Write My CDR

A Complete Guide On Skills Assessment For Migrating To Australia

Every year hundreds of thousands of experienced engineers choose to migrate to Australia all thanks to the lifestyle and employment opportunities this magnificent country offers.


The General Skilled Migration (GSM) Visa Program is based on a point-based system which is designed to attract highly qualified and experienced professionals to best meet Australia’s skills needs.


However, having their skills assessed in the nominated occupation by a relevant assessing authority, is one of the key elements for skilled professionals who are interested in migrating to Australia under General Skilled Migration Visa category.

Selection of ANZSCO Code

ANZSCO sets out what capabilities and experience you have to perform explicit employments and what your assignments would be in that occupation. On the off chance that you are applying for a visa under talented movement, the DIAC case official evaluating your visa application will need to see evidence that you have attempted the required capabilities and additionally have the fundamental work involvement as sketched out for your recorded occupation in ANZSCO. The necessities for transitional visas are commonly less fiery than those for direct section visas.


Preparing Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)


A CDR report consists of your personal information, application form, educational details, employment evidence and the actual report containing 3 career episodes, a summary statement and a CPD (Continuing Professional Development) which is equally important and carry each specific value. Therefore, preparing it is a very time-consuming task. It needs a lot of patience and attention in writing such kind of report because a single mistake can ruin your hard work and may suspend your application for a 12 months. The 3 career episodesa summary statement, and a CPD are all of equal importance in your CDR report and hence need to be written very wisely.


The length of ideal CDR could vary from 6000 to 8500 words. But an ideal CDR length would be around 7000 words. Length of the CDR report can be easily estimated from the taken time for CDR report preparation time which is define below:-

  • Career episodes: – In this, you need to state and clarify how your capabilities are fitting for the tasks you worked for. It is fundamentally implied for displaying all your understanding and engineering abilities. The length of this section could vary from 3000 words to 7500 words depending upon the project handled in the past. Each career episodes should be maximum 1000 and minimum about 2500 words.
  • Summary Statement: – Here the ideal length would be around 500 words. In this section, the CDR report which will focus more on any specific skill set that you wanted to emphasize. In this section nothing much to describe. Ensure that you compose just a single summary explanation for all the three career episodes.
  • CPD (Continuing Professional Development):- The ideal word count of CPD for 6 years of experienced professional would be 600+ words. A CPD is a record of all the formal and casual activities you completed in your respective engineering occupation. The EA searches for each one of those activities which you have experienced to pick up information and make improvement in your learning. It ought to be in a list form and should pursue a sequential appeal.
  • CV-ResumeAn ideal resume of 6+ years of experience, with two pages, contains around 600 words. But for an IT professional with 8 years of experience, the average word count within two pages of resume would be around 800 words. CV Resume Writing for Engineers Australia ought to be composed legitimately in the correct formation. A deliberately made and composed resume with clear arrangement of educational background, work experience, accomplishments, objectives, and credentials is a certain method to leave an impact on the Engineers Australia.

For any confusion or any queries feel free to visit us at writemycdr.com

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