Write My CDR

Features of a Good Competency Demonstration Report

Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is essential for engineers who wish to move to Australia. The motivation behind CDR Report for Engineers Australia is to measure and help a great many professionals that apply for employments of whether they do have the domineering skills and the quality to work in Australia.


The CDR record is a compulsory one for skilled experts who don’t have a college degree from Australia. Experts having capabilities from nations that have participants from Washington Accord and Australian colleges are been relieved from this procedure.


Let’s get started with significant characteristics of an efficacious CDR:


• Keep in mind that the Career Episodes are written to highlight your skills and talents as an Engineering Manager, Engineering Technologist, Engineering associate or Professional Engineer. Therefore, select them wisely to showcase any relevant competency elements and essentials for the engineering category where you’re applying.

• One key feature of a good competency demonstration report is that it keeps off any unnecessary details that the EA does not ask for. For instance, Engineers Australia does not wish to know the market share or size of your previous employer, your team’s achievements or the company’s history. It solely concerns itself with your responsibilities and role in the organization along with your personal input towards the company as an engineer.

• Your CDR report is must also showcase your communication skills to Engineers assessor. Thus, make sure you’re using accurate Australian English.
• Be prepared to substantiate every claim of yours with evidences and documents. Present proofs of results you have claimed to achieve.

• The recommended writing style by Engineers Australia for Career Episodes is the prescriptive writing style. These episodes must be written in active voice and in first person. This means that you ought to use words like I measured, I planned, I researched etc.

• The last section includes writing a Summary Statement, in which you have to analyze how every paragraph of your written Career Episodes connects to the competency essentials and elements for the Australian Skilled Migration category that you’re applying for. This means that you have to stay pertinent at all times, otherwise you might lose the ‘analysis’ points.

A constructive way by which you can showcase the EA your capabilities as an engineer, is to discuss any technical problems or challenges you went through whilst performing a project/task, gauge the gravity with respect to any losses that your organization might have incurred, the measures you undertook as an engineer to resolve those issues and any recognition’s and rewards you received for your determination.

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