Writing Tips for Telecommunication Engineers Australia CDR

Telecommunications Engineers are the engineers who use their technical skills to provide a range of services and engineering solutions revolving around various modes of communication and information transfer like wireless telephone services, radio and satellite communications, internet and broadband technologies. For getting an employment in Telecommunications Engineering Industry, a minimum qualification of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in electronic engineering, computer science, IT or other technical subject is required.

CDR For Telecommunication Engineers Australia


CDR (competency demonstration report) for Australian Immigration is very important for the telecommunication engineers who want to migration on skills basis with Engineers of Australia. Telecom is the most advanced industry, which helps to interact with the world. It is practically difficult for the countries to operate without sending and receiving data. This is the function of telecommunication engineers.


Due to the highly capable in this field, the Engineers Australia (EA) allows only the skilled people to get into their country. A very useful and fair CDR writing is essential in proving that you have good qualification and you are good at your job.


Every year many engineers apply for the Immigration of Australia but lack of applications got rejected because they could not meet their requirements. This is important for the Engineers to know for which category they are suitable and where they see them in future.


Therefore a telecommunication engineer won’t take a risk to write CDR casually.


Documents which Are Required in CDR:

If you have to get through the CDR you have to assess your qualification also

  • Complete your application form
  • Attach attested copies of your academic documents
  • Attach all documents of your professional career include your training program
  • Three career episode
  • A summary statement English test results such as IELTS, TOFEL etc.


Basic Principle of Writing CDR:

The basic of writing a professional CDR includes.


  • You have to understand what report is saying.
  • You should provide all the information which you get notified by the EA (Engineers Australia) guideline.
  • Write in the language and style which is approved by Engineers Australia (EA) standard.


Preparing Competency Demonstration Report (CDR):

When you select your category the next option and work to do, the preparation of Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). Many people do not know the basic needs for preparing (CDR) Competency Demonstration Report.

  • Career Episodes(Three)
  • Summary Statement(One)
  • Continual Professional Development(CPD)
  • Professional Resume


Career Episodes:

Are totally based on your projects which you have completed your qualification in college and in your job career. This information or projects are about your qualification you get and your job. Career Episodes have some points

  • Introduction
  • Background
  • Personal Engineering activities
  • Summary


You have to give a brief introduction about yourself of (50 to 100) words in which you mention your agenda of your whole career and your qualification.


In this section, you have to mention about your qualification where you have studying and worked at that time. You have to focus those points and objectives you took apart. You must highlight the area where you have been working and your place in the company.

Personal Engineering Activities:

You have to describe the exact work you appointed for and the tasks you completed. You have to talk about the process of applying engineer skills and how you use your knowledge to the situation. You can also talk about the situations where you worked as a team member and you played the role as a team leader.


In the end, you have to highlight all of you career details in order to compete for the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR).

This information is all about your future career if you want to apply for a job in Australia then you have to meet the requirements of Engineers Australia (EA).

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