Write My CDR

10 Tips to Prepare an Effective CDR Assessment

CDR Writing Service for engineers Australia consists of preparing your detailed CV, writing Career Episodes (CEs), preparing a Summary statement (SS) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD). CDR Report writing is not an easy job and that is why we are here to help you provide our CDR Writing Service. For any confusion or any help you can visit us at writemycdr.com


Engineers who need to move to Australia need to experience Engineers Australia (EA) (the assigned evaluating expert for engineering occupations) first. The Migration Skills Assessment (MSA) certifies capabilities either from Australia or from nations who are full signatory to the Sydney Accord, Dublin Accord, or Washington Accord. Others (who have a place with nations that are not authorize by EA) need to present a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR).

Here are 10 useful tips to help you prepare a CDR that is sure to earn you a positive assessment from the EA and successfully get the migration visa.

1. Understand the purpose

Before you start working on your CDR, you must first understand the purpose of the report so that you can write a successful CDR specific to your roles and achievements. Be very well versed with the various guidelines stated by the EA and do not consider any guidelines stated in any website other than the official website of the Engineers Australia. The EA has a particular structure for writing the CDR report that generally consists of a Continuous Professional Development or a CPD, at least 3 Career Episodes and a Summary Statement.

2. Be Honest

Quite often, blinded by ambition, applicants write exorbitant lies in the report to impress the assessors. While this may make their reports look brilliant (apparently), it can turn out to be quite a nightmare if the truth gets unravelled somehow. You may look at your colleague’s report and see him/her claiming achievements that they have not attained. Abstain from the temptation of doing the same and be truthful about your milestones. Remember, the Engineers Australia has a foolproof procedure for crosschecking the details that you include in your report.

3. Choice of Topic

Half your battle of coming up with a well-written CDR is won when you can come up with a good topic for your three Career Episodes in the report. Easily said than done, right? So the quick tips here for you is to go through the competencies that the EA usually looks for in an engineer. You can also check samples written by CDR report writers to get an idea for your Episodes. Also, be very careful regarding the category that you are applying for and choose a topic accordingly to highlight your efficiency well

4. Choice of Words

While writing the CDR for Engineers Australia, be very careful of the words and the tone you choose. The tone should be formal, and the writing style should fit into the standards set by Engineers Australia. Since you are not from Australia, do keep the differences in dialect and spellings in mind. The English may differ; so be careful about your choice of words and make sure to look for inconsistencies and edit them accordingly.

5. Keep it Concise

Nobody and I repeat nobody likes to read verbose texts. Your CDR report should be brief and yet comprehensive. Make sure that it gives out all the required information regarding your skills while being precise about it. Skip over the extra details and write more about your personal responsibilities and achievements. Trust me when I say this – none of the assessors wants to know about the company that you have worked for. So instead of giving information about the company, stick to personal recognition and remember to back them up with proofs.

6. The tone of the Report

The 3 career episodes in your CDR report should always be in the active voice. This will make it sound more personal and appealing. The tone of the report should be formal and at the same time engaging. Instead of making it wordy, include more facts and details of your experiences as an engineer and talk about the awards you have achieved in your career.

7. The importance of Summary Statement

The summary statement is the first impression that an assessor will hold of you as an applicant. The Summary Statement should be explanatory enough so that the person, reading it, gets an insight of you and your 3 career episodes before moving into the actual report.

8. Say no to Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a treacherous foe and can get your CDR report rejected. Therefore, be very aware of the facts that you use in your report and cross check whether they all are credible or not. A common mistake that many of you do is taking content for your report from the CDR report samples that are available online. You can use the samples for reference purposes but other than that do not copy text from the specimens as even the slightest traces of piracy can be detrimental to your career. To avoid unintentional plagiarism, I recommend you to use a reliable plagiarism detection tools for your report.

9. Seek external help

You cannot be a pro at writing a CDR report. Hence, do not think twice before taking professional advice from the CDR report writers. Their experience can do wonders for your report, and their flair can earn you the much-coveted Visa. Like this piece of mine, there are several other articles on CDR report writing that you can find online. Take advantage of the internet and read up articles on CDR to create a CDR that is sure to fetch positive results only.

10. Break it into steps

Writing a CDR report is not a one-day affair and can be quite tedious. What happens is most candidates start writing the report with a gung-ho attitude, and then their enthusiasm slackens with the monotonous process. This is why most reports begin on an impressive note but end up as a drab. So, I suggest that you divide the work and go about it. Start with your personal information, followed by the CPD and then the three career episodes. In the end, write the summary statement.


A CDR report is an extensively elaborate thing and therefore should be prepared very meticulously. In the end, be double sure that you have followed all the standards provided by the EA to avoid any unfavourable outcome. If presented poorly, the CDR report that you have forwarded to the Engineers Australia can act as a detriment in the path of your chances to build a career in Australia.

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