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Importance of choosing a Correct Engineering Category

Importance of choosing a Correct Engineering Category

Engineers Australia

First thing to consider when you start preparing your CDR, is to choose the correct Engineering category. If you choose to apply to the Engineers Australia as a Professional Engineer, first thing you need to check is whether your experience matches general description of Professional Engineering category. Professional Engineer description is given on page 31 of the current (2019) EA booklet and should be referred to when writing your CDR. If your CDR is not matching this general description, the case will probably be rejected by the Engineers Australia.   Same applies for other Engineering categories: General descriptions for Engineering Technologist, Engineering Associate and Engineering Manager are given on pages 37, 42 and 47 of the current booklet and should always be referred to when preparing CDRs for other engineering categories. See other tips on CDR preparation here: CDR writing tips. The purpose of the Competency Demonstration Report is to demonstrate to Engineers Australia that you apply your Engineering skills and abilities in your daily work. There is a list of “units and elements of competency” given in the “Migration skills assessment” booklet on pages 29-32 for the professional engineers, pages 32-34 for the engineering technologist and pages 37-45 for the engineering associate. It is important to understand that Career Episodes are not just your work description. Career Episodes must include all the “units and elements” in them. Style and language Use active language. You can make use of the following words in your Episodes: • I developed solution • I checked and analyzed • I reviewed the background data • I closely collaborated • I carried out all the necessary calculations • I took part in the negotiations • I actively used and demonstrated my knowledge • I decided to consider • I studied a lot of materials • I also identified • I always take into account • I managed to apply all my knowledge and skills • I was responsible • I had the meetings • I structured information • I organized the results in the form of • I used my engineering background and knowledge • I suggested

A Guide for Fast Track Skills Assessment by Engineers Australia

A Guide for Fast Track Skills Assessment by Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia

The usual process for Engineers Australia Migration skill assessment can take 4 to 7 months so you can choose for the Engineers Fast track Assessment process. The fast track assessment can be selected soon after submitting your application to Engineers Australia and EA will charge a premium fee for this. Your application will be passed to an assessor or the case officers within five to fifteen working days. The usual service can take several months so if you have submitted your visa application online you can apply for fast-track EA MSA service. If you haven’t applied for Visa you cannot request for fast track services unless or until you have submitted application for Visa. Why the assessment Process delays? There are a number of reasons for the increased waiting period for Engineers Australia Migration Skill Assessment which is given below: • Sometimes the applicant provides incomplete information which delays the assessment process • A huge number of applications received by Engineers Australia Reasons to choose Fast Track Skill Assessment Process: Australia always welcomed Engineers, following are the reasons to choose fast track for assessment of your application. • As the CDR processing is quite a lengthy process and can take a lot of time so you can choose fast track for your application and have it assigned to an assessor within 15 days • If your occupation is in SOL list or if an Australian Employer is interested in hiring you, you can select fast track method for skill assessment How to Check Status of your application? As the Engineers Australia requests to not contact about the status of application before 4 months for normal track assessment and 15 days for fast track assessment so the best way to check the status of your application is to send a blank status email request for an automated response and it contains the updated information on dates of applications presently being processed.

How our technical writers develop your SS

How our technical writers develop your SS ?

Engineers Australia

Today I’d like to carry on with the topic of “My work as a Technical Writer in WriteMyCDR” and explain how we develop Summary Statements (SS) for our Clients. How we develop the SS for our Clients. Summary Statement is the consolidated summary of your career episodes categorized in different sections such as knowledge and skills base, engineering application ability, and professional and personal attributes. Every part of SS helps the assessor (EA) to validate your skills across different career episodes. The references to the prepared career episodes reinstates your skills and provides valid evidence across three career episodes. Preparing SS is critical step for your CDR due to its importance in assessment process. If you missed to add a point in the summary statement, then the details presented in career episodes might go unnoticed to the assessor.   Our writers have prepared hundreds of successful summary statements, and know the expectations and requirements of the EA. We draft the Career Episodes (CEs) based on the Summary Statement requirements. Due to this process, your CE contains all the relevant details demanded by the Summary Statement. It is a reverse approach and avoids the rework or correction of your career episodes. Our writers update the structure of SS based on the latest recommendations from EA so that your SS pass through the assessment of EA without any glitches.   Writers know the importance of key fields in Summary Statement and get the specific details from you. For example, the details regarding the cost cutting measures are important, and writers strive to extract that specific information during the early CE preparation phases. If these details are present across all CEs, filling up this field would be easy in Summary Statement. Missing this critical information during the development of CEs would cause unnecessary delays and rework of career episodes. We know the big picture about the Summary Statement expectations, and our writers ask right questions and demand necessary details to enhance your CEs and SS. We also assist in completing the CPD (Continuing Professional Development) file based on your training, and CV details.   To develop an effective CDR, contact info@writemycdr.com for your complete personalized package of 3 CEs, SS, and CPD documents. Also, if you have your Career Episodes ready and need to write the SS, contact us and our experts will develop the SS for you.

How Engineers Australia check your CDR application

How Engineers Australia check your CDR application?

Engineers Australia

We at WriteMyCDR deal with CDR for migration skills assessment. We don’t only deal with CDR writing but also would like to expand and cover topics that are related to your CDR application as a whole.   When you apply for migration skills assessment via CDR path and send your CDR application to the Engineers Australia they check it in the following way: First of all they check the Summary Statement for presence of major indicators, especially these in the second part of the Summary Statement – PE2 “Engineering Application Ability”. This part of the Summary Statement is particularly important especially for Professional Engineers as it should demonstrate your design and design related abilities. Hence, when you write your Summary Statement make sure that you cover this part of the Summary Statement well and demonstrate as many indicators as you possibly can.   Then the assessor would check the reference paragraphs in Summary Statement and read the paragraphs in the Career Episodes that you stated are covering a particular competency. So, when you write the Summary Statement, make sure that you fill in relevant reference paragraphs.   After that the assessor would read each of your Career Episodes your CV and your CPD. Make sure that you enclose all relevant documents with your CDR application. Checklist is available in MSA booklet which you can download from Engineers Australia website.   In WriteMyCDR we provide Summary Statement writing services. A lot of Engineers are very confused with Summary Statement preparation and it is the most challenging part of CDR application indeed. If you feel that you need help with your Summary Statement or with entire CDR, please contact us on info@dineshs11.sg-host.com and our experience team will take care of you application.   More articles on various topics related to CDR application are available here writemycdr.com/blog/ . Please notice that WriteMyCDR is not related to Engineers Australia organization at any way; we are two separate organizations.

How our services work

How our services work?

Engineers Australia

How our services work? One of the major routes and the eldest services we provide is CDR report preparation for migration skills assessment with the Engineers Australia. WriteMyCDR Writing Services Australia In general, when you order our services, we will ask you to confirm your Occupational Category (Professional Engineer, Engineering Technologist or Engineering Manager), the ANZSCO code you are willing to apply under and your English exam results if you already undertaken the exam. If you don’t know under what ANZSCO code to apply under, we will advise you on this for free. We will also ask you to send us your CV.   After receiving this information we will allocate a Technical Writer for your case and this Technical Writer will be experienced in your field of practice. For example, if you are a Mechanical Engineer, your Technical Writer will have experience in Mechanical Engineering. All our Technical Writers have Engineering qualification.   Then we will send you questions list for your Career Episode 1. This questions list will contain questions regarding your professional experience. You will be asked to answer these questions and send us back.   We will then write the first Career Episode based on your answers. If there is not enough information, we will complete the missing information by ourselves or ask you additional questions if necessary. Once the Career Episode is ready and passed our internal quality check, we will deliver the Career Episode to you. This process normally takes 4-5 days.   The same procedure would then repeat for Career Episodes 2 and 3.After all three Career Episodes are ready, quality checked and approved by you, we will write the Summary Statement for you. We will not need any input from your side for Summary Statement preparation. In the same time we will ask you to provide input for the CPD and prepare it for you as well. Plagiarism Quite often we are asked about plagiarism and how we avoid plagiarism in our work. Here is the answer: We use a sophisticated software in all our work that compares your CDR report to all other previously written CDRs and also to internet souses. We really care about plagiarism as we know that this is a major issue when submitting the application to Engineers Australia and other similar organizations.   Using our services guarantees that the application you receive from us is ready to submit and would be absolutely 100% plagiarism free. What if you have all or part of your Career Episodes ready? In this case we will check your ready Career Episodes for compliance with Engineers Australia requirements and if they need modification, we will modify them accordingly to fully comply with the Engineers Australia requirements. We may need to send you questions in regards to your professional experience in case we are unable to complete the missing experience by ourselves. In this case the price for services will be lower, depends on the initial state of your Career Episodes. What if I don’t have the needed experience? There are cases where Engineers don’t have enough experience to write all 3 Career Episodes. Usually these are freshly graduated Engineers or ones that didn’t work in their professional field. For these cases we have the research services. When you order these services, we will do the investigation and prepare your Career Episodes without any input from your side. Please contact us to ask about these services.   Price for these services would depend on difficulty of the research we need to carry out for Career Episodes preparation. Your researched Career Episodes will still be plagiarism free.

How to CDR Engineers Australia Selected

How to CDR Engineers Australia Selected?

Engineers Australia

The CDR or Competency Demonstration Report is the first step for the skilled engineers all across the globe to make their dreams come true of living and working in big Australian companies. The CDR is assessed by a team of select known as the EA (Engineers Australia). How-to-Get-the-CDR-Engineers-Australia-Selected This selection is done to check how competent the applicant is in resuming a career as an Australian company. CDR Engineers for migration to Australia is to be written only as per the EA standards and guidelines.The latest EA guidelines can be downloaded online from their official website by downloading the MSA Booklet. Why CDR Engineers Australia Rejected? Few reasons for the rejection of the CDR applications by the Engineers Australia (EA) assessors are as follows: Not following the EA guidelines  Improper formatting  Lack of indices  The absence of essential document scans  The absence of necessary evidence  Presence of plagiarism  Improper presentation of the Career Episodes, summary statement, and the CPD  Irrelevant data and information  Lack of enough evidence to substantiate the mentioned claims in the CDR applications  Improper presentation of the various sections of the CDR- career episodes, summary statement and the CPD. How to CDR Selected? Write the 3 Career Episodes in the first person and in the active voice. Write about your own role in the previous projects done by you under your own discipline. Here you need not to write much about your previous company, instead, write more about your own expertise and roles in those projects. The Career episodes are like big essays that narrate your own technical expertise. Thus, write it likewise. The Summary Statement is a list of all the project details mentioned in the 3 career episodes in the shortest manner. You need to write the whole summary statement in 1 paragraph and cover all the necessary things there.  CPD or Continued Professional Development section of the CDR shows how you keep yourself updated with the latest development in your on core engineering field. Here you need to include your training venue, date, time duration, and title. Write the whole CDR in pure Australian English Enclose the scorecard of your English proficiency test of IELTS (if necessary.  Never use plagiarism  Proofread and edit the whole application very carefully in order to make it a hundred per cent free of any mistakes  Keep yourself updated with the latest improvements in the EA guidelines and never miss any of them  Emphasize on your own core competencies in the best manner to impress the EA selectors It is more advisable for you to avail the Best CDR Writing Services from a reliable and trustworthy provider. WriteMyCDR.com is the top choice for you in this regard. They will always help you in getting your CDR applications selected by the Engineers Australia (EA) team at one chance. You will be eligible for the Australian work visa to stay and work there temporarily or even permanent basis. Thus, visit our website / or contact us at info@writemycdr.com

Who can provide a good quality CDR report for a Biomedical Engineer

Who can provide a good quality CDR report for a Biomedical Engineer?

Engineers Australia

If you are a biomedical engineer and want to migrate to Australia to seek better career prospects or a new job in your domain, then you can prepare a CDR report for biomedical engineer according to the Migration Skills booklet prepared by Engineers Australia. The engineers with four years of Bachelor’s degree in biomedical Engineering can apply for the post of biomedical Engineers. What is a good quality CDR? CDR, which stands for Competency Demonstration Report, is a detailed report about your career path up to this point of life and your future prospects and plans. A good CDR is the one made according to Engineer Assessment guidelines.CDR format remains the same for all engineering branches. It’s only the content that changes as per your career points. The three career episodes should be all about the individual projects/problems faced by you during the course of career and one projects explained in one episodes it is not further continued in next episodes. The continuing professional development writing must start your simply after a detailed meeting with you and understanding what you have accomplished and what your future goals are. This will enable them to distinguish the best occurrences/occasions to be referenced in the report under the Three Career Episodes.  The Summary statement writing again should adjust to the word related profession that you have connected for. This will help with individual proof of the skill components that the EA needs of you and in this way take the evaluator to the right section in the Career Episode (featuring your connected engineering skills)  The CDR must be free of any plagiarism and your CDR writing organization must approach the top plagiarism checking and removal tools accessible to guarantee the same. Should there be a sure level of plagiarism identified, the team should be able to have the option to correct/paraphrase the content. Who can provide you with a CDR?  Making a CDR by yourself: One option is to provide yourself with a CDR. You can make a CDR report on your own after doing sufficient research on idle CDR. As the first step, you can head over to Engineers Australia’s website and refer the guidelines laid down by them for making a CDR. Read the guidelines thoroughly and understand the format. Then research online about some samples of biomedical engineering CDR. They are easily available and you can learn a lot from samples before starting the preparation of your own CDR. Once you have done proper research, start making a CDR and you can take the help of anyone familiar with CDR writing around you. Hiring Professionals: A quick search about CDR writing will land you with many CDR writing services online. These services have very experienced experts who prepare your CDR with you providing guidelines and details. They keep the format as per the EA requirements and adopt a writing style best suited for these reports. Choose the right CDR writing agency for you and avail the benefits of their experience. Conclusion You can make your CDR or get it prepared by professionals, but the presence of impressive career achievements will help you the most. This remains the same across all engineering branches. Make your CDR impressive and as per the regulations, and you can enjoy a bright career in Australia.

Who can provide assistance in writing my CDR as a Chemical Engineer on the basis of my Chemical Engineering degree

Who can provide assistance in writing my CDR as a Chemical Engineer on the basis of my Chemical Engineering degree?

Engineers Australia

According to the procedure of the pathway to get a skilled immigration visa for Australia, Chemical Engineers have to prepare their Competency Demonstration Reports (CDR). The report needs to be submitted to Engineers Australia (EA) for an assessment. There is a set of guiding principles provided by the Engineer’s Australia which needs to be followed while preparing your CDR. Unless you have a good experience in writing a similar type of report, it is a challenging job. You need assistance from an professional CDR report writers who compose accurately  as well as according to the requirements of Engineer’s Australia.   In order to create your Chemical Engineering CDR, you can get assistance from an agency who has a good track record in preparation of CDR. You can find a considerable number of agencies available online. They can provide you with A to Z service in development for your CDR. All these agencies are tied up with professional experts who prepare your CDR on your behalf. But the necessary information has to be provided by you.   Primarily these online agencies provide their services in three different ways. Firstly, you get your CDR prepared entirely from them. Secondly, you can get your CDR reviewed by them. Lastly, you can take assistance from them in writing your CDR on your won. Most of these services are to ensure high-quality CDR preparation.   Understanding the requirements of the type of service is therefore very important. Most of the candidates fail in understanding the process. Therefore if you are confident that you will prepare your CDR based on your experience then you need only the necessary assistance to know the procedure. In such a case, you will take the CDR tutoring service. When you finish the preparation of your CDR, you can get it evaluated through their CDR evaluation service. Above all, if you want someone to write the CDR for you, then you have to take the complete package.   One thing which you should keep in mind is that your selection of agency is the key to the success of your CDR. You can chat with these online agencies in the process of your preference. You need to find their track record and delivery time also. Before picking the agency, you can ask them to show sample CDR of Chemical Engineering. Also, make sure that the agency will fulfil all your requirements by providing at least two drafts before finalizing your CDR. Finally and fore mostly you have to compare the prices for your shortlisted agencies to make a decision.   All these above steps need to be kept in mind while preparing your Chemical Engineering CDR which can bang on the assessment process by Engineer’s Australia.


Can the same CDR topic be used for a skills assessment through Engineers Australia?

Engineers Australia

Well, it might happen that your topic of career episodes is similar to other applicant’s career episodes. It is quite acceptable but content should be different as Engineers Australia have no tolerance to plagiarism content and might leads to report rejections. Your individual experiences should be different and unique.Engineers have strong policy against plagiarism, if report is found to plagiarize by certain percentage it usually leads to 12 months suspension. Therefore, choose a topic judiciously and do not engage in picking stuff from unsolicited sources on the internet.   While there may be someone else applying for the same occupational role and coming from the same engineering discipline, it is you who has a unique project story. Let the assessors traverse the path of your own experiences that make you a better professional today. Choose the topics/themes for your Career Episodes such that they are engaging and impactful. Share about the project objective; the role that you played (job description); share unique learning experiences; throw light on your interpersonal relations; highlight any achievements, etc. Understand that all of this will help the assessor understand you better as an engineering professional. It will help them assess your competency levels and how those align with the occupational role that you have chosen to apply for.   As you decide to submit your CDR report make sure you are aware of Engineers guidelines which lowers the chance of rejections. Ensure that each segment is included in CDR as stated in Migration skilled assessment booklet which covers all the EA guidelines regarding CDR. However, if by using the same topic you meant to use the same topic for the three Career Episodes, the answer will be a big ‘no’. EA directs you to choose three unique projects across the three Career Episodes respectively. An overlap will create a negative impact and represent limited professional exposure.   Before you begin working on the Career Episodes, identify three special projects wherein you played an important role. Write an engaging introduction to those projects and ensure that you are able to cover most of the competencies required by the occupational role you are applying for. Through every episode, you can share the specific role that you played in the project; how that helped to achieve the project objective? Did you do something innovative? Different roles and responsibilities across the three projects, etc. Here you need to understand that doing this will help showcase the diverse roles you can play in a professional setup and the variety of skills and competencies that you have. In a way, you will be able to represent an enriching professional profile.   CDR is just not a report. It is all about proving your capabilities and skills which is equivalent to the position you are applying for. It is very crucial report for those professional engineers who are dreaming to migrate Australia. To make it better, you can hire an agent which can help you with writing, review, editing, or proof-reading your report for you.

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