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Want To Know How to Write A Professional Summary Statement for Engineers Australia?

The Summary Statement is one of the main components of the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). The Engineers Australia summary statement is presented after you have prepared the three Career Episodes. As you may guess from the name, it is a summarization of the three career episodes. Here is a quick guide on how to write a professional summary statement.

The summary statement is a short cross-reference directory

The summary statement highlights all the competency elements that you have stated in the career episodes. Hence, it is a well-structured document. According to the Migration Skills Assessment Booklet of Engineers Australia, the summary statement is presented in a tabular form where each row provides a cross-reference to the paragraphs of the career episodes. That is why you are always asked to number the paragraphs of each career episode.


The booklet also provides samples and templates of summary statements from which you can get a complete idea of what things you need to mention in your summary statement. If you think you might not be able to map the competencies correctly you should go for a summary statement writing service. This will minimize the chances of errors and will give a good finishing touch to your CDR as well.

How to Write the Summary Statement

The format of the summary statement depends upon the category of engineers that you are applying for. You must be aware that there are four different categories namely: Professional Engineers, Engineering Associates, Engineering Managers and Technologists. Each of these has different competency requirements. Hence, the summary statement will vary accordingly. For instance, the format of a Professional Engineer Summary Statement includes the following headings:

  • Knowledge and Skill Base: it includes elements such as understanding of engineering fundamentals, mathematics, statistics, computing, information sciences and knowledge of contextual factors in engineering.
  • Engineering Application Ability: it highlights how you have used the engineering tools, resources and techniques, what engineering methods you have applied and your project management skills.
  • Professional and Personal Attributes: it will highlight your innovative skills, creativeness, and communication and ethical skills. You can also mention your leadership and teamwork capabilities here.

Five things to consider while writing the Engineers Australia Summary Statement

  1. Understand each element of the summary in details so that you can map them accurately with the points you have mentioned in your career episodes.
  2. Go through sample summary statements for your occupation and get familiar with the format. See if you have mentioned the listed competencies in the career episodes accordingly or not.
  3. Make sure you have entered correct paragraph numbers in the summary statement. The accuracy of the summary statement is important.
  4. Always remember that you need to create one summary for all the three career episodes.
  5. Make sure you have effectively written the career episodes in order to prepare an effective summary statement.

When to seek help from a summary statement writing service

You should understand that the CDR plays a crucial role in your immigration to Australia as a skilled worker. In other words, we can say that the CDR puts a good first impression on the assessment committee. Hence, it is very important that you prepare this document precisely. Summary statement writing experts have years of experience in writing CDRs. They have the eloquent skills and adequate knowledge about the guidelines for preparing CDR report. They can help you create an effective summary without any hustle.


Moreover, they will take care of the language usage, grammatical errors and plagiarism issues in the summary as well. They will perform a keen analysis of your career episodes and perform a correct cross-reference to the same. Many service providers also offer to review and Engineers Australia summary statement editing services. If you think you can prepare the summary on your own you can ask them to review the same for you.

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