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Production Engineer CDR Report Sample

The Competency Demonstration Report Sample for Production Engineer includes all the necessary reports such as Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development and Summary Statement. The Content of the Production Engineer CDR Report Sample is as follow:


Production Engineer Career Episode Report 1
Project Name: “Production and Delivery of Syriporter Lite”

Introduction: In first career episode, the author describes the project he did when he was working as Production Engineer/Manager in Australia. This career episode is based on his project named as; “Production and Delivery of Syriporter Lite”.

Background: The purpose of Syriporter was to act as a barrier against radioactive x-rays and gamma rays etc. Hence, the material lead was used to provide a metal barrier against the rays. Lead glass was also used for ease of viewing. The scope of this project was to convert this whole system into a mobile system. In the designing process, a lead plate of 15 mm and a lead glass of 34 mm was used as a barrier in this project.


During the time, the responsibilities of the author were to:


• Worked based on the sketch and the graphic design and also calculated gravity for the unit
• Coordinated with the suppliers for the project
• Discussed the electrical connection to be used in the project
• Ordered suitable materials and assembled the product
• Created safety working environment for the people involved in the production

Production Engineer Career Episode Report 2
Project Name: “Design of Assistive Seat Walker for the Elderly”

Introduction: In second career episode, the author explains the engineering skills he used when he was completing his degree in Production Engineering. This career episode is based on his project named as; “Design of Assistive Seat Walker for The Elderly”.

Background: The objective of this design was that if the elderly person was looking after by a therapist or a doctor, this walker will allow them to track the movements of the person with ease and check the progress of the movement. It will also enable him to supervise the senior person in case of an emergency or accident so that he can reach for his help on time.


During the time, the responsibilities of the author were to:


• Conducted a research to study the problems of old designs of the walkers and the enhancements in the new designs
• Arranged a meeting to schedule the project procedure and distributed tasks among the team members
• Designed the structure of a basic walker on CAD software
• Selected electronic components with required specifications
•Simulated the design to test out any imperfection in the design

Production Engineer Career Episode Report 3
Project Name: “Cat Capsule”

Introduction: In third career episode, the author explains the engineering skills he used when he was working as Production Engineer in Australia. This career episode is based on his project named as; “Cat Capsule”.

Background: The project is based on the Cat Capsule, which was basically an enclosure having 10mm thick lead lining all around it (2150 X 900 X 820). It was divided into two sections i.e. the top section and the bottom section. The top section was where the animal was kept after it had been treated with radioactive elements. The bottom section had all the waste of the animal. Since the amount of radioactive element in the body and waste of the animal was still in unsafe range after treatment, hence the animal was kept in a lead-lined enclosure which was called as Cat Capsule.


During the time, the responsibilities of the author were to:


• Analyzed BOM to check the sources
• Found new suppliers to have pricing comparison and then ordered components to attend our production
• Scheduled engineering team to work on the assembling process, gave them daily activities of the project and followed up the results
• Coordinated the design changes on-spot with the team and pointed to the production process
• Divided the project into two sections and designed each section separately

Production Engineer Summary Statement

In his summary statement the author presents all the competency elements required for Professional Production Engineer. There are cross references in the summary statement to the relevant paragraph of the episodes, as explained in the Engineers Australia migration skills assessment booklet. His Summary Statement is in complete accordance with the today’s requirements of the Engineers Australia.

Production Engineer Continuing Professional Development

The CPD includes professional courses, non-professional courses and private study. CPD Sample clearly explains the author’s Production Engineering Knowledge.

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