Write My CDR

CPD for National Engineering Register (NER)

CPD is a compulsory part of the NER application. When applying for registration for NER from Engineers Australia you are supposed to demonstrate that how much CPD hours you have completed in past Three Years. Applicants should confirm that they have accomplished approximately 150 CPD hours in past three years. If you are unable to provide list of trainings for 150 hours of CPD in past 3 years, then you must demonstrate at least 50 hours in the last Twelve Months before applying for NER to Engineers Australia.


All applications of the applicants are evaluated every 5 years, including an evaluation of your CPD records and work experience statement (WES). The timing of the first performance review will depend on the number of CPD hours you have accumulated in last three years before submitting your application. If in case you have logged 150 CPD hours in past Three years then your performance review will be in Five years. If you can only demonstrate 50 CPD hours in the past Twelve months at the time of applying for National Engineering Register (NER) application then your performance review will be prior than the first case.At least 50 % of your CPD Activity should demonstrate your technical skills.

Activity Type and Examples of CPD for NER

You may include any of the course, training, certifications, seminars, workshops in your CPD for NER which meet the following criteria;


• Any specific course is taken or for a recognized post-graduation. For example, the study may be either on campus or by distance education. These types of activities should include some form of valuation.


• Short courses, technical meetings, seminars and group discussions, conferences, technical inspections, and workshops. For example, courses, seminar or workshops carried out by third-party experts in the field.


• Activities that enhance capability in the area of practice in the field. For example, workshops, seminars, and discussion groups for employees.


• The personal study that enhances your knowledge and skills. For example, book reading, journals, transactions, manuals, etc. Adequate detail must be kept of the book you read such as date, title, author and time spent to address an auditor’s inquiry.


• Communal engagement on behalf of the engineering team. For example, being a panel member on course authorization visits; helping as a volunteer on other boards and committees which develop the engineering team; guiding a colleague for work experience statement, etc.


Extraction of material and preparing presentations for courses, conferences, seminars, and symposia. For example, the time for research, drafting, and presentation of material can be demonstrated for CPD purposes and the activities that reflect the progression of the profession.



CPD Topic  CPD Activity Type Start Date Finish Date Hours CPD Provider(Name and Address)
MTech In VLSI Design Post Graduate Course Jan 2013 July 2013 150 ABC School of Engineering , City , Country
Design Compiler: RTL Synthesis Tool Training Training 1st Jul 2012 3rd Jul 2012 6 ABC Company, City, Country
Introduction to Centum VP, Pro Safe, SCADA FAST/TOOLS Internal Training 1st Oct 2011 6Th Oct 2011 14 ABC Training Center, CIty, Country 
Operation of Petrochemical Plants Seminar 1st May 2010 1st May 2010 4 ABC Organization, City, Country

WriteMyCDR provides complete assistance for NER application. WriteMyCDR provides the best quality Work Experience Statement (WES) and CPD Writing Service for Engineers Australia.Highly experienced and native English writers provide best quality WES (Work Experience Statement) writing for Engineers Australia. We have professional engineers who will write your Work Experience Statement (WES) and CPD for your NER application for Engineers Australia. We have writers from all engineering disciplines who are experienced in WES and prepare work experience statement for Engineers Australia (EA).

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