Write My CDR

Authentic Way to Prepare CDR for EA

CDR Preparation for EA

The Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is an ocean line through which engineers step up for getting a skilled Immigration visa for Australia, thing which can prove their competencies are Usually, Engineers, Australia asks to you for writing Competency Demonstration Report to check your communication skills and abilities. If you are not good in writing CDR properly that might be chances that you will reduce the chance to settle in Australia.Some important tips for you to write Competency Demonstration Report accurately that can help you to qualify on Engineers Australia expectations.

  •  When you start writing your CDR, make sure you understand the function of report. You must read the Engineers Australia guideline carefully, focus on your CDR, it has three elements: Continual Professional Development (CPD), Three Career Episodes (CEs), and the Summary Statement (SS). Each of CDR elements plays their own role in the report. If you understand, that why and how you write then it will be a lot easier for you to make your report.
  • Make sure before composing CDR you go through the EA guidelines to avoid the chance of plagiarism.
  • Australian English and British English standardized to each other. You should be very careful in words, spellings and in writing style while writing a report and make sure your grammar and outline fit to Australian Standard.
  • Difficult thing is to choose the correct topic for Career Episode; Candidates have to choose weather conditions they are applying for (Professional Engineer, Technical Engineer, Associate Engineer, and Engineering Manager). EA assess on the occupation you apply and comparison between you and other candidates.
  • EA always judge you for your work, not the company you worked for. You should avoid writing extra details in your CDR report. Write the personal information and experience that what you have done and what rewards you get for your achievements. You need to provide the proof of documents which you entered detail in your CDR.
  • Every paragraph in Career Episode has its own specialty to say things. They are looking for your Competency level in Summary Statement. The Summary Statement you provide is the first page that they read to assess about all that how you deal, manage your work and it makes an impact on them as your first impression.
  • Write your Career Episode as a first person. You should start your sentence as ‘I planned’, ‘I obtained’, ‘I get the feedback’ etc. Give the details of your work and experience and make sure you are avoiding using extra vocabulary.
    • Do not copy others Competency Demonstration Report. This is the main reason your CDR get rejected by Engineers Australia. You may get little help from CDR samples but in the end when you start writing use your own words in your Competency Demonstration Report.

Materials You Need to Develop Your CDR:

  • In the paragraph of Career Episodes, you will write about each of your technical engineer projects you worked on.
  • You will use your CPD activities to write Continual Professional Development.
  • You should have updated Curriculum Vitae along with all documents.
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