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CDR Writing Service Guarantees

CDR Report

WriteMyCDR offers the finest CDR Writing Service for Engineers Australia and we have a very high success rate of Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) approval of our clients from Engineers Australia. All the engineers who are looking forward to Australia for skilled migration are required to provide their CDR Report to Engineers Australia (EA) for the approval of skilled migration to Australia.   CDR Writing Services for engineers consists of preparing your detailed CV, writing Career Episodes (CEs), preparing a Summary statement (SS) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD). CDR Report writing is not an easy job and that is why we are here to help you provide our CDR Writing Service. At WriteMyCDR we have professional CDR writers who would see you through quality CDR report writing. Why choose us? 1. CDR Writing Service should be based in Australia We have highly qualified and well experienced skilled engineers from all engineering fields on our team which ensures perfect CDR. 2. 100% Approval Rate Our experts are very much familiar with the requirements that Engineers Australia is looking for and helps you at each and every process of CDR Writing. WriteMyCDR.com is very proud to say that our CDR has been always approved by Engineers Australia (EA) at the first time of submission. 3. 100% Original Content Our experts have the ability to draft a perfect CDR with authentic data that is easily verifiable. We make sure that your report is always unique. 4. On-time Delivery WriteMyCDR knows the value of time so we set realistic deadlines for you and for ourselves and stick to them. We communicate constantly with you to give updates as we progress and get CDR prepared a week before required time. The more you place your order early, the better CDR we can offer. 5. Most Competitive Prices WriteMyCDR offers you CDR Writing Service at very competitive prices with quality service. In fact, you can avail of our CDR Writing Services at a nominal price which is affordable for everyone. What’s included in CDR Writing Service? WriteMyCDR prepares an innovative CDR very carefully and presents your academic and career track record in the best possible way to signify your skills, knowledge and career achievement. There are several parts and processes of CDR Writing which might be a complicated job for engineers. We provide a different kind of solutions and services in preparing each of those parts with accuracy. Some of our services are mentioned below: 1. Career Episode Writing Career Episodes are the most vital part of the whole CDR writing. It needs an extra amount of care and effort for making an impression on the Engineers Australia (EA). There are three career episodes in CDR and each episode is written based on three different projects that you have done in final year engineering, internship program and working projects. Our expert team can help you in preparation of Career Episode Writing based on your professional experiences by assisting you to write all three of the career episodes uniquely. 2. Summary Statement Writing A Summary Statement might just be of one page long but its length should not discredit its importance. It is written based on the main focusing part of your three career episodes. The contents of the summary statement are the competency elements claimed by you indicating how and where you have achieved/applied the claims in your career episodes. Our writers are expert in assisting you to draft the perfect summary statement in accordance to your career episode. 3. Continuous Professional Development Writing Continuous Professional Development Writing (CPD) helps you to reflect, review and document your learning and to develop and update your engineering knowledge and skills. Our expert team can help you in CPD Writing to provide an overview of your professional learning and development on an ongoing basis. 4. CV – Resume Writing CV Writing is considered to be the easiest part of the CDR writing but it should be written properly in order to leave an impression on the Engineers Australia (EA). Our expert team can assist you compile an interesting personal statement in the CV

Australian Point Based Migration System

Australian Point Based Migration System

Skilled Migration

Australia has a point based immigration process which provides permanent residency to successful applicants. The best way to get permanent residence in Australia is through GSM- General Skilled Migration which is valid throughout the country. Here, in the migration skill assessment, the applicant is required to score a minimum of 60 points to get the Australian skilled visa. There are various categories where a candidate can score. The categories are given below:- Nominated Occupation Candidates applying for the skilled visa under subclasses 485, 189, 887 must nominate an occupation on the Skilled Occupations List while candidates applying for a skilled visa under subclasses 190, 489, 457 must nominate an occupation on the Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List. As of 2011, no points are being allotted to any specific occupation anymore. Age Candidates score points based on their age group. The ones aged between 25-32 years score the most points (30 points) while the candidates in the age group 45-49 years score nothing.   English Language Proficiency: The Skill select applicants are made to take an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. All candidates, even native English speaking candidates are to sit for this exam to get the points allotted in this category. The Superior level scores the most points (20 marks) where the applicant secures 8 marks or more in the IELTS exam. Skilled Employment The years of experience in a skilled occupation within the last 10 years help to score points. This work experience can be done within Australia or elsewhere. Points from both experiences in Australia and elsewhere can be combined but the maximum total points awarded in this category is 20 points. Educational Qualifications Points here are applied to a candidate’s highest qualification. The Doctorate degree gains the maximum points of 20. Also, the qualifications have to be related to the candidate’s nominated occupation. This qualification is verified during the skills assessment on the passing of which another 10 points are allotted to the candidate. Australian Qualifications Applicants are awarded 5 points if they have completed an Australian qualification from an Australian institution while staying in Australia. The course of study must not be less than 2 years. Regional Study If the applicants fulfill the 2 year study period in Australia listed in the above category while living and studying in a low population growth metropolitan area, a further 5 points are added. Community Language Skills If the candidate has basic translator/ interpreter level language skills in one of Australia’s designated community languages, he is allotted 5 points. This skill, however, must be recognized by Australia’s National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). Spouse/ Partner Skills and Qualifications If the spouse of the applicant is included in the visa application and is not an Australian citizen, their skills of basic requirement as listed in the GSM, can be included for the points total. Professional Year The candidate can earn 5 points if he has completed one professional year in Australia in the last 4 years. This professional year must be in the field of their nominated job or related to it. Nomination and Sponsorship Applicants for a Skilled nominated visa for subclass 190 and Skilled nominated or Sponsored visa for subclass 489 are awarded points for being sponsored by an Australian state or territory government. The maximum point that can be earned in this category is 10.Now, CDR report or the Competency Demonstration Report holds the documents which have all the information about the educational qualifications, professional work done by the engineer, etc. The RPL report or the Recognition of Prior Learning holds the information of the necessary skill experience of the non-ICT qualified candidates. CDR  Reports require authentic information. If the data provided in the reports don’t match with the agencies’ records, the credibility of the engineer will suffer a blow and the immigration process will become strenuous and lengthy.   Writemycdr.com provides the best CDR writing services. Lots of attentiveness is needed to write these reports and in the majority of the cases, engineers busy with their hectic work life do not have the time to write their own. Writemycdr.com is the perfect platform to write the reports for them, adhering to the standard rules of ethics as accorded by Engineers Australia. The writers here use all their skills to provide the best CDR writing services . Thus, it’s hardly a wonder why our reports have high approval rates from Engineers Australia.

Why is CDR Report Required for Engineers to File Work Visa?

Why is CDR Report Required for Engineers to File Work Visa?

CDR Report

People are often found misleading and confuse that why CDR Report is required for Engineers? Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is needed to get the professional experience of the person verified by MSA Engineers Australia while filing for Permanent Residency Visa under Skilled Migration. CDR Report for engineers is needed to be submitted by only those applicants whose graduation/post-graduation Universities are NOT a signatory of Dublin, Washington or Sydney Accord. According to EA guidelines, there is NO need of the CDR Report if the graduation university was part of either of the accords at the time qualification was obtained by the applicant.   CDR Report for Engineers is submitted to Engineers Australia migration skills assessment authority to verify the qualifications of applicants from Non-accredited universities. On the basis of the CDR Report, Engineers Australia qualifies applicants into 3 categories. Each category has its own cut-off score for receiving the Invitation for filing the Visa application.PR Visa process for the applicants starts by finding their occupation in the skilled occupation list and confirming that their score is at least 60 Immigration Points. Next step is to file the EOI (expression of interest) where the applicant provides all his details to the immigration department. On basis of EOI, the applicant receives the Invitation to file the Visa application within 60 days of receiving the invitation.   All the information regarding the experience & professional expertise has to be provided by the applicant at the time of EOI and once the applicant has received the invitation he cannot edit the information and have to submit the documents for the information provided by him. Therefore, it is imperative to prepare CDR Report for engineers according to EA guidelines and receive its result before filing the EOI. It is important to do so because EA qualifies applicants into 3 categories – Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist, and Engineering Associate. Professional Engineer being the highest category has lowest cut-off Immigration score for getting the invitation for Visa.

Get Free CDR Samples by experienced CDR Writers

Get Free CDR Samples by experienced CDR Writers

CDR Report

These CDR Samples are available for all the engineering streams like samples for chemical engineering, samples for mechanical engineering, CDR sample reports for electrical engineering, CDR sample for production engineering, CDR sample for telecommunication engineering, samples for oil & gas engineering etc. The purpose of CDR report samples is a help for engineers who want to apply for the migration skills assessments. Few of the report writing services are available as free CDR Samples for the engineering students. These services are specially required for the engineers who wish to apply for the stage 1 and stage 2 competency assessments for the membership and charter status.   Our company works independently and so we can provide our successful assistance to all the engineers worldwide. CDR Samples are something that requires high knowledge and expertise on the subject. As the subject is of prime importance our company has created a team of experts who have vast knowledge on the different streams of engineering. CDR sample report writing is a huge process with lots of complexities and is a timing consuming process. Hence, it is vital to keep the things correct in the first place. We not only claim to be the best but also believe and proved our excellence with high client success rate in this domain. Engineers who want to have an aspiring career get into the universities to get value for their money. But to get the admission in Australian universities, the first thing is to get CDR report for the immigration to Australia as an engineer. Reports and statistics have shown that more than 45,000 students are immigrating to Australia to get admission in the university to pursue their career as an engineer. But in most cases, it has been noted that the students after graduating have to leave the country. It is because the students fail to present a quality CDR sample to the Engineering Australia.   It is the organization that that takes care of the process of hiring engineers in Australia. Preparing a CDR sample is not a matter of joke. Moreover, the complexity of the techniques and guidelines make the process even more difficult for the students. But in WriteMyCDR we understand the seriousness of the subject and focus on the report so that it becomes the impressive one that will bag the students the permission to get the permission from the Engineering Australia origination to continue their career as an engineer in this country. Our hard work and sincerity of our experts have made us one of the best academic service providers in Australia who has successfully assisted the students to a job in Australia as an engineer. It has been years that we have been rendering our services to the aspiring students with adequate CDR sample help to achieve their set goals successfully. As per the statistics, 10 out of 100 students fail to get a job in Australia as the CDR sample Reports are not promising enough to convince the panel of invigilators to secure a job for themselves in Australia. Why trust our services for CDR Samples? Year after years thousands of students are engaging themselves with us to get designed an impressive CDR sample for the final presentation. Out of that, our success rate is very high as most of our students have successfully bagged a job in this country as an engineer. Also, we bring a freshness and uniqueness to our work. Our work is 100% plagiarized free and has relevance to our previous work. As it is the final presentation, submission of the work is very crucial to make an impactful impression, so we deliver our work within the given targeted time. This helps the students to meet the deadline and achieve their targets successfully.   We don’t just believe in words but we believe in proving our candidature. Though we charge a minimum amount for our services that is worth for the service that we deliver with high quality. Our responsibility does end by just delivering the work to the students but it continues as our student might require our help further. So to stand by our students all the time, we have our specialized department who are accessible 24/7. This team of experts is there to assist the candidates with expert guidance so that they succeed in their mission.

Australian Skilled Migration Visa and Its Sub classes

Australian Skilled Migration Visa and Its Sub classes

Skilled Migration

Like all countries the visa options available for Australian PR are more than one. For an engineer who is looking to settle in Australia permanently and get himself a job there, the Skilled Migration Visa is the best. The various sub classes under this carry points to help the applicant pass in the Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment. Here we have included 3 sub classes which we think are the most suitable for engineers looking to apply. With the help of these visas, the applicant will be able to live anywhere and study or work in Australia, sponsor relatives for permanent residence and can also become an Australian citizen if other requirements are met. However, one needs to be less than 45 years to apply. There are 2 kinds of visa- sponsored and independent. Subclass 189: Skilled Independent visa does not require any sponsor so one can only apply after he gets the invitation from the Australian department of migration. However, to be eligible for this, the occupation the applicant is applying for through the Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment, should be included in the Skilled Occupation List. 90% of the applications take 7 months to process. Subclass 190: Skilled Nominated visa requires the nomination of a State or Territory government Agency. For this subclass, the applicant’s occupation should be on the Consolidated Sponsored Occupations List. A skilled assessment like the Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment must be conducted and certain points will be awarded to the applicant. A minimum of 65 points is required for the visa to be given. Normally, it takes 11 months for the applications to get processed. Subclass 186: The Employer Nomination Scheme visa allows skilled workers whose occupation is up on any one of the skilled occupations lists to live and work anywhere in Australia permanently. However, they would need the nomination of their Australian employer to avail this visa. The applicant has to demonstrate he has at least 3 years of relevant work experience in his skills assessment test and also has to agree to continue working for his nominating employer for a minimum of 2 years. 90% of applications for this visa take 24 months to clear. However, apart from these there are other sub classes available. Subclass 187: The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme visa allows skilled workers whose occupation is up on any one of the skilled occupations lists to live and work in regional Australia permanently. However, they would need the nomination of their Australian employer to avail this visa. There are two variations of this subclass. The Temporary Residence Transition stream requires the applicant to hold a 457, TSS or related bridging visa A, B or C and to have a full-time work experience with the nominating employer for at least 3 years. Its processing time is 21 months. The Direct Entry stream can be applied for if the requirements for the other variation aren’t made. The processing time for this is 24 months. Subclass 887: The Skilled Regional visa is for people who already hold a visa and have lived in a specific area of regional Australia for at least 2 years and have at least 1 year of work experience. The applicant must also hold a subclass 489, 495, 496, 475 or 487 or a Bridging visa A or B after applying for a subclass 489, 495 or 487 visa.

8 Things that can make a great resume for Engineers Australia

8 Things that can make a great resume for Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia

One of the mandatory requirements of Engineers Australia is the submission of a curriculum vitae or CV. Whether you are applying for skill assessment, you want to obtain membership of Engineers Australia, become a Chartered Engineer or register yourself in the National Engineer Register; submission of your resume is a part of the application process. After all, the resume plays a vital role in showcasing technical skills and industrial competencies of engineers. The engineers Australia refers to the resume as a marketing tool that the engineers can use to sell their skills to their employers. So, if you are applying to Engineers Australia and want to know how to write a professional engineer CV-resume for that, keep reading! 1. Always mention your personal details Your personal details include your name, contact, address and email. You can also mention your personal characteristics skills and abilities. Mentioning these details helps in creating a good impression of yours on the assessor. 2. Make it clear and concise Mention only the relevant job responsibilities, roles and competencies so that it would allow the employers to gain a clear understanding of your profile. You can also mention a short career goal at the beginning of your resume to specify your vision and expectations. Make sure your resume is not more than 3 to 4 pages of length. 3. Mention some keywords The assessors always look for some specific words which are related to your profession or job role in your resume. So make sure you mention such things engineering resume for Australia. For instance, some software systems that are common in your job profile or some specific skills that the engineers in your job role should have. 4. Highlights of your career Mention the highlights of your career, the achievements that you have made and the results that you have got. If you can include statistics for that, it is much better! Mentioning your career highlights is a good way to stand apart from the crowd and put a good impression on your prospective employers. 5. Provide precise educational details Your educational details serve a way to reflect your ambitions and interests in the engineering field. Apart from university degrees, mention every course that you undertook in order to enhance your knowledge and develop your passion. 6. Showcase progression in your career Your career snapshot of the last 10 years, if can clearly indicate your progression as an engineer, is a bonus for you! It is a good method to showcase your ‘never stop learning’ spirit, your leadership qualities and establishing your expertise in the engineering industry. 7. Skip information if not required If you are not asked to put a photograph in your Engineers Australia resume then do not add one. References should also be included only when asked. Make your career objective short, clear and to the point. Do not include any projects in which you had not made a significant contribution. 8. Your projects matter Engineers Australia expects you to mention all your projects in which you have played a noteworthy role. You should mention them in details so that the assessors can check your capabilities accordingly. If there is any period of time in which you were inactive in your career, you should mention the same with a valid reason.

Is it necessary to get experience assessment from Engineers Australia, or can I apply directly to Immigration based on only the CDR assessment?

Is it necessary to get experience assessment from Engineers Australia, or can I apply directly to Immigration based on only the CDR assessment?

Engineers Australia

The Australian authority EA (Engineers Australia) conducts an assessment of the CDR (Competency Demonstration Report) as a key part of the overall Skill Assessment and Australian Immigration procedure. Once the EA assessment for your submitted CDR is positive, you need not mandatorily get your work experience assessment done from EA. You can simply proceed further to apply for your immigration only on the basis of the positive CDR assessment. However, you can go for the optional experience assessment by EA, only to be doubly sure of a successful immigration process. And skipping the work experience assessment will in no way have a negative impact on your chances of getting the immigration visa. But, when you skip the experience assessment by Engineers Australia, you need to provide the CDR, along with a list of work documents that would justify the experience mentioned by you. These documents should comprise of: A] All those documents that prove your journey with a particular company, such as offer letter, joining letter, promotion letter, release letter, and so on. B] Pay slips, bank statements, and similar documents that showcase the exact salary you earned during various jobs. C] Letters that highlight your roles and responsibilities for specific job profiles. D] Documents showcasing your PF investments, superannuation, etc. The above is not an exhaustive list – you can showcase all possible documents (that you possess) which shall help validate your employment tenures quickly, so that the visa process is seamless. Thus, the only thing you need to focus on is getting a positive outcome for your CDR assessment, and this is where we, at WriteMyCDR, can help you with our comprehensive range of CDR report services like preparation of CDR (RPL and KA02 report preparation as well), writing / editing / proofreading CDR, identification and removal of plagiarized content, etc. The biggest benefit you gain from us apart from our highly professional and economical CDR assistance as well as support offerings, is the fact that we have an astounding CDR approval (positive outcome) rate of almost 99% by EA. And we even help you by sharing several CDR samples and reference reports, which are actual CDRs on which we have worked earlier and that have been approved by EA. Having worked with more than 1600 clients so far for the CDR assessment process to assist them in their immigration application, the team of experts / consultants at WriteMyCDR can easily guide you at various junctures of your immigration process. You can rely on us to handle the entire CDR writing process, or simply review the report and edit parts of it – decision is entirely upon you how-to-prepare-cdr-for-australian-immigration-skills-assessment

CDR preparation and CDR review cost

CDR preparation and CDR review cost

CDR Report

Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is essential for engineers who wish to move to Australia. The motivation behind CDR Report for Engineers Australia is to measure and help a great many professionals that apply for employments of whether they do have the domineering skills and the quality to work in Australia.   The CDR record is a compulsory one for skilled experts who don’t have a college degree from Australia. Experts having capabilities from nations that have participants from Washington Accord and Australian colleges are been relieved from this procedure.There are so many online service provider which you can hire to review CDR report after preparing them so that you don’t have through 12 months suspension in case you applicants get rejected. There are chances for CDR report rejection if the report is not as per the standard of engineers Australia. Definitely main reasons for CDR report rejection by EA is plagiarism content. Of course, Writemycdr is one the Australian number 1 reliable and reputed online service provider. You can generally take help of an expert Proofreader in such assignments.   There are master editors and editors for CDR reports on the web and disconnected. A speedy web search uncovers a great deal of such experts. Pick a Proofreader admirably dependent on their experience, claims, and different perceptions. Procuring an expert guarantees better outcomes in view of their skill and experience. They may likewise deliver you with tips CDR preparation and CDR review As a CDR report writing is very crucial and needs to be written keeping in mind the set of rules in the MSA booklet. It proves to be a tedious task for many engineers. After all, who wants to take the risk and get suspended for a year due to the bad quality of their CDR? So, they take help from CDR report preparation and reviewing services which help them to prepare plagiarism free CDR report that complies with the MSA guidelines. You just need to provide your CV/Resume with necessary details through questionnaires set by them and you will get your CDR report prepared by the professional writers. You may also get your CDR report reviewed by the CDR reviewing services provided by many agencies. Cost of CDR preparation and CDR review There are many CDR report preparation and reviewing services that help engineers to present their CDR reports according to the rules of the MSA. They offer their services at very affordable rates and in a timely manner. The amount that they charge for preparing or reviewing a CDR report may vary from company to company. One should choose the one which has no hidden costs. Many companies provide with the service charges on their websites. However, in some cases, you might have to take a quote from them by contacting them personally. You may also ask for a demo service before hiring them to write your CDR report. So, all you need to do is compare different services based on their prices and work quality. Many companies will provide you with different pricing plans (write complete CDR report/ career episodes/ summary statement/ CPD, review, proofread, plagiarism check and plagiarism removal). You have to carefully select the plan which suits you and pay accordingly.

Who can help me in proofreading already prepared CDR report?

Who can help me in proofreading already prepared CDR report?

CDR Report

CDR proofreading services is recommended for every professional who are trying to migrate Australia. Through proofreading changes can be made or any improvement can be made which evidently lowers the CDR report rejection chance.   After writing the Competency Demonstration Report, editing and proofreading are important so that you can rectify the mistakes and improve the structure of the CDR. Let’s see some tips that are followed by experts in editing and proofreading the documents of CDR.   • Check that you have used the same font size, formatting styles and spacing between the lines and paragraphs for your CDR. It should be uniform so that it looks clean to the assessor. Always follow the template style from Engineers Australia • You should not proofread and edit the CDR as soon as you complete it. Take a break for few days, read all the guidelines from EA again and then check if the CDR is written according to it. • Ensure that you have covered all the elements and indicators in the Summary Statement  writing and you have linked them correctly to the paragraphs in the Career Episodes • Check for incomplete ideas and sentences and rewrite them if required. Also, you have to make sure that all the details regarding the skills and attributes are mentioned properly • Examine the grammatical errors and spelling errors and make changes if required to get error- free Competency Demonstration Report   With a highly qualified team of editors and writers, we have established a name in the field of CDR writing and editing services. The writers at writecdr.com have in- depth knowledge of technical subjects and are also highly skilled in Australian language. We have writers from diverse domains and thus we provide CDR services to engineers of all fields. The CDR provided by the engineers are proofread by the professional editors for language- related flaws We have top CDR Editors who have lots of experience in checking the technical errors The Engineers Australia experts at WriteMyCDR.com checks if all the guidelines have been followed while writing the CDR With 50+ engineering experts in our team, we provide the best CDR editing service to the applicants. While editing, we also provide suggestions for making it the winning CDR that will help applicants to migrate to Australia. The engineers can choose our services at affordable prices and also get timely assistance for all their CDR needs.

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