Write My CDR

Common mistakes that lead to rejection of your CDR

When it comes to actually write down your CDR report, there are some very common mistakes that almost invariably, most of the students’ and professionals make, leading to a negative assessment outcome, or in some cases, even a BAN of one year.


Believe me, what seems so easy to you on the first sight, even if you got information regarding your projects, drafting down the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is a bit tricky.This blog post is exactly the right place to look for when you are starting to write your own CDR report, or check the CDR report written by someone else. The first thing that I would like to share with you guys is the same thing our professional writers follow to frame all the Career episodes for our clients, always check out the details on the latest MSA Booklet of Engineers Australia to follow the right steps and include all the essential information to be written in your CDR reports.


So, here’s the list of common mistakes that leads to rejection of your CDR reports right away:

Copying Content Directly from Internet

This is the first thing that makes it easy for you to find data related to your project from the internet and go for the copy paste stuff. Although you can edit the content a little bit, these slight modifications do not let your source of information hidden for a long time, and so the plagiarized content is easily detected by the advanced plagiarism detection software of Engineers Australia. What’s more threatening is that this kind of activity is considered a breach of ethical conduct by Engineers Australia and there is a straight ban of 1 year for application of migration skills assessment. So, you won’t be allowed to apply for the assessment for another year, and guess what? Your name and information are provided to the visa authorities and complete PR application process will become quite difficult for you in time to come. So, whatever you do, don’t copy and paste content from the internet to your CDR reports ever.

Taking data and technical information from your friend’s CDR reports

This is the second most common mistake that most of the international students and engineering professionals make while writing their CDR reports. When one of your friends has got a positive assessment outcome based on their CDR reports, you find it could be better if just follow the format and even get some data from these reports. Well, this is what most of the CDR writers out there are doing right now, they get already assessed reports, and convert them into the new reports with all the basic data to be the same. We receive a dozen of queries from CDR writers in Australia to provide CDR reports of the positively assessed candidates, but we don’t provide our client’s information or any other details (especially their reports) to these people. This kind of act is easily detected by Engineers Australia as their plagiarism software has a database of thousands of reports already assessed from them, and if the data in your report is matched by any of their databases, your application is directly going to be rejected. See, the strict CDR checking rules by Engineers Australia after July 2018.

Writing your CDR report in the wrong format

Well, following an incorrect format to write your CDR reports is another common reason that your CDR could be accepted by Engineers Australia as it does not represent the skills of a professional engineer. You should be following the correct word limit that is between 1000 – 2500 words. Also, you must follow the numbering format of C.E.1.1, C.E.1.2, C.E.1.3, and so on for all the paragraphs for your career episode so that you could, later on, add them in your summary statement. Moreover, all three career episodes must be written in first person language, that is ” I did a survey……………………, I investigated……, I designed …………, “etc. Check out how to write an effective CDR report to get a positive skills assessment from Engineers Australia. You can write your CDR report on:

An engineering task that was undertaken as part of your educational program;
• A project you have worked on or are currently working on;
• A specific position that you occupied or currently occupy (in this case, the career episode must comprise more than a mere duty statement);
• A particular engineering problem that you were required to solve

Taking fake projects to write your CDR reports

Well, most of the students tend to take projects directly available on the internet without any prior knowledge regarding them to write their career episodes. Further, when you select such projects for writing your CDR reports, and provide less technical content regarding them, as you have to mention everything that you did from the initiation of the project to its completion. These kinds of errors are easily detected by professionals of Engineers Australia who then either ask for your Project reports or you get more queries regarding the data you provide for your CDR. In such cases, if you are not able to provide the project reports for CDRs as a reference, your assessment application is most probably going to be rejected by Engineers Australia. So, you should write the CDRs for the projects, that you have complete information about, otherwise get some professional advice to arrange your projects for CDR based assessment.

Grammatical Mistakes and Ineffective Writing for CDRs

Did you know, that your CDR reports are also a means of representing your written English communication skills and ability? Yes, it is. So, the last thing you will do is to get your CDR pointed out for numerous spelling and grammatical mistakes. These things need to be taken care of. You should get your CDR Review by professionals or get help from technical CDR writers who are well versed in the area of written communication skills.


At WriteMyCDR, we have years of experience in professional CDR writing and reviewing and have helped many students in getting their migration skills assessment from Engineers Australia. You can get a free consultation regarding your projects and CDR reports based assessment from us.

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