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    CDR Sample for Environmental Engineer

    If you are an electronics engineer and want to migrate to Australia to seek better career prospects or a new job in your domain, then you can prepare a CDR report for electronics engineer according to the Migration Skills booklet prepared by Engineers Australia. The engineers with four years of Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering can apply for the post of Electrical Engineers.

    CDR sample for  Environment Engineering includes all the required reports such Curriculum Vitae (CV)Continuing Professional Development (CPD)three Career Episodes (CE)Summary Statement.The content of the CDR Report Samples is given below:

    Curriculum Vitae (CV): Resume on the basis of a professional template.

    Continuing Professional Development (CPD):The sample of CPD clarifies the Engineering Knowledge of the applicant – 350 words.
    Environmental Engineers Career Episode Sample 1: “Building Water Supply and Drainage Project” -1856 words.
    Environmental Engineers Career Episode Sample 2: “Roof Drainage and Storm water Management Project” -1628 Words.
    Environmental Engineers Career Episode Sample 3: “Detail study of the overland flood by using hydraulic modeling” -1956 words.
    Summary statement sample: “Site-Based Storm Water Management Plan for Eucalyptus Estate”-1875 words.

    Environmental Engineers Career Episode 1

    Project Name: Building Water Supply and Drainage Project

    Project Type: Academic Based Career Episode

    Demographics: Author was an undergraduate student in the year 2014, as a part of his education program, he did this project. Within 2 weeks, he was responsible for designing the water supply and drainage pipeline system for four 28 stories buildings. He achieved the experience of this project in his undergraduate university, “university name”, which is located at Da Xing district and Xi Chen district, Beijing, during that time he was an undergraduate student, whose major is the water supply and drainage engineering.

    Engineering Activities of Environmental Engineers:

    1. To conduct a field study to gather the necessary information on some design protocols about the high-rising building supply.
    2. To review different types of water supply systems and performed the selection of an appropriate system for water supply.
    3. To perform a calculation to determine the size of the water pipe by considering the economic feasibility.
    4. Then, to partition the building into three zones for the supply of water.
    5. To perform the designing of a drainage system consisting of the domestic wastewater and effluents together.
    6. Finally, to perform the designing and installation of other systems such as hot water, rainwater and recycled water system.

    Problems & Solutions

    1. Problem 1 Career Episode 1 and its solution

    Initially, the original plan of the water supply for this project was the high cistern water supply, which incorporates the design of centrifugal water pump and cistern. The installation of high cistern water supply within an appropriate location within a building can serve to reserve and then adjust the water consumption and maintaining a stable water pressure. The water within the cistern is supplied from the water pump located in the basement or ground floor. Within each zone, there are separate water pumps which can supply the water to each zone independently. The water supply system for each zone does not affect each other and each zone is independent, which can have the water supply to become more reliable. Moreover, due to all the water pumps being located in the basement, which can be managed centralized and easy to maintain. It is the most commonly used in the construction site, as he learnt from the design institute. However, due to the requirement of too many water pumps, and the pressurized water pipeline is very long, which increase the cost of instruments; the area required for an instalment of the cistern is too big which can reduce the usable area and bring about the negative effect to the building. By consulting with an experienced engineer in this field, he decided to use a non-negative pressure water supply, which obviated the cistern while maintaining the system pressure to be stable. The variable frequency pumps are incorporated. The variable frequency pumps can adjust the rotation speed, the hydraulic head and power of water pumps automatically according to the water demand.

    2. Problem 2 Career Episode 1 and its solution

    Another problem which was encountered in this project was during the phase of installation of the hot water system which was needed to be hygienic and a closed water supply system was adopted but he noticed that the temperature of water at the distribution point was often more than desired and this was a serious source of concern. He analyzed this issue and designed the main hot water supply pipe and vertical water supply with a semi-circulation system which allowed the heat to be circulated within the timeline and the water temperature at the distribution point was constant.

    Environmental Engineers Career Episode 2

    Project Name: Roof Drainage and Storm water Management Project

    Project Type: Work Based Career Episode

    Demographics: Author was doing his internship in the “company name “in September 2018. For this project, he was responsible for designing the roof drainage and storm water management for a single house development in the 9 Newcombe St Sans Souci. Within the project, he was responsible for the hydraulic design of the rain gutters on the roof, Onsite Storm water Detention (OSD) and the related pipelines on the site.

    Engineering Activities of Environmental Engineers:

    1. To obtain all the essential data from several sources and reviewed them along with various other documents to get a detailed understanding of the project requirements.
    2. To prepare a hydraulic engineering design for the roof drainage system.
    3. To perform a calculation to determine the catchment area with a single slope roof.
    4. Then, to perform the designing of box gutter after the determination of its size for the roof with parapet.
    5. After that, to design the physical parameters for the box gutter including free board.
    6. Finally, to perform the designing and installation of OSD.

    Problems & Solutions

    1. Problem 1 Career Episode 2 and its solution

    The most difficult part of the project was to determine the location of the OSD. The invert level at the street gutter was determined and the outlet level from the OSD needed to be higher than the invert level of the street gutter. However, by considering the distance of the pipeline from the OSD to the street gutter, which is 1% down gradient, and the minimum depth of the OSD was found to be 500mm, Therefore, it was hard to find an appropriate location to install the OSD that the outlet level from the OSD can be higher than the invert level of the street gutter. Initially, an above ground OSD was designed to be located at the entrance of the site which is the lowest level of the entire site. The OSD is above ground, therefore, the outlet level can be easily determined while ensuring the requirement of the elevation down gradient of the pipe. However, the aboveground OSD was located at the entrance, which may affect the aesthetic aspect. Thus, an alternative location was selected, an underground OSD was designed to be in front of the garage. According to the requirement of the Kogarah council, the highest water level should be 150mm lower than the non-habitable area. After conscientious calculation, the underground OSD with required storage volume could just fit in.

    2. Problem 2 Career Episode 2 and its solution

    Another part of this project which proved to be problematic was the downpipe blockage and the depth of flow in the box gutter was already determined and it couldn’t be changed. he evaluated this situation and performed the designing and installation of rain head which played an important role in the box gutter drainage system such that the design flow could be deviated away from the building during blockages.

    Environmental Engineers Career Episode 3

    Project Name: Detail study of the overland flood by using hydraulic modeling

    Project Type: Academic Based Career Episode

    Demographics: The author carried out the above-mentioned project while working in “Name of the organization” as Project Control Manager. The project was commenced from 1st August 2014 and after the 24 months of work, the project was completed. The project was contracted by “Name of the organization” with the project managers.

    Engineering Activities of Environmental Engineers:

    1. Initially, to accomplish the detail literature survey about hydraulic modeling.
    2. Further, to draft suitable methodology and a proper pathway to drive the hydraulic modeling project sequentially as well as to finalize within assign time.
    3. To consider the two boundary condition for proper input data of unsteady flow.
    4. After that, to design the break lines drawings as well as a grid to replace the low pipe capacity.
    5. Furthermore, I propose storm water pipeline for draining the discharge.
    6. To carry out the simulation by including the fences, houses as well as the coefficient of roughness on roads.
    7. Finally, to analyze the various data and result obtained from a simulation model.

    Problems & Solutions

    1. Problem 1 Career episode 3 and its solution

    During the simulation In HEC-RAS, author faced an obstacle. He introduced fences as well as the coefficient of the roughness of the road although introducing these data, simulation result was not visualized on a monitor. He consulted to coordinator as well as faculties’ professor to overcome the issue of not visualization. After consulting, he found that the problem of visualization was due to the latest version of the software model. Further, he decided to use the previous version of the HEC-RAS model by introducing the fences as well as the coefficient of roughness from which I visualized the velocity profile along with the changed depth on mapper.

    2. Problem 2 Career episode 3 and its solution

    Another issue was observed during the examination of pipeline effectiveness. He provided downslope as well as upslope as terrain data from HEC-RAS to the DARINS. But he observed that the pattern of flow was not realistic. He rechecked the storm water pipe design. Further, he added the precipitation on the boundary condition as well as Manning’s value for road and houses was changed. After that, he observed that the coefficient of manning generated realistic pattern of water flow through the pipeline.

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