Write My CDR

How to Write a Perfect CV for Engineers Australia

How to Write a Perfect CV for Engineers Australia?

Engineers Australia

CV-resume writing is one of the crucial segment for CDR report. CV-resume comprises working experiences, skills, accomplishment, objectives and duties of the respective person which main aim is to somehow leave the impact to Engineers Australia.   Engineers Australia selects new candidates for various engineering departments filter the candidates after scrutinizing the resumes and CDR report. Undergraduate engineering students who are planning to do their higher studies in Australia and other foreign countries should prepare high quality and informative resumes. Resume writing plays an important part during job hunt and individuals should always write resumes according to the needs of the employer or hiring companies. Students and others these days are hiring professional resume writers who have expertise knowledge in resume writing services. There are various online sources which can be great help for those who are struggling with CV- resume format. Applicant usually hire the expert who are full aware of the professional CV-resume format. Some of the few EA guidelines for CV-resume you have to go through before preparing is listed below:- Professional who have experienced should always write everything about their experiences chronologically. Chronological format is quite convenient for such candidate with a years of experiences. Similarly, Functional format resume is applicable for those candidate who are unemployed currently or out of job for certain months or year. Cover letter should be included along with the resume. It should not be exhaustive and should only be a brief note. Planning for their upcoming should also be included whether they want to work or pursue their higher study. Candidates should first perform self-assessment and devise an objective. Through the CV applicants also need to provide guide to develop their career. For instance involving in different conferences, training and meeting to escalate their skills.   After going through all these points Perfect CV- resume for Engineers Australia is possible. You can contact our expert writer for the professional CV-resume by visiting at

Authentic Way to Prepare CDR for EA

Authentic Way to Prepare CDR for EA

Engineers Australia

CDR Preparation for EA The Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is an ocean line through which engineers step up for getting a skilled Immigration visa for Australia, thing which can prove their competencies are Usually, Engineers, Australia asks to you for writing Competency Demonstration Report to check your communication skills and abilities. If you are not good in writing CDR properly that might be chances that you will reduce the chance to settle in Australia.Some important tips for you to write Competency Demonstration Report accurately that can help you to qualify on Engineers Australia expectations.  When you start writing your CDR, make sure you understand the function of report. You must read the Engineers Australia guideline carefully, focus on your CDR, it has three elements: Continual Professional Development (CPD), Three Career Episodes (CEs), and the Summary Statement (SS). Each of CDR elements plays their own role in the report. If you understand, that why and how you write then it will be a lot easier for you to make your report. Make sure before composing CDR you go through the EA guidelines to avoid the chance of plagiarism. Australian English and British English standardized to each other. You should be very careful in words, spellings and in writing style while writing a report and make sure your grammar and outline fit to Australian Standard. Difficult thing is to choose the correct topic for Career Episode; Candidates have to choose weather conditions they are applying for (Professional Engineer, Technical Engineer, Associate Engineer, and Engineering Manager). EA assess on the occupation you apply and comparison between you and other candidates. EA always judge you for your work, not the company you worked for. You should avoid writing extra details in your CDR report. Write the personal information and experience that what you have done and what rewards you get for your achievements. You need to provide the proof of documents which you entered detail in your CDR. Every paragraph in Career Episode has its own specialty to say things. They are looking for your Competency level in Summary Statement. The Summary Statement you provide is the first page that they read to assess about all that how you deal, manage your work and it makes an impact on them as your first impression. Write your Career Episode as a first person. You should start your sentence as ‘I planned’, ‘I obtained’, ‘I get the feedback’ etc. Give the details of your work and experience and make sure you are avoiding using extra vocabulary. • Do not copy others Competency Demonstration Report. This is the main reason your CDR get rejected by Engineers Australia. You may get little help from CDR samples but in the end when you start writing use your own words in your Competency Demonstration Report. Materials You Need to Develop Your CDR: In the paragraph of Career Episodes, you will write about each of your technical engineer projects you worked on. You will use your CPD activities to write Continual Professional Development. You should have updated Curriculum Vitae along with all documents.

Format of Career Episode

Format of Career Episode

Engineers Australia

Career Episode should ideally have four sections: Introduction, Background, Personal Engineering Activity and Summary. They should be prepared as follows: Introduction In about 100 words, it should mention the chronology of the career episode (in which phase of your career it happened), dates and duration of the episode, geographical location where it happened, name of the institute or organization involved, and your position there. Background: In about 200 to 500 words, describe the context of what you were studying or working on at the time. You may mention the nature and objectives of the engineering project you undertook, the particular work area you were involved with, the organizational structure chart or the organogram which highlights your position in the organization at the time, and your job description, key responsibilities or job profile at the organization. You may have to substantiate any claims with the official duty statement or appointment letter you received. Personal Engineering Activity In about 500 to 1000 words, describe the actual work you set out to narrate. Focus on the engineering-related tasks you performed. Talk about how you applied your engineering skills and knowledge to the situation, what task was delegated to you and how you accomplished it, and technical difficulties of Career episodes or challenges you faced and how you overcame them. Focus on any innovations, creative designs, unusual strategies or original ideas you came up with. You can also talk about your relationship with your team members and you role as a team leader or negotiator or astute follower. Summary At the end, write a summary for your Career Episode that highlights all the engineering-related competencies you demonstrated in that particular narrative. Don’t let your Career Episode be too generic or too technical. You should be balanced in your approach. When you say, ‘I designed a circuit board’, you might add details like which parts you used to make it, which design software tool you used, things in which you needed to collaborate with others, and where and why you needed revisions in its circuit designing. On the other hand, be wary of including so many technical details that you are not able to include other elements of the project as the pioneering processes you were a part of, reporting and communication mechanism of the project, and cost-related decisions you were involved with.   Do not get distracted while writing a Career Episode. Remember, it is about you and your capabilities – and now what your team or department did. The assessors are not interested in sentences like ‘we simulated’ or ‘we designed’. They only have eyes for ‘I designed’, ‘I did’ etc. that shows your role in the team and your contribution to the project. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to resort to ‘lying’ about your role in the time. If you are not able to prove any of the claims you make in your CDR, it is likely to get rejected by EA.   Writemycdr.com has a team of expert CDR writers and editors who can write you best Career Episodes. They ask you the right questions and offer you customized CE solutions quickly. Contact them at info@dineshs11.sg-host.com

8 Things that can make a great resume for Engineers Australia

8 Things that can make a great resume for Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia

One of the mandatory requirements of Engineers Australia is the submission of a curriculum vitae or CV. Whether you are applying for skill assessment, you want to obtain membership of Engineers Australia, become a Chartered Engineer or register yourself in the National Engineer Register; submission of your resume is a part of the application process. After all, the resume plays a vital role in showcasing technical skills and industrial competencies of engineers. The engineers Australia refers to the resume as a marketing tool that the engineers can use to sell their skills to their employers. So, if you are applying to Engineers Australia and want to know how to write a professional engineer CV-resume for that, keep reading! 1. Always mention your personal details Your personal details include your name, contact, address and email. You can also mention your personal characteristics skills and abilities. Mentioning these details helps in creating a good impression of yours on the assessor. 2. Make it clear and concise Mention only the relevant job responsibilities, roles and competencies so that it would allow the employers to gain a clear understanding of your profile. You can also mention a short career goal at the beginning of your resume to specify your vision and expectations. Make sure your resume is not more than 3 to 4 pages of length. 3. Mention some keywords The assessors always look for some specific words which are related to your profession or job role in your resume. So make sure you mention such things engineering resume for Australia. For instance, some software systems that are common in your job profile or some specific skills that the engineers in your job role should have. 4. Highlights of your career Mention the highlights of your career, the achievements that you have made and the results that you have got. If you can include statistics for that, it is much better! Mentioning your career highlights is a good way to stand apart from the crowd and put a good impression on your prospective employers. 5. Provide precise educational details Your educational details serve a way to reflect your ambitions and interests in the engineering field. Apart from university degrees, mention every course that you undertook in order to enhance your knowledge and develop your passion. 6. Showcase progression in your career Your career snapshot of the last 10 years, if can clearly indicate your progression as an engineer, is a bonus for you! It is a good method to showcase your ‘never stop learning’ spirit, your leadership qualities and establishing your expertise in the engineering industry. 7. Skip information if not required If you are not asked to put a photograph in your Engineers Australia resume then do not add one. References should also be included only when asked. Make your career objective short, clear and to the point. Do not include any projects in which you had not made a significant contribution. 8. Your projects matter Engineers Australia expects you to mention all your projects in which you have played a noteworthy role. You should mention them in details so that the assessors can check your capabilities accordingly. If there is any period of time in which you were inactive in your career, you should mention the same with a valid reason.

Is it necessary to get experience assessment from Engineers Australia, or can I apply directly to Immigration based on only the CDR assessment?

Is it necessary to get experience assessment from Engineers Australia, or can I apply directly to Immigration based on only the CDR assessment?

Engineers Australia

The Australian authority EA (Engineers Australia) conducts an assessment of the CDR (Competency Demonstration Report) as a key part of the overall Skill Assessment and Australian Immigration procedure. Once the EA assessment for your submitted CDR is positive, you need not mandatorily get your work experience assessment done from EA. You can simply proceed further to apply for your immigration only on the basis of the positive CDR assessment. However, you can go for the optional experience assessment by EA, only to be doubly sure of a successful immigration process. And skipping the work experience assessment will in no way have a negative impact on your chances of getting the immigration visa. But, when you skip the experience assessment by Engineers Australia, you need to provide the CDR, along with a list of work documents that would justify the experience mentioned by you. These documents should comprise of: A] All those documents that prove your journey with a particular company, such as offer letter, joining letter, promotion letter, release letter, and so on. B] Pay slips, bank statements, and similar documents that showcase the exact salary you earned during various jobs. C] Letters that highlight your roles and responsibilities for specific job profiles. D] Documents showcasing your PF investments, superannuation, etc. The above is not an exhaustive list – you can showcase all possible documents (that you possess) which shall help validate your employment tenures quickly, so that the visa process is seamless. Thus, the only thing you need to focus on is getting a positive outcome for your CDR assessment, and this is where we, at WriteMyCDR, can help you with our comprehensive range of CDR report services like preparation of CDR (RPL and KA02 report preparation as well), writing / editing / proofreading CDR, identification and removal of plagiarized content, etc. The biggest benefit you gain from us apart from our highly professional and economical CDR assistance as well as support offerings, is the fact that we have an astounding CDR approval (positive outcome) rate of almost 99% by EA. And we even help you by sharing several CDR samples and reference reports, which are actual CDRs on which we have worked earlier and that have been approved by EA. Having worked with more than 1600 clients so far for the CDR assessment process to assist them in their immigration application, the team of experts / consultants at WriteMyCDR can easily guide you at various junctures of your immigration process. You can rely on us to handle the entire CDR writing process, or simply review the report and edit parts of it – decision is entirely upon you how-to-prepare-cdr-for-australian-immigration-skills-assessment

Job Description for Industrial Engineer (ANZSCO Code: 233511)

Job Description for Industrial Engineer (ANZSCO Code: 233511)

Engineers Australia

Industrial Engineer design, organize and oversee the construction, operation and maintenance of mechanical and process plant and installations, establish programs for the coordination of manufacturing activities, and ensure usage of resources is cost effective. Investigates and reviews the utilization of personnel, facilities, equipment and materials, current operational processes and established practices, to recommend improvement in the efficiency of operations in a variety of commercial, industrial and production environments Job Description/ Tasks for Industrial Engineer: • Studying functional statements, organizational charts and project information to determine functions and responsibilities of workers and work units and to identify areas of duplication. • Establishing work measurement programs and analyzing work samples to develop standards for labour utilization. • Analyzing workforce utilization, facility layout, operational data and production schedules and costs to determine optimum worker and equipment efficiencies. • Designing mechanical equipment, machines, and components, products for manufacture, and plant and systems for construction. • Developing specifications for manufacture, and determining materials, equipment, piping, material flows, capacities and layout of plant and systems.   WriteMyCDR is helping engineers from all disciplines to prepare their Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). Successful CDR samples for Industrial Engineer are available at a very economical price that will help as a guideline. Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is the most critical step for getting Australian Skilled Migration and we don’t recommend you to take any risk.For assistance related to the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR), Contact Us. info@dineshs11.sg-host.com and writemycdr.com

Job Description for Civil Engineer (ANZSCO Code: 233211)

Job Description for Civil Engineer (ANZSCO Code: 233211)

Engineers Australia

Civil Engineers design, plan, organize and oversee the construction of civil engineering projects such as dams, bridges, pipelines, gas and water supply schemes, sewerage systems, roads, airports and other structures; analyze the likely behavior of soil and rock when placed under pressure by proposed structures and design structural foundations; analyze the statistical properties of all types of structures and test the behavior and durability of materials used in their construction; plan and develop transportation systems; and estimate and monitor the construction costs of projects. Job Description/ Tasks for Civil Engineers: • Determining construction methods, materials and quality standards, and drafting and interpreting specifications, drawings, plans, construction methods and procedures • Organizing and directing site labour and the delivery of construction materials, plant and equipment, and establishing detailed programs for the coordination of site activities • Obtaining soil and rock samples at different depths across sites and testing samples to determine strength, compressibility and other factors that affect the behavior of soil and rock when a structure is imposed and determining the safe loading for the soil • Studying architectural and engineering drawings and specifications to estimate total costs, and preparing detailed cost plans and estimates as tools to assist in budgetary control • Monitoring changes to designs, assessing effects on cost, and measuring, valuing and negotiating variations to designs • Analyzing structural systems for both static and dynamic loads • Designing structures to ensure they do not collapse, bend, twist or vibrate in undesirable ways • Assessing present and future travel flow patterns taking into account population increase and needs change • Designing the physical aspects of transportation systems such as highways, railroads, urban transit, air transportation, logistical supply systems, and their terminals.   WriteMyCDR is helping engineers from all disciplines to prepare their Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). Successful CDR samples for Civil Engineers are available at a very economical price that will help as a guideline. Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is the most critical step for getting Australian Skilled Migration and we don’t recommend you to take any risk. For assistance related to the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR), Contact Us info@writemycdr.com or http://dineshs11.sg-host.com

Job Description for Materials Engineer (ANZSCO CODE: 233112)

Job Description for Materials Engineer (ANZSCO CODE: 233112)

Engineers Australia

Materials Engineer design and prepare specifications for chemical process systems and the construction and operation of commercial-scale chemical plants, supervise industrial processing and fabrication of products undergoing physical and chemical change, and investigate the properties of metals, ceramics, polymers and other materials and assess and develop their engineering and commercial applications. Job Description/ Tasks for Materials Engineer: • Preparing designs for chemical process systems and planning control systems for processes such as those used to remove and separate components, effect chemical changes, and test and evaluate fuels, transfer heat, and control the storing and handling of solids, liquids and gases • Monitoring the operation and maintenance of equipment to achieve maximum efficiency under safe operating conditions • Ensuring correct materials and equipment are used and that they conform to specifications • Diagnosing malfunctions in chemical plants and instituting remedial action • Studying product utilization and pollution control problems   WriteMyCDR is helping engineers from all disciplines to prepare their Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). Successful CDR samples for Materials Engineers are available at a very economical price that will help as a guideline. Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is the most critical step for getting Australian Skilled Migration and we don’t recommend you to take any risk.   For assistance related to the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR), Contact Us info@writemycdr.com or visit our website at writemycdr.com

Easy Way to Write Civil Engineer CDR

Easy Way to Write Civil Engineer CDR

Engineers Australia

Half-knowledge in writing CDR and lack of English skills could not make civil engineers reach their goals towards Australia.it is a little bit difficult for those whose English as a second language to show their skills and competency level to Engineers Australia. In this situation, you need to follow some rules to write CDR perfectly. Migrating Australia is now very simple and a dream of every engineer. For this, you must complete your CDR report to show your qualification, skills, and experience to the Engineers Australia that you are eligible for moving towards Australia.   Civil engineering functions with the principles of a physical and scientific method to solve the problems of society. Nowadays it is elaborated in understanding with the advance of physics and mathematical calculation. Civil Engineer plans, designs, organizes and oversees the construction and operation of dams, bridges, pipelines, gas and water supply schemes, sewerage systems, airports and other civil engineering projects. Registration or licensing may be required. How to Write Competency Demonstration Report? There are few tips and things used in writing CDR to make it look graceful and more authentic to EA. You just need focus on some details that you do not need to write extra words and vocabulary. Make sure all the information given by you in CDR is correct and you can attach all the documents with CDR as a proof. You should use Australian English to write Competency Demonstration Report. You must show EA that what you are capable of, and what your aim towards your future. A Competency Demonstration Report separated into different sections. Career Episodes Summary Statement Continual Professional Development On the basis of these sections, EA judge your communication skills, abilities and your experience CDR Required for Immigration: Australia is known as the father country of Engineers. In recent years we can see the ratio for jobs seekers towards Australia has grown up to extraordinary level. Every engineer wants to settle down in Australia to fulfill his dreams of good and happy life. But, before we migrate to Australia EA conduct a CDR test for all Engineers to check their writing skills and abilities. It is must write appropriate Competency Demonstration Report to complete the process of Australian Immigration. You need to get minimum 65 points in English test which is assessed by Engineers Australia. CDR is must for the migration to Australia in this assessment they will check your qualification details, work experience whether you are eligible or not for moving Australia. Australia has a high demand for engineers to come and work with them. They need to full the shortage of Engineers for this; they opened Immigration for skilled candidates who can meet up to their requirements. With growing sphere of development around the world, Australia is fastest growing country.

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