Write My CDR

Issues Needs to be fixed in CDR Review Service

Reviews helps a lot in choosing the perfect CDR Service Providers. The more success rate they get from the Engineers Australia, the more reliable they are. The service providers having reviews from the clients whose CDR were a great success and got approved by Engineers Australia are the perfect match for you to go to.


Highly demanded by engineers, CDR review service from WriteMyCDR.com is one of the most demanded services for immigration to Australia. Once you have prepared your CDR, Report that include Continuing Professional Documents (CPD) list, written all the three Career Episodes, and have prepared a Summary Statement, you might feel confident about sending your CDR Report to the EA. Before submitting the CDR report to EA, engineers must get it proofread.

Some of the common points worth taking a second look are:-

  1.  Understanding that career episode writing is all about demonstrating how you as an individual have applied engineering abilities in the work. Therefore care must be taken that you show your contribution and use phrases like “I designed”, “I investigated” rather than the team effort. This is in-fact the most common mistake we see whenever we are carrying out a CDR Review.
  2.  Ensuring that each career episode highlights one competency unit and its subsequent elements in detail. Our team has observed that applicants try to cramp in too much in each career episode while writing the career episode.
  3. Another associated mistake (to the above point) which a lot of people do is putting in too much technical details (graphs, tables etc…) in the career episode. While the intention of doing so might be correct (to display technical prowess) but it causes a hindrance in assessing the contribution. Therefore fine balance needs to be maintained while writing career episodes
  4.  CPD (Continuing Professional Development) needs to be restricted to One A4 Size Page. Applicants often extend it to even 3 pages in order to include all certifications.
  5. Word Limit needs to be strictly adhered to. For example – As per MSA (Migration Skills Assessment) booklet, career episodes need to be from 1000 – 2500 words.
  6. Though not encountered that often but improper usage of grammar also pops-up as one of the points worth taking a second look.
  7.  Last but not the least, we have also encountered plagiarism a lot of times while reviewing CDRs Report. Trust us there is no big deal breaker than plagiarism. There is absolutely ZERO percent tolerance level for plagiarism when your CDR Report is with engineers Australia.
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