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How to Write a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) For EA?

CPD stands for continuing professional development. This is the report which consist of development you are up-to-date in your engineering field after under graduation. Each development should be included in CDR application.
CPD for Engineers Australia is primarily a record or documentation of the professional experience such as knowledge, surveys, skills, etc. gained by the Engineer in the appropriate field of Engineering. It is the report which consist of development to portray that you are up-to-date in your engineering field. CPD Writing help you to reflect, review and document your learning and experience of engineering knowledge and skills after you have gained your engineering qualification.


The CPD must be provided in list format (title, date, duration, and venue) and should include details of:


• formal engineering study;
• conferences at which you have delivered papers or attended;
• short courses, workshops, seminars, discussion groups, technical inspections and technical meetings you have attended;
• preparation and presentation of material for courses, conferences, seminars and symposia;
• Services to the engineering profession (volunteer work, board or committee volunteering, mentoring, etc.);


CPD writings are usually classified into two parts. They are training based and development based. Here, training stands and acts as a formal and linear process. Whereas event is often considered as informal and has significant applications. Training kind of CPD format usually deals with the study of something particular or specific that are related and linked with skill and competency related to Engineering field. Development based CPD is a full range format of CPD and forms a more substantial part of the application. It deals with the capability and competency of the Engineer. This form involves the progression and development that ranges from fundamental to advanced, mature and sophisticated contents and understanding. Overall, Continuing Professional Development Writing plays a leading role in providing and describing a range of skills and competencies such as management, leadership, academics, projects, writing, communication and other skills.


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is primarily a record or documentation of the professional experience such as knowledge, surveys, skills, etc. gained by the Engineer in the appropriate field of Engineering. CPD is a process that is usually undertaken to document and to track the formal as well as intimate knowledge, surveys, skills and experience. This method includes the training as well as the beginning stage of the work and expertise of the Engineer. An effective CPD should consist of these essential components. It is critical to include all kinds of engineering related CPDs in the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). The details and information that you enter and mention the CPD should be relevant and up to date. The details relate to the title of the training, year of the training, duration of exercise, venue of training. It should consist of the academic details and extracurricular information of the Engineer.

Activity Type of CPD Examples
Any tertiary course taken either as an individual course or for a formal post-graduate award • Study may be either on college or by distance education

• All such activities should involve some form of assessment

Short courses, workshops, seminars and discussion groups, conferences, technical inspections and technical meetings • Technical meetings including Engineers Australia presentations

• Seminars and workshops delivered or facilitated by third party practitioners in the field

Learning activities in the workplace that extend competence in the area of practice • Workshops, seminars and discussion groups for employees (activities that are normal work activities cannot be claimed as learning activities in the workplace)
Private study which extends your knowledge and skills • Private study includes the reading of books, journals, transactions, manuals, etc. Sufficient records must be kept of claimed personal reading (e.g. date, title, author and time invested) to address an author’s inquiry.

• This information should be recorded after you have read the article for audit purposes

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