Write My CDR

What Does a Good CDR Summary Statement Look Like?

When you study a CDR Summary Statement sample carefully, you will realize that it does not cover all indicators mentioned in each competency element. It means that while you need to refer to the EA indicators, units and elements in your Career Episode, it is not necessary to cover each and everything there. In the Summary Statement, you analyze what all indicators you have covered in all the three Career Episodes you have written.


The three types of indicators that you must aim to show are:

  • Your engineering knowledge and skills
  • Application of your engineering capabilities
  • Your professional and personal characteristics

For example: A CDR Summary Statement template for a Professional Engineer looks like this:


Summary Statement: These are the competency Units and Elements. These elements must be addressed in the Summary Statement (see Section C). If you are applying for assessment as a Professional Engineer, you will need to download this page, complete it and lodge it with your application.

PE1 The information which you are proving should be based on your knowledge and skills

1. PE 1.1: The detailed and comprehensive theory of physical sciences and engineering of your Engineering discipline.
2. PE 1.2: The conceptual knowledge in the following domains according to your engineering discipline: Mathematics, computer & Information Sciences, Statics and numerical Analysis.
3. PE 1.3: According to your engineering discipline you should have deep knowledge of specialist bodies.
4. PE 1.4: The proper research direction skill and knowledge development in your specific engineering discipline.
5. PE 1.5: Knowledge of all the dependent factors which have impact on your engineering field
6. PE1.6: complete knowledge and understanding of professional scope, fundamental assumptions, liabilities and latest awareness of all engineering practice in your particular field.

PE2 Capability of engineering application

1. PE 2.1: The designing of such methods which leads to solving of complex engineering problems.
2. PE 2.2: The fast eloquent tools and techniques in specific engineering field.
3. PE 2.3: All the synthesis and design processes according to your specific field of engineering.
4. PE 2.4: The efficient application systematic approach which gives conductance to management in engineering projects.

PE3 Professional and personal Characteristics

1. PE 3.1: The answerability of professional and humane
2. PE 3.2: The efficient and compelling communication in particular engineering domain
3. PE 3.3: Inventive, prolific and creative attitude
4. PE 3.4: The proper professional management and sorting of information of data
5. PE 3.5: The professional conductance in proper orderly manner

It is advisable to cover as many indicators in each Career Episode as possible, and to showcase it in your Summary Statement too. In WriteMyCDR CDR writing services, experts take care that at least two indicators of ‘Knowledge and Skills Base’ and ‘Professional and Personal Attributes’, and at least three indicators of ‘Engineering Application Ability’ are covered in each Career Episode and that their reference paragraphs are mentioned in the CDR Summary Statement.


Remember, do not skimp details on engineering application activities you participated in. EA lays big emphasis on it – and it can make or break your CDR.


We have noticed that one of the biggest mistakes that people make in CDR Summary Statement writing is that they direct the assessor to the wrong paragraph in the Career Episodes they have included in your Competency Demonstration Report. It shows they are either not able to comprehend or analyze things properly or lack attention to details. In both the cases, it is almost guaranteed that your CDR report will get rejected.

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