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How can WriteMyCDR help me reviewing my CDR?

The CDR record is a compulsory one for skilled experts who don’t have a college degree from Australia. Experts having capabilities from nations that have participants from Washington Accord and Australian colleges are been relieved from this procedure.


There are so many online service provider which you can hire to review CDR report after preparing them so that you don’t have through 12 months suspension in case you applicants get rejected. There are chances for CDR report rejection if the report is not as per the standard of engineers Australia. Definitely main reasons for CDR report rejection by EA is plagiarism content. Of course, Writemycdr is one the Australian number 1 reliable and reputed online service provider. You can generally take help of an expert Proofreader in such assignments. There are master editors and editors for CDR reports on the web and disconnected. A speedy web search uncovers a great deal of such experts. Pick a Proofreader admirably dependent on their experience, claims, and different perceptions. Procuring an expert guarantees better outcomes in view of their skill and experience. They may likewise deliver you with tips for CDR proofread and edit review.


EA might reject a CDR, ask you to re-submit it, or assess you for a lesser category than you had been aiming for – based on certain technicalities that you didn’t even know about. Many engineers aiming for Visa 189 as Professional Engineers have been disappointed because their CDR assessment outcome pegged them as ‘Engineering Technologist’ or ‘Engineering Associate’ even when they do hold the four-year Bachelor degree in Engineering. Being assessed as a different category may mean that you might not make it into the SOL list anymore and may not be invited to immigration interview at all, or if you do make it to Australia, you might not be eligible for certain jobs you are otherwise qualified for.


Some of the main reasons why CDR gets rejected include:


• Use of excessive technical details such as tables, calculations, photos and diagrams.
• Writing CE content in the form of bullet points instead of paragraphs.
• Copying and pasting anything in your project, especially academic and work-related details.
• Describe the same project in two Career Episodes – even if you mention different aspects or details of the project.
• Focus on a group activity or teamwork without much mention about what role you specifically played in the project. If you do not talk about your duties and responsibilities and how you executed them, how will EA assess your capabilities?
• Though EA allows you to write your career episodes in different languages (if you include the translations with your CDR report), yet, it is advisable to write career episodes in Australian English only. CDR report that is not formatted properly may also lead to a negative impression on assessors.
• Not including problem statements, steps and technologies you used to solve the problems, details about design activities you were part of, and measures you took for environmental and personnel safety.
• Skipping details like company profile and the project’s objectives, location and duration in your CDR report is also a serious mistake many engineers make.


In the CDR review, we pay attention to all these details and more, and provide a detailed report on what changes your CDR needs to win a favorable assessment.

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