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How to write a CDR for Industrial Engineer?

Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering which deals with the different organizations and systems. Industrial engineers work to eradicate the waste of different things such as money, machine time, time, materials etc. these are the things which do not produce the value.


This field is work for the development, perfection and implements a combined system of people knowledge, money, energy, equipment and information. It also works with the physical, mathematical and social science to get the result by combining the methods and principal of engineering to design and evaluate the system process. Industrial Engineers investigates and reviews the utilization of personnel, facilities, equipment and materials, current operational processes and established practices, to recommend improvement in the efficiency of operations in a variety of commercial, industrial and production environments. Registration or licensing may be required.

Job Responsibilities of an Industrial Engineer in Australia:

• They study functional statements, organizational charts & project information to determine functions & responsibilities of workers,work units & identify areas of duplication
• They establish work measurement programs and analyzing work samples to develop standards for labor utilization
• They analyze workforce utilization, facility layout, operational data and production schedules and costs to determine optimum worker and equipment efficiencies.
• They design mechanical equipment, machines, and components, products for manufacture, and plant and systems for construction.
• They develop specifications for manufacture, and determining materials, equipment, piping, material flows, capacities and layout of plant and system.

Pathway to Recognition:

There are two steps to recognize your qualification


• It is really important for the applicant to show his qualification. If, you pass your degree from engineering institute of the USA, Canada and UK etc. than the applicant automatically come under this pathway.
• Competency Demonstration Report is an important document for you to tell that if your degree from a non-recognized institute. If your qualification is not familiar in Australia. Then you have to clear an assessment test conducted by the Engineers Australia. If you finished your degree from the countries like Pakistan and India than it is for sure you have to go under this pathway.


CDR for Engineers Australia is based on three elements i.e. three career episodes, continual professional development and Summary statement


The Career Episode is the way to display the strength of applicant towards his field. It also highlights the area of applicant skills. Career Episode is based on three different paragraphs define the exact activities of your engineering field. CPD Writing helps you to reflect, review and document your learning and experience of engineering information and abilities after you have picked up your building capability. Finally, summary statement is crucial part of CDR which is all about the career episodes. Just a single summary statement is required for every one of the three career episodes.

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