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Common Technical Difficulties/Problems in Career Episode

Career Episode composing is a vital part of your Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) – required by Engineers Australia (EA) to pass judgment on whether your engineering skills and information coordinate the Australian standard or not. Engineers who need to move to Australia need to apply under one of the four occupation characterized by EA for Skilled Migration:

  • Professional Engineers
  • Engineering Technologists
  • Engineering Associates
  • Engineering Managers



EA records capabilities for every one of these categories. When you compose your Career Episode Report, you should remember that you are explicitly composing it to show that you have all the competency components referenced under the occupation classification for which you are applying.

Tips from our Career Episode Writing Experts


  • When you are conceptualizing on the Career Episode point, it is a smart thought to have the EA list of abilities in front of you. Think about the occasions where you connected those specific skills in your career range – and weave a Career Episode around it. Keep in mind that you should support your cases with confirmations. Henceforth, adhere to the realities and subtleties that you can demonstrate to be valid.
  • Keep your CE inside the predefined word limit (1000 to 2500 words), do exclude such a large number of specialized languages in your profession scene, and utilize right Australian English. Your CDR report is utilized by your assessor to pass judgment on your personal abilities as well. Consequently, be cautious about how to exhibit your story.
  • In a Career Episode, center around utilizations of engineering information and aptitudes you have. Continuously utilize the primary individual to characterize your individual, in particular, to characterize your own job in the occurrence you set out to describe. EA assessors search for words like ‘I structured’, ‘I arranged’, ‘I gauged’, ‘I determined’, and ‘I researched’ and so on to realize what all you can do.
  • Abstain from utilizing tables, computations, or photographs that make your paper look excessively specialized however when you are telling about a engineering issue you distinguished and solved, it is ideal to portray the problem solving strategies you utilized in detail – to make your Career Episode look increasingly reliable.
  • Each Career Episode ought to in a perfect world have four areas: Introduction, Background, Personal Engineering Activity and Summary.
  • Introduction: In around 100 words, it should make reference to the order of the career episode (in which period of your career it occurred), dates and time of the episode, geological area where it occurred, name of the foundation or organization included, and your situation there.
  • Background: In around 200 to 500 words, depict the setting of what you were studying or dealing with at the time. You may make reference to the nature and targets of the engineering task you embraced, the specific work area you were included with, the hierarchical structure graph or the organigram which features your situation in the organization at the time, and your expected set of responsibilities, key duties or occupation profile at the organization. You may need to substantiate any cases with the official responsibility statement or arrangement letter you got.
  • Personal Engineering Activity: In around 500 to 1000 words, depict the real work you set out to describe. Concentrate on the engineering related assignments you performed. Discussion about how you connected your engineering skills and information to the circumstance, what assignment was appointed to you and how you achieved it, and specialized troubles or difficulties you confronted and how you defeated them. Concentrate on any developments, innovative structures, uncommon methodologies or unique thoughts you invented. You can likewise discuss your association with your colleagues and you job as a team leader or negotiator or astute follower.
  • Summary: At the end, compose a summary for your Career Episode that features all the engineering related capabilities you showed in that specific story.
  • Try not to give your Career Episode a chance to be excessively conventional or excessively specialized. You ought to be adjusted in your methodology. When you state, ‘I planned a circuit board’, you may include subtleties like which parts you used to make it, which structure programming apparatus you utilized, things in which you expected to work together with others, and where and why you required corrections in its circuit structuring. Then again, be careful about including such a large number of specialized subtleties that you are not ready to incorporate different components of the undertaking as the spearheading forms you were a piece of, detailing and correspondence system of the task, and cost-related choices you were included with.
  • Try not to get occupied while composing a Career Episode. Keep in mind, it is about you and your abilities – and now what your group or office did. The assessors are not inspired by sentences like ‘we reproduced’ or ‘we planned’. They just have eyes for ‘I structured’, ‘I did’ and so forth that demonstrates your job in the group and your commitment to the venture. One of the greatest errors you can make is to depend on ‘lying’ about your job in the time. In the event that you are not ready to demonstrate any of the cases you make in your CDR, it is probably going to get dismissed by EA.

Writemycdr.com has a group of expert CDR writers and editors who can keep in touch with you best Career Episodes. They ask you the correct inquiries and offer you modified CE arrangements rapidly. Get in touch with them at writemycdr.com.

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