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Can the same CDR topic be used for a skills assessment through Engineers Australia?

Well, it might happen that your topic of career episodes is similar to other applicant’s career episodes. It is quite acceptable but content should be different as Engineers Australia have no tolerance to plagiarism content and might leads to report rejections. Your individual experiences should be different and unique.Engineers have strong policy against plagiarism, if report is found to plagiarize by certain percentage it usually leads to 12 months suspension. Therefore, choose a topic judiciously and do not engage in picking stuff from unsolicited sources on the internet.


While there may be someone else applying for the same occupational role and coming from the same engineering discipline, it is you who has a unique project story. Let the assessors traverse the path of your own experiences that make you a better professional today. Choose the topics/themes for your Career Episodes such that they are engaging and impactful. Share about the project objective; the role that you played (job description); share unique learning experiences; throw light on your interpersonal relations; highlight any achievements, etc. Understand that all of this will help the assessor understand you better as an engineering professional. It will help them assess your competency levels and how those align with the occupational role that you have chosen to apply for.


As you decide to submit your CDR report make sure you are aware of Engineers guidelines which lowers the chance of rejections. Ensure that each segment is included in CDR as stated in Migration skilled assessment booklet which covers all the EA guidelines regarding CDR. However, if by using the same topic you meant to use the same topic for the three Career Episodes, the answer will be a big ‘no’. EA directs you to choose three unique projects across the three Career Episodes respectively. An overlap will create a negative impact and represent limited professional exposure.


Before you begin working on the Career Episodes, identify three special projects wherein you played an important role. Write an engaging introduction to those projects and ensure that you are able to cover most of the competencies required by the occupational role you are applying for. Through every episode, you can share the specific role that you played in the project; how that helped to achieve the project objective? Did you do something innovative? Different roles and responsibilities across the three projects, etc. Here you need to understand that doing this will help showcase the diverse roles you can play in a professional setup and the variety of skills and competencies that you have. In a way, you will be able to represent an enriching professional profile.


CDR is just not a report. It is all about proving your capabilities and skills which is equivalent to the position you are applying for. It is very crucial report for those professional engineers who are dreaming to migrate Australia. To make it better, you can hire an agent which can help you with writing, review, editing, or proof-reading your report for you.

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