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    Career Episode Writing for Engineers Australia

    Career Episode Writing Service is a crucial aspect of your CDR- required by Engineers Australia (EA) to judge whether your engineering skills and knowledge match the Australian standards or not. The main purpose to write a Career Episode is to give a brief explanation of your engineering education, job experience and any training related to engineering. There are altogether three Career Episodes in CDR written on the basis of three final projects of your final year, internship program and / or work related projects.

    In other words, every Career Episode must correspond to the exact choice you are applying for, four roles could:

    •  Professional Engineers
    •  Engineering Technologists
    •  Engineering Associates
    •  Engineering Managers

    The Three Career Episode for CDR Australia Includes:

    • Continuous Professional Development (CPD): It refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training.
    •  Three Career Episodes (CE): It refers to a list of what all you have done to keep yourself updated about your field after completing your engineering graduation.
    • Summary Statement: It refers to a brief statement or restatement of main points, especially as a conclusion to a work.

    The Three Career Episode for CDR Australia Includes:

    Topics for Career Episode Writing

    Career Episode discloses if you have adequate knowledge and skill of the field you applied for. So, choosing the topic is the most important job. Some of the ideas are mentioned below:
    • Engineering projects you undertook, workshops you attended, or tech fests you participated in during your educational program.
    • A project you have worked on or currently working on.
    • EA wants to know your role in the company, so your specific position can also be a good topic to use.
    • Any specific engineering innovation you worked on.

    Format of A Career Episode Writing

    1. Introduction (100 words)

    1. Introduction (100 words)

    • Objective and nature of the project you are focused in
    • Chronology – Dates and duration of the Career Episode (the exact date of beginning as well as the ending of the episode)
    • Name of the educational institution/organization where the experience was gained
    • Geographical location of your project (city, state, country) where the experience was gained
    • Title of the position held by you at that particular institution/organization

    2. Background (200-500 words)

    • Nature of the engineering project you carried out and objective of the project
    • Nature of the work area your project focused on
    • Organizational structure chart highlighting your position in the project’s hierarchy during that particular Career Episode
    • Statement/Details of your duties in relation to the project concerned (provide an official duty statement where available)

    2. Background (200-500 words)

    3. Personal Engineering Activity (500-1000 words)

    3. Personal Engineering Activity (500-1000 words)

    • Your particular role in the team and how you applied your knowledge
    • The engineering tasks that were entrusted to you
    • How you accomplished the project
    • How you worked with other team members
    • Any particular technical difficulties/problems you encountered and how you solved them
    • Significant contribution or strategies devised by you including any original or creative design work

    4. Summary (50-100 words)

    • Overview of your project
    • Information about whether the project met its goals/objectives
    • Engineering Knowledge and Skills, Engineering Application Ability and Professional and Personal Strengths
    • Mention about the praise if you got any for the project
    • How your personal role contributed to the project in the conclusion section

    4. Summary (50-100 words)

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