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Where can I buy approved CDR report writing in Australia?

There is a greater market for good engineers in Australia. Hence, the government also encourages such skilled immigrants and administers immigration plans for the purpose. The CDR (Competency Demonstrative Report) helps one to get hassle free visa and passport to Australia as it computes the non-recognized degree in engineering. The most undiscriminating error can be the only reason for rejection in the visa application. Engineers Australia (EA) is the association in check of the CDR that gets one a hassle free immigration visa to Australia. You must stick to the rules and regulations as laid by EA. So it is very important that your CDR is up to the EA standards, free of errors and has eloquent content.


You may come across many companies who might help you with your CDR on a professional level. You may choose to let them draft your entire CDR or you might take their assistance in editing your own draft. Either way you can get your CDR done. But is that enough? Your entire life’s dream depend on this one CDR and this is what we at CDR Report completely understand the efficacy of it. Our goal is to ensure that your CDR is accepted and your immigration is granted without any hindrance. Our professionals are well versed and thoroughly knowledgeable with the EA and the MSA (Migration Skill Assessment). It has been possible for our professionals to be so efficient because they have experience with the EA and have gone through the same situation as you are right now. Our professionals are from your work arena and have been in your shoes. Getting your CDR written from a professional content writer is not feasible as they lack the experience that our professionals have.


We, at Writemycdr.com give in our heartily efforts and can proudly boast a success rate of 99% with CDR Report writing. This makes CDR Report Writing the leading pioneer in CDR writing in the market. We assist you in writing your CDR at affordable rates. How you want it to be done is totally up to you. We may provide you with samples of CDR Reports and you can choose accordingly. Else you may even completely rely on us for your CDR Report. We will draft a CDR accordingly.


A CDR Report takes into account the overall performance and assesses the potency of the candidate. It has come to our knowledge that CDR Reports touch certain points in detail.

  • The impediments faced by the company in which the engineering candidate was working.
  • The seriousness of the issue faced by the company and how it was sorted by the engineering candidate.
  •  The steps taken to resolve issues by the candidate and the team working skill.
  •  The summary of the whole ongoing operation.
  •  The EA should get a complete knowledge about the work done by the engineering candidate and not that of a team member.
  •  It is crucial that one provides their career phases in the first person as the guidelines in MSA state. The EA is concerned about the candidate’s involvement in the company project and not in another team member.

These are a few points that we keep in mind while penning down your CDR. These points are further tabulated under sub-topics and written in accordance to EA guidelines providing strong command over Australian English and carefully depicting the whole career of the candidate sequentially. A CDR report helps the EA analyze the potential of the candidate as an engineer. It also provides a window to the hold the candidate has over Australian English which is similar to British English. The words must be dealt meticulously.


Plagiarism is the most common issue that a CDR report gets rejected upon. The first and foremost point that should be clear is that one should not copy any content from the internet or any CDR report already submitted to the EA.


A minute error in the CDR can be the reason of loss of money, time, effort, one’s passion and dream of living and working in Australia.


As mentioned earlier we are the leading pioneer and the decision lies upon you to choose what is best for your future.

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