How long is the migration assessment for engineers in Australia?

Every year thousands of people choose Australia to live and work because of the happening lifestyle and opportunities offered. Migration to Australia requires skill assessment. The migration visa focuses on the point-based system to attract highly qualified professionals with experience to perfectly meet Australia’s needed skills. Migration Skills Assessment is a paper-based assessment of people’s qualification/s and employment details to determine how perfectly they meet Australian standards for a skilled employee. Migration Assessment usually takes a long time for processing. If you want, you can opt for the fast track of your application. You can have your application allotted to an evaluator and get it processed within 20-25 working days. To fast track, your MSA (Migration Skills Assessment) do select “Fast Track” when you are completing your online application. If you are already having an existing MSA and you want it to get fast-tracked, then you can use the online form and check the fees page for current pricing data.


General turnaround period for the standard type of MSA applications:

  • For non-accredited qualification: It takes 9 weeks ahead of the assignment of the application to one of the case officers.
  •  For Accredited Australian & Accord qualification: It takes 7 weeks ahead of assignment of the application to one of the case officers.
    With the service of fast track facility, you can lessen the turnaround time to around 20 days and get the application assigned to one of the case officers sooner.

Remember the following while applying for migration skill assessment:

  • The exact times of waiting can be different and it depends on the incoming application number.
  • The time of waiting depends on the receipt date of all the required information.
  • It is advised not to have contact with Engineers Australia (EA) during the time frame given above cause this will delay the processing turnaround time for all the applications.
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