bed block, nurse block, and patient block, and simulate the circuit design.
    5. To prepare flowcharts for all the modules and successively develop the related programming in Arduino IDE.
    6. To assemble all the components, integrate the developed software onto the hardware, and test the system in different scenarios
    7. To organise meetings with the supervisor, prepare progress reports and submit the report to the department.

    Problems & Solutions

    1. Problem 1 Career episode 3 and its solution

    Constant interference and damage to the components due to patient rolling on the bed

    The author decided to place the accelerometer as a part of the patient’s clothing such that it is unlikely to be exposed to their full body weight. Besides, use of plastic shell as an outer cover to the components saved the devices from harder impacts.

    2. Problem 2 Career episode 3 and its solution

    Unrelaibility of device due to power supply while evaluating the efficiency and reliability

    The author decided to use long-term power supplies such as watch batteries when the attempt was made to run the system while attempting to handle the frequency.
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