When you go through the Engineers Australia guidelines you can clearly see that how to write Career episode. Three career episodes is the section in the CDR report where you have to write the three instances where you have used your engineering knowledge to the fullest. No matter how big or small the projects was if you think you had gained some engineering technical skills you must include each activities in the Career episode.
Each career episode plays a vital role in CDR report as it defines your engineering knowledge and skills during the course of career. However, EA wants to understand your skills and knowledge through these three career episodes so it should be defining different projects in each episodes.
If you think you don’t have enough projects to share then you can also consider to use both academic and professional projects, so do that. It will help you get more options. Every episode must reflect a different title for the project and that is a requirement which cannot be changed. So it’s worthless to waste time panicking.
During the engineering project you can use charts and different figures to define your individual roles or your team work in the respective project. On account of an academic project, ensure that it covers every possibility of featuring the domain specific skills, relational capacities, structure and investigation, thoughtfulness regarding details, and so on. You may likewise pick your temporary project position during academic period.
Concentrate on the skills that you need to feature and share the project scope, your contribution with the predetermined job, activities, relational capacities, initiative abilities and so on through them. While you do that, utilization a straightforward, straightforward language. Evaluators at Engineers Australia, don’t acknowledge excessive utilization of languages or graphical explanations.
Indeed, you can advantageously differentiate at any rate three projects to expand through the three Career Episodes. It is your certainty and the capacity to perform at all times matter toward the end. So don’t let your academic, temporary job or expert tasks go waste, pick carefully to expand on the skills relating to the job you have connected for.