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Who seeks CDR writing help?

The Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is a document that showcases that engineers from overseas possess the competencies, skills, and knowledge to flourish and thrive in their chosen fields. If it gets rejected, the candidates lose the chance to be granted Australian Skilled Migration Visa approval. Hence, one has to be very careful while drafting this document.


Candidates seek assistance in crafting the CDR because of several reasons. Some of them find it difficult to understand the intricate guidelines issued by the EA and look for experts who understand the elements and sub-elements of their discipline well and can help them draft a report which can impress the EA assessors. The acceptance or rejection of CDR can be a make-or-break moment for someone who wants to work and reside in Australia.


Most of the engineers who apply for Australian visa are working. They find it difficult to take out time to formulate their CDR in the 12-weeks’ time assigned to them for it. As the deadlines draw near, they find it difficult to do all the required research and actually write down a good CDR. That is why, they seek help from CDR writing experts.


Some of our clients have an excellent academic and career record but they are so afraid of getting ‘rejected’ that they are not able to put their best foot forward. Our CDR experts know how EA assesses a report and thus, are able to guide them better about what all they should highlight in it.

Why to opt for our CDR Report Writing Services?

To provide best CDR writing services, our CDR EA team includes Professional Engineers from various streams as well as professional writers who have years of experience in helping engineers to write their Competency Demonstration Reports.


Engineers Australia specifies a fixed format in which candidates have to submit their CDR. It includes a list of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities, Three Career Episodes that can showcase their academic and career skills and how they used them to solve real-world problems, and the Summary Statement where they point out specific references to the particular skills EA is looking for from the Career Episodes they penned earlier.


The types of CDR Writing Services for Engineers Australia WriteCDR.com offer include assistance in drafting the CPD List, Career Episode Writing, Summary Statement Writing, and CDR Review services – which includes editing, and proofreading the CDR as well as checking the CDR Report for any plagiarism and removing it. When we talk about the complete package of CDR Writing Services in Australia, it almost always means preparing the complete Competency Demonstration Reports for our clients and reviewing them too.


CDR Writing Services Australia team we have is known for creating a personalized career report for engineers. The CDR Report preparation process starts right after candidates request for our services. The WriteMyCDR.com expert (qualified in a similar engineering field as the candidate) interacts with the candidates at first to gleam the necessary information and details so that they can be presented in the best light.


Once the first draft of the CDR prepared, it is sent to a professional engineer of the similar stream. He or she checks the report for consistency and whether the report includes all the specific knowledge and skills that gets in touch with the candidates to ask the required information and necessary details that can help them create a nice personalized career report for them. Once the initial CDR writing is done, the draft is sent to a professional engineer of the particular stream for which the candidate is applying for.


The expert checks the CDR for the consistency throughout the report and the specific skills and knowledge the engineer candidate is supposed to have according to the Engineers Australia.The draft is sent to a team of professional writers, editors and proofreaders who check the report for spelling errors, grammatical errors, and typing mistakes. This team also makes sure that the CDR report adheres to the specified writing style – and checks it for plagiarism too.It is our culture of paying attention to the minutest details that has made it possible for us to secure visa approvals for our clients so easily.

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