Write My CDR

Guidelines for CDR

CDR report is mandatory report for those who are planning for Australia immigration. CDR report should be as per the guidelines of Engineers Australia (EA) which is prominently mentioned in the migration skills booklet (MSA).


CDR report comprises of Career episodes, summary statement and continuing professional development which have individual guidelines which is described below:-

Career episodes

Career episode writing attribute to the quality CDR report and determines whether the report is as per the Engineers Australia report or not. It determines about your engineering skills and experiences or any training you were involved in. There are altogether three career episodes which define your final year project or internship or any work related project. Three career episodes should define three different projects where you were involved. Format of career episodes include introduction, background, personal engineering activity and summary.


In introductions objective and nature of projects should be mentioned with word limits of 100. Dates and duration’s of the projects should be clearly mentioned in chronological order. Nature of the engineering project you carried out and objective of the project should be subjected to background segments. Here, the word limits is about 200-500. Similarly, in personal engineering activity applicant need to define his/her role in the team and about task accomplishment. Any technical problem faced by the applicants and how he/she got rid of that particular problem should be clearly mentioned in this sections. At last in summary there should be the overview of the project and define whether the objectives and goals is achieved or not.

Summary statement


Summary Statement is the most significant and troublesome piece of any CDR. In this area, you have to dissect that you have outlined all the competency components for the assigned word related classification as depicted in the ANZSCO code. In the outline proclamation, you have to give the cross references of the sections that you have written in each vocation scene. Just a single Summary Statement (SS) is required for every one of the three scenes.

Continuing professional development

It is the report which comprise of improvement to depict that you are exceptional in your engineering field. CPD works are generally ordered into two sections. They are preparing based and improvement based. Here, training stands and goes about as a formal and straight procedure. Preparing sort of CPD design typically manages the investigation of something specific or explicit that are connected and connected with aptitude and competency identified with Engineering field. It manages the capacity and competency of the Engineer. Generally, Continuing Professional Development Writing assumes a main job in giving and portraying scopes such as management, leadership, academics, projects, writing, communication and other skills.


Despite all these guidelines if you are still in dilemma about the quality of CDR report, there are number of CDR report writing service provider which are there at your service for CDR reviewing. Writemycdr.com is one of the well-know and trust worthy online service provider who assist in writing and reviewing CDR reports.

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