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Professional Engineer Role Description

Professional Engineers may assess their qualification positively through Engineers Australia, if they have Four-year of Bachelor degree in Engineering. Professional Engineers are required to take responsibility for engineering projects and programs in the most far-reaching sense. This includes the reliable functioning of all materials, components, sub-systems and technologies used; their integration to form a complete, sustainable and self-consistent system; and all interactions between the technical system and the context within which it functions.


Professional Engineer understands the requirements of clients, wide-ranging stakeholders and of society as a whole; working to optimize social, environmental and economic outcomes over the full lifetime of the engineering product or program; interacting effectively with other disciplines, professions and people; and ensuring that the engineering contribution is properly integrated into the totality of the undertaking.


Professional Engineers are responsible for interpreting technological possibilities to society, business and government; and for ensuring as far as possible that policy decisions are properly informed by such possibilities and consequences, and that costs, risks and limitations are properly understood as the desirable outcomes.


Professional Engineers are responsible for bringing knowledge to bear from multiple sources to develop solutions to complex problems and issues, for ensuring that technical and non-technical considerations are properly integrated, and for managing risk as well as sustainability issues. While the outcomes of engineering have physical forms, the work of Professional Engineers is predominantly intellectual in nature.


Professional Engineers are technically concerned with the advancement of technologies and with the development of new technologies and their applications through innovation, creativity and change. Professional Engineers may conduct research concerned with advancing the science of engineering and with developing new principles and technologies within a broad engineering discipline.


Professional Engineers may contribute to continual improvement in the practice of engineering, and in devising and updating the codes and standards that govern it. Professional Engineers have a particular responsibility for ensuring that all aspects of a project are soundly based in theory and fundamental principle, and for understanding clearly how new developments relate to established practice and experience and to other disciplines with which they may interact.


Professional Engineers’ hallmark is the capacity to break new ground in an informed, responsible and sustainable fashion. Professional Engineers may lead or manage teams appropriate to these activities and may establish their own companies or move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises.


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