We are here for the engineers that are trying to obtain an Australian visa for skilled immigration process by submitting a well oriented and well written CDR. The body that checks and goes through all of these submitted CDR is the EA which stands for Engineers Australia.
The main objective behind formation of the EA is to assess that an engineer who has submitted his CDR is fit for the occupation he desires to go for while living in Australia. Any error in the CDR reduces the chance of getting a visa for an engineer.
We have come up with the best service to check for any errors, structural analysis of the document, any grammatical mistake, and all the qualities that an engineer should possess for the profession he is going for. Summary Statement should cover vital qualities for the profession an engineer is applying for.
Guidelines for a well written CDR
CDR is an abbreviation for what is known as Competency Demonstration Report and it is the most important step for application of an Australian visa. Through the process of skilled immigration process, EA is the designated authority which reviews the CDR that are submitted for the visa purpose. A solid foundation of the CDR is very necessary to make sure that a 100% chance of attainment of visa is enclosed. Some necessary details for orientation of a perfect CDR are:
- Reviewing the CDR is last step that should be conducted by an engineer while submitting it. Editing and proofreading process takes place after an engineer has devised his CDR which should be strictly under the guidelines that the EA has devised. All the necessary elements should be covered while writing the career episodes.
- Grammatical mistakes should be something that should be avoided at any cost because what is shows is the lack of writing skills and bad communication skills by an engineer who is going for a job in Australia through skilled immigration process. So rejected CDRs have a lot of things in common and the top most reason is bad English which should be avoided at any cost.
- There is a difference between subtle illustrations and fonts and going plain crazy with everything. Font size, font style and attributes must be classic.
- CDR should be checked for any kind of error that exists related to everything and anything that comes under the category of grammatical mistakes, irregularities in punctuation, correct use of tenses and wrong kind of English. All of the process comes under the category of reviewed sense known as Proofreading.
- Any kind of error that exists in the written CDR should be eliminated during the proofreading process. It is the last step to ensure a CDR free from error.
- Active voice and first person reference is appreciated while writing a CDR, much of the technical aspect while giving the description of qualities of an engineer can be neglected.
Actual facts and references must be used which gives the EA a clear idea of how an engineer is fit for the job he is applying for
Why choose our CDR editing and proofreading services?
We have experts that are exceptional at editing and proofreading of a CDR to be submitted before the EA which is submitted in a perfect manner ensures the engineer to get a skilled immigration visa for Australia. We guarantee that the CDR that has to be submitted would be error free, grammatically correct, well oriented, true to the facts and every quality designated for a job by the EA has been displayed perfectly.
We help engineers by painting a bigger picture of them in front of the EA in a positive and effective manner. We keep in mind every CDR guidelines set by the EA which tones up the perfect image of an engineer, getting a visa for Australia has never been easier.