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Do engineers in Australia verify your CDR projects for skill assessment?

Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia is a non-profit professional organization for the advancement of the engineering field within Australia. The institution of Engineers Australia trending as IEAust or Engineers Australia is a member of the Washington Accord. Department of Immigration and Border Protection have listed Engineers Australia as the designated assessing authority for engineering occupations.   The answer to the question asked above is yes, they do verify the Competency Development Report (CDR) Projects for skill assessment. Your technical and professional expertise in the functional domain that you apply for is all displayed in your CDR Report. Therefore, a pre-requisite to apply for a skilled migration visa to Australia is the CDR Report. However, if you’re educational records are from the following four records then it will be an exemption for verification of CDR project. The four records are – Australian Record, Washington Record, Sydney Record, and Dublin Record.   You can apply from the following occupational domains: Professional Engineer Engineering Technologist Engineering Associate Engineering manager The important tip is the knowledge and the understanding of exact requirements will immensely help whenever you need to put together a CDR. Engineers Australia receives thousands of applications for CDR or Skilled migration visa every year but not everyone is lucky to achieve the success. Most of the CDR are rejected because the applicant did not have the correct approach to sharing the documents about the projects or information. You would need the proper documentation and relevant proofs for any of the occupational domains you have applied for. It is required to highlight your proficiency in the relevant domain. It is completely worthless that the CDR is rejected just because of incomplete documents or writing skills or wrong choice of projects. The doors to the bright future in Australia will only open through the positive assessment of your Competency Development Report. The high-quality CDR requires a lot of time and patience at your end.   The process of Migration Skills Assessment process by the Australian Authority takes about 4 to 7 months through the normal route. The Engineers Australia may offer the Fast Track Migration Skills Assessment Process where the assessment is completed within five working days at the premium price.   It is important to check whether the engineering discipline you are applying is listed under the Skilled Occupation List or not. If it is not listed, then you will have to wait for the opportunity to arise in your engineering discipline in the skilled occupation list. If it is listed in skilled occupation List then you will need to submit an Expression of Interest through Skill Select. This is required to prove that you have the necessary skills and qualification for your nominated occupation. This needs to be carefully submitted as there are various occupation codes for all engineers, so the choice needs to be inspected carefully. The minimum requirement is of 60 points to be invited to apply for the Australian Visa within the 60 days of the assessment process. Those who are above 45 years of age are not eligible to apply for the visa. The Australian authority also checks your English competency. You will need an IELTS score of 6 or more in each of the four test Components that are Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. The scores required in the English Test as a foreign language internet-based test – TOEFL IBT are at least 12 for listening, 18 for Speaking, 21 for writing and 13 for reading. These test scores are valid only for three years with the concern to EA assessment. If you want more help regarding this, the best help you can get at writemycdr.com.   The Skilled Occupation list also provides the list of the relevant assessing authority for each occupation on the list. So, it becomes your responsibility to obtain the skills assessment from the relevant assessing authority for your chosen occupation. The assessment procedures, time frames and the charges differ with each assessing authority. It is the pre-requisite to obtain the skills assessment before you apply for the expression of Interest. And for the skills assessment you will need to have the relevant qualification from university or trade. The responsibility of undertaking the skills assessment is with the Assessing Authorities. These are applicable only for the migration and don’t guarantee the job in Australia, but it is essential to have the skills assessment. Every employer in Australia will require the CDR and skills assessment completed in migration process.


Where to Get Your CDR Reviewed for a Positive Skills Assessment?

Engineers Australia

Once your Competency Demonstration Report is approved by Engineers Australia, you have a very good chance at getting a visa approval for skilled migration to the country. Engineers Australia is a non-profit organization working towards the development of engineers in the country tries to assess the skills and competencies that you bring in. And, the report helps you depict all of that by sharing your experiences and professional achievements in the domain. So, as you submit your TOEFL scores, CV, and other required documents with your approved CDR, you really stand a very good chance with visa approval.   But of course getting your CDR approved by the EA is a pre-requisite and a positive skills assessment is no joke. There are thousands of engineers from all over the world aiming for the very limited options that EA has to offer. So as you decide to begin a fulfilling journey in Australia, begin by identifying the correct occupational role that you would want to apply for. You can do that by choosing the correct ANZSCO code.   Once that is successfully taken care of you must refer the MSA (Migration Skills Assessment) booklet to understand what the role demands of you. EA updates the guidelines of working on your CDR through this booklet and it also has the competency elements EA is looking for in you if you choose a certain role. You need to now work on the CDR basis this information.   Choose the precise projects that helped you bring out the competency elements desired by the role that you are choosing. EA will get to see your applied engineering ability here. Understand more about the report by going through an approved sample. You can do that by hiring the services of expert CDR consultants. Once the projects are finalized you must use the three Career Episodes to elaborate on each one of them separately, while elaborating on your individual contributions. If you aren’t able to figure out how to do that, trust the services of an expert here. They work on thousands of CDRs every year and have the perfect understanding of picking the project that is most impactful.     However, if you have chosen to work on your report yourself, do bring in experts to review the report that you have collated. It is very important to understand here that this isn’t just any report. An approval or rejection of the same can actually make you sail through smoothly or waste a lot of time and effort. With most of the applicants caught up in their daily jobs and family life, it doesn’t leave them much scope to put in as much effort as is actually required.   Review assistance from CDR experts would most certainly be the answer that you are seeking then. You might want to give the report writing a try, but do get it reviewed before making your submission. Expert CDR Consultants’ have dedicated teams to write, review, edit or proofread your reports.   Once the team gets your report for a review they will analyze it diligently for any grammatical or factual errors. This is done by allocating the report to a set of language experts and professional engineers (from the same domain). The team will holistically identify errors and mark them for your purview They also offer their services to make corrections and sharing valid inputs for changes The team also offers you tips to make your report more presentable and professional They also review the content validity and offer suggestions for changes pertaining to the project of choice or validity of the competency elements that you have mapped   Effectively, a review will help you understand where you stand with the CDR draft that you currently have your hands at. Now you can choose to seek assistance with the changes/re-writing, etc. Or, might as well do the same yourselves. Experts who review your CDRs have an immense understanding of what they do. While many of them are professional engineers who have passed through EA assessments themselves, others are language experts conversant with Australian English.   You can trust them to review your report and get a fair view into what you have and what you can choose to do with that. Make an informed decision now to receive a positive assessment from EA.


Engineers Australia Assessment Outcome Letter

Engineers Australia

Once the applicant complete the skill assessment process, Engineers Australia provide skill assessment outcome letter approving migration to Australia. This Outcome Letter will be sent to you through email, or else it will be sent through your migration agent if you had assigned anyone, they will follow up on your behalf too. If there is any problem in sending through electronically, then they will send it through postal. This ordinary post addresses will be chargeable in cases. This letter can also be downloaded from online by entering the application details on the Assessment Outcome Verification page. Submit Three Original Project Report to get it approved Again   The letter is to deliver that the candidates CDR report is selected or rejected by Engineer Australia. This outcome letter contains the statement from the assessor that your Skills, experience, etc. all data are verified, and it satisfies the current requirement for the applied detailed occupation. There is a test called GSM (General Skilled Migration) points test. These are some of the necessary information which will be mentioned in the outcome letter. There is an additional service which will denote the employment. Relevant Skilled Employment is the service which has to be paid separately for assessments; with this, there will be a reflection about the occupation in the outcome letter. This will be the added points to the verification team to verify for the relevant rule. Is 12 Month Banned Imposed on You?   All the points and advice reflected in the Engineers Australia Assessment Outcome Letter is purely based on the assessment points, evidence, data, skills submitted. They also consider the aspects with the skilled migration points test, even the Department of Immigration and Border Protection assessment points. There may be any assessment results if you are not satisfied or any disagreement with the outcome result, you can apply as formal Appeal an informal review of your application. Relevant charges are applicable, and you can get the information from the EA website. An Informal Review has to be applied within three months of receiving a letter; it will take eight weeks for review. Formal Appeal has to be made within six months or receiving original assessment outcome and it will take three months to process.


Engineers Australia Negative Assessment

Engineers Australia

Assessment of CDR by Engineers Australia (EA) is crucial for any aspiring engineer to work in Australia. If there is a negative assessment of the CDR. it ends the dreams of engineers around the world for an engineering career in Australia. Hence negative evaluations are a nightmare for thousands of engineers who want to have a prospering and promising engineer career in Australia.   What are the reasons for the negative assessment of EA?There are numerous reasons for Engineers Australia negative assessment. Since Engineers Australia is the governing body appointed by the Australian Government, their negative assessment is final and cannot be reversed. Hence all care should be taken to write the right CDR as per the MSA specifications to avoid negative evaluation. 10 Reasons for Negative Assessment The competency reports should be written by the aspiring engineer with their own experiences to prove their skill. If it is copied or taken from some other stories, it is one of the common and most essential reasons for the negative assessment. It will be easily found out by the EA with their advanced plagiarism tools and their experience. The required English competency has to be completed and provision for checking of the same by EA with the concerned institutes arranged. If the cross-checking of the certification is not fruitful, there will be a negative assessment. Hence engineers have to complete their English competency with reputed institutes for avoiding negative assessment. For all job categories in Australia, there are specific ANZSCO codes, and each has its definitions and specifications. The skill of the aspiring engineer should fulfil its requirements, or there will be a negative assessment. If the new changes in the MSA which are done all the time are not adhered to by the aspiring engineer and done with the old specifications, there will be negative assessment. The aspiring engineer should adequately provide personal information and the passport and other requirements. Any lack of competency in filling the CV will end in the negative assessment. The continuous proficiency report should be to portray the continuance experience of the engineer in the relevant field of expertise. Each of the three career episode reports should relate to a particular period of engineering experience or a specific task of engineering. Negative assessment is more if individual skills are not appropriately portrayed. Apart from the content, the career episode reports should be numbered appropriately as 1.1, 2.1, and 3.1 and so on and also should be within specifications regarding the format, words, and others. Hence if these are not proper, it may have a negative assessment. A summary report is a referral to the full story. Hence it should be crystal clear in showcasing where what is without any hiccups. If it leads to any such confusion, there could be a negative assessment. Enough evidence to prove the skills portrayed in the career episode reports is required for avoiding negative assessment.


Common Requirement to pass a skill assessment For Engineers

Engineers Australia

The Skills assessment will measure your – Education, Work experience, English level etc… The skills assessment is done by an assessing body. Different professions are assessed by different assessing bodies.   Below is a brief overview of some of the most common requirements that are needed to pass a skills assessment in several professions. This list if by no means everything you will need, but rather a brief overview of common requirements. For more information contact the Skills Assessor directly. For a full list of the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List – All profession have the Assessing Authority next to it.   Please note – This article is not meant to be a full outline of what is required, but rather a link on where to find the best info. To ensure you are eligible to pass a skills assessment always consult with the relevant assessing authority. Applicants will also need to pass a points test, obtain a positive skills assessment and meet the other eligibility requirements, to be able to apply for general skilled migration.   Education:   4 year Bachelor Degree minimum   Work Experience:   No set years of experience required. Although it may be difficult without work experience to demonstrate the competencies by referring to your undergraduate professional engineering qualifications and the project/work experience elements of your academic study   English Level:   Band 6 or above in all 4 modules of academic or general IELTS (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking). Alternative English Tests will not be accepted. The following applicants may be exempted from the requirement for IELTS: applicants who are native English speakers; Applicants who have successfully completed an Australian engineering qualification or a 2 years Master’s degree or PhD level program at an Australian university. Processing Time:   About 11 – 13 weeks as indication on the Engineers Australia Website

New User-Friendly Changes Introduced To Skills Assessment Process Of Engineers Australia

New User-Friendly Changes Introduced To Skills Assessment Process Of Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia

Changes have been introduced recently to the portal and process of Engineers Australia – the designated authority for assessing skills and competencies relating to engineering occupations in Australia. The portal is primarily used by large number of migration agents around the world to lodge Skills Assessments with Engineers Australia on behalf of their clients. October 2018 will witness new and more user-friendly features in the portal which will assist the migration agents more intuitively. In addition to all the previous features, the migration agents who have registered at the portal will have complete access to the new functions.   One of the newly-introduced features is the ability to add a secondary agent to an application. Yes, migration agents will now be able to add a secondary agent to their application by selecting the ‘Add Agent’ button from tools page. It must be noted that in order to add a secondary agent, the migration agent must have a valid EA ID number and an account with EA. This account can be created for free! The migration agent will then need to search the secondary agent that is to be added using their EA ID and date of birth, and finally selecting the person from the list.   In addition to the above, lead agents will now be able to transfer an application from a registered agent with their agency to another registered agent within their agency. This can be done using the ‘marked’ button. In order to do this, one will require to put in the Application ID that is to be transferred and name & ID of the agent to which the application is to be transferred to. Furthermore, issues like ‘Time Out’ error and ‘Gateway’ error have been addressed, in particularly, as number of online customers and assessors complained about it. All such issues have been rectified completely, and this has come as a big relief to all the online users.   The new portal will now also allow access to ‘eQuals’, allowing graduates from the Australian Universities to voluntarily share their qualification with Engineers Australia, which will lead to quicker verification of documents and quicker processing times. Also, EA has confirmed that all the major communication in relation to skills assessment must be done via myPortal. One of the best parts is that myPortal will now allow to enter information from agent/agency, including agent/agency’s postal and email address, applicants’ personal details like phone number, postal and e-mail address, etc. Having the application lodged through an agency or linked to one will assure that all the communication is made through the agent. \ Another great news is the fast tracking of EA skills assessments. The Registered Agents will now be able to request for their clients’ applications to be fast-tracked., ensuring client’s application gets picked up by an assessor within five business days. Of course, the completion of the skills assessment application will depend on how much part of the application is completed, with no final timeline mentioned. Fast track option will be available against a reasonable fee.   The current waiting times for Migration Skills Assessments by EA applications, however, vary from process to process, a brief of which is mentioned below. Australian Qualifications & Accords Qualifications Assessment: 7 weeks Australian Qualifications & Accords Qualifications Assessment with Fast Track: 15 working days Competency Demonstration Report: 9 weeks Competency Demonstration Report with Fast Track: 15 working days Fast tracked applications: 5 business days For more recent updates and information on new services offered by EA to Migration Agents Contact us at info@dineshs11.sg-host.com


What do you look for in a CV writing and resume writing services provider?

Engineers Australia

CV Resume Writing for Engineers Australia ought to be composed legitimately in the correct formation. A deliberately made and composed resume with clear arrangement of educational background, work experience, accomplishments, objectives, and credentials is a certain method to leave an impact on theEngineers Australia. Our professional group give CDR, CV/Resume Writing Service for Engineers Australia and can help you assemble a fascinating personal statement with regards to the CV.   CV-resume is equally important for those who are planning for immigration to Australia.   Things you should know for professional CDR CV-Resume   Your CV is a full summary of your engineering education and work experience. It should be a chronological listing of your employment, and not projects you have worked on. It should be presented in A4 size pages and should not be longer than three pages in any case. For each workplace, mention: Name and location of the organization along with its contact details, Dates and duration of employment, Your job title, Your job responsibilities as defined in the appointment letter and a brief description of what you did there.   Each phase of your CV must be checked by a capable Engineer, ideally a Member or Fellow of Engineers Australia. The accompanying articulation must be added to the CV and signed by the Verifier:   “I verify that this is a true statement of the career history of (candidate’s name) during the period (date) to (date).” This statement must be joined by the printed name, address, telephone number and status of the Verifier, with their enrollment number if pertinent. The verification might be affirmed by Engineers Australia. In the event that you can’t give a verified CV because of abroad work, a reference letter from your past employer is worthy. Such letters ought to plainly demonstrate work period, position held, and fundamental obligations. On the off chance that the letter isn’t in English, if it’s not too much trouble give duplicates of both the English interpretation and original document.   In the event that, in remarkable conditions, you can’t give check of work to all or part of the most recent three-year time span, you should upload a legitimately seen Statutory Declaration expressing that the information contained in your CV is valid and right.   For more info regarding CV – Resume you should visit us at writemycdr.com   Why choose WriteMyCDR?   Surely, you will get professional CV –resume services from us which is very crucial for proving their work experience and it is updated as you every time gain new knowledge or skills. If you are planning to apply for Engineers Australia Assessment, you will need to include a CV in your Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). There are few Engineers Australia (EA) guidelines for preparing CV and you have to be conscious about those guidelines. Career objective is mandatory and should be short and clear. Education Qualification should be written in ascending order. Work experience should be clearly described as well. Projects should be clearly written with their working periods. Your role, as well as the major role and objective of the project, should be mentioned. Software skills should be mentioned properly which are related to your field. Your personal information should be clearly mentioned with a contact number and e-mail id. Do not include a photo unless requested. References can be given when asked. CV should be between 3-4 pages.   After going all of these points there will be a perfect CDR CV-resume as per the standard of Engineers Australia.

How to prepare a CDR report for Aeronautical Engineer

How to prepare a CDR report for Aeronautical Engineer?

Engineers Australia

Aeronautical Engineers with a Bachelor Degree or higher can survey their engineering capability. Aeronautical Engineers are the engineers who manage inquire about, plan, improvement, development, testing, science and innovation of the aircrafts. It is a standout amongst the most fundamental and basic engineering subjects. Aeronautical Engineers are in intense interest by a few reputed specialized associations in Australia. They need Aeronautical Engineers with high abilities and capability from Australia just as different countries. Job and Responsibilities of Aeronautical Engineers: • Preparing designs for Aeronautical process systems and planning control systems for processes such as those used to remove and separate components, effect Aeronautical changes, test and evaluate fuels, transfer heat, and control the storing and handling of solids, liquids and gases monitoring the operation and maintenance of equipment to achieve maximum efficiency under safe operating conditions. • Ensuring correct materials and equipment are used and that they conform to specifications diagnosing malfunctions in Aeronautical plants and instituting remedial action studying product utilization and pollution control problems. • Reviewing plans for new products and submitting material selection recommendations in accordance with design specifications and factors such as strength, weight and cost How to prepare CDR report for Aeronautical Engineer: Usually, EA asks for CDR to write in your own words to judge your communication skills and abilities. If you are poor or weak in writing CDR than it is possible to reduce your chance to move into Australia. Some tips for writing a CDR for EA to compete for their level. • Before you start writing a CDR, you have to clearly understand the purpose of the CDR and ready carefully the guidelines by EA. Your CDR based on three elements such as Career Episode, Continual Professional Development and Summary Statement. Each of this element has its own specification and give different details about your Career. • Make sure when you write, you should write in Australian format because British and Australian formats are similar to each other. • When you start writing Career Episode you have to think many times about the topic you want to write. You have to pass the competency level of EA, in which applicants are applying for the occupation they choose. • Engineers Australia only wants to know about you. They are not interested in your company and their market share. They will assess you for what you did and how you manage the project. • You have to provide all details about your qualification, experience and job along with proof that all the data belong to you. • Each of Three Career Episode paragraphs has their own importance. Your Summary Statement will describe shorty about your whole Career. • Always start your Career Episode as a first person to point yourself in the field of engineering. EA always looking for the things you did in your Career like ‘I did’, ‘I planned’ etc.

What do you look for in a CV writing and resume writing services provider?

Engineers Australia

CV Resume Writing for Engineers Australia ought to be composed legitimately in the correct formation. A deliberately made and composed resume with clear arrangement of educational background, work experience, accomplishments, objectives, and credentials is a certain method to leave an impact on theEngineers Australia. Our professional group give CDR, CV/Resume Writing Service for Engineers Australia and can help you assemble a fascinating personal statement with regards to the CV. CV-resume is equally important for those who are planning for immigration to Australia. Things you should know for professional CDR CV-Resume Your CV is a full summary of your engineering education and work experience. It should be a chronological listing of your employment, and not projects you have worked on. It should be presented in A4 size pages and should not be longer than three pages in any case. For each workplace, mention: Name and location of the organization along with its contact details, Dates and duration of employment, Your job title, Your job responsibilities as defined in the appointment letter and a brief description of what you did there. Each phase of your CV must be checked by a capable Engineer, ideally a Member or Fellow of Engineers Australia. The accompanying articulation must be added to the CV and signed by the Verifier: “I verify that this is a true statement of the career history of (candidate’s name) during the period (date) to (date).” This statement must be joined by the printed name, address, telephone number and status of the Verifier, with their enrollment number if pertinent. The verification might be affirmed by Engineers Australia. In the event that you can’t give a verified CV because of abroad work, a reference letter from your past employer is worthy. Such letters ought to plainly demonstrate work period, position held, and fundamental obligations. On the off chance that the letter isn’t in English, if it’s not too much trouble give duplicates of both the English interpretation and original document. In the event that, in remarkable conditions, you can’t give check of work to all or part of the most recent three-year time span, you should upload a legitimately seen Statutory Declaration expressing that the information contained in your CV is valid and right. For more info regarding CV – Resume you should visit us at writemycdr.com Why choose WriteMyCDR? Surely, you will get professional CV –resume services from us which is very crucial for proving their work experience and it is updated as you every time gain new knowledge or skills. If you are planning to apply for Engineers Australia Assessment, you will need to include a CV in your Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). There are few Engineers Australia (EA) guidelines for preparing CV and you have to be conscious about those guidelines. Career objective is mandatory and should be short and clear. Education Qualification should be written in ascending order. Work experience should be clearly described as well. Projects should be clearly written with their working periods. Your role, as well as the major role and objective of the project, should be mentioned. Software skills should be mentioned properly which are related to your field. Your personal information should be clearly mentioned with a contact number and e-mail id. Do not include a photo unless requested. References can be given when asked. CV should be between 3-4 pages. After going all of these points there will be a perfect CDR CV-resume as per the standard of Engineers Australia.

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