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Engineering Technologist Role Description

Engineering technologist analyses and modifies new and existing engineering technologies and applies them in the testing and implementation of engineering projects. Registration or licensing may be required.


Some of the task description of Engineering technologist is listed below:-

  • Establishing the standards and policies for installation, input, testing, modification, creation, quality, control, tracking, maintenance and inspection of the industry
  •  Inspecting the plans for ensuring optimum performances
  • Delivering via the support of any plan in building and the equipment plans for coordinating with the management requirements in designing new surveys, things, and scheduled maintenances.
  • Preparing the contractors and the pre-specifications for constructing the plan and the facility acquisitions.
  • The engineering technologists schedule the pans and details the production activities.

Engineering Technologists may not, however, be expected to exercise the same breadth of perspective as Professional Engineers or carry the same wide-ranging responsibilities for stakeholder interactions, for system integration, and for synthesizing overall approaches to complex situations and complex engineering problems.


The work of Engineering Technologists combines the need for a strong understanding of practical situations and applications, with the intellectual challenge of keeping abreast of leading-edge developments as a specialist in a technology domain and how these relate to established practice. For this purpose, Engineering Technologists need a strong understanding of scientific and engineering principles and a well-developed capacity for analysis. The work of Engineering Technologists is most often concerned with applying current and emerging technologies, often in new contexts; or with the application of established principles in the development of new practice.


Engineering Technologists may also contribute to the advancement of technology. Engineering Technologists frequently will take responsibility for engineering projects, services, functions and facilities within a technology domain, for specific interactions with other aspects of an overall operating context and for managing the contributions of their specialist work to a broader engineering system or solution.


Engineering Technologists must focus on sustainable solutions and practices which optimize technical, social, environmental and economic outcomes within the technology domain and over a whole systems life cycle in the above-mentioned roles. They will have an intimate understanding of the standards and codes of practice that underpin the technology domain and ensure that technology outcomes comply with statutory requirements.


Engineering Technologists are required to interact effectively with Professional Engineers and Engineering Associates, with other professionals, tradespersons, clients, stakeholders and society in general, to ensure that technology outcomes and developments fully integrate with the overall system and context.


Engineering Technologists must ensure that all aspects of a technological product or operation are soundly based in theory and fundamental principle. They must understand how new developments related to their specific field of expertise. They will be often required to interpret technological possibilities, to investigate interfaces, limitations, consequences, costs, and risks.


Engineering Technologists may lead teams responsible for; Implementation, Operation, Quality assurance, Safety, Management, and maintenance of projects, plant, facilities, or processes within specialist practice area(s) of the technology domain.


Some Engineering Technologists may establish their own companies or may move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises, employing Professional Engineers and other specialists where appropriate.

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