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EA Approved CDR samples for Australia migration

WriteMyCDR provides CDR Samples approved from Engineer Australia Migration Skill Assessment. Engineers looking for a skilled migration to Australia are required to submit a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) to Engineers Australia, a professional authority who is responsible to assess the competency of an engineer for Skilled Migration. Engineers need to include all the details regarding their skills, qualification and knowledge and work experience in the CDR along with their career episodes, summary statement and CPD in order to get assessed by the Engineers Australia.


Engineers willing to write their CDR report on their own must refer to the CDR Report Samples first. The CDR Report Samples provide examples for preparing CDR Report. This will help them understand the requirement of the Migration Skill Assessment under Engineers Australia and prepare their CDR report accordingly. If the CDR does not match the guidelines, there is a very high chance of being rejected on the skill assessment. The sample provided in the website are most probably the previously submitted CDR report and must be stored in the EA database. If you copy and paste the content from the sample report, it will be an act of plagiarism which is strictly against the rule and in result your report will be rejected. Hence to avoid rejection, engineers should take the CDR Report Samples as a reference to understand the rules and requirement of the Engineers Australia.


CDR report writing is very crucial task for those who are hoping to migrate to Australia. CDR report includes summary statement, career episodes, Continuing professional development and CV-resume. Many applicants fail to meet the guidelines given by Engineers Australia (EA). However, there are so many CDR report writing service provider which makes the task easier. Such service provider not only help in writing report but also go for a reviewing, plagiarism checking and removal.There are so many CDR samples available online which you can take it as a references. You can freely visit WriteMyCDR for free samples as per your engineering disciplines like Environmental Engineer, Engineering technologist and many more.

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