Write My CDR

Steps to follow for Positive Skill Assessment

CDR report writing is very crucial report for those professionals engineer who are hoping to immigrate to Australia. This report should be as per the guidelines of the Engineers Australia for the migration skills assessment.


Writemycdr.com have the bunch of professional experienced writers who are there for your help in writing CD report as per standard of Engineers Australia.Engineers who need to move to Australia need to experience Engineers Australia (EA) (the assigned evaluating expert for engineering occupations) first. The Migration Skills Assessment (MSA) certifies capabilities either from Australia or from nations who are full signatory to the Sydney Accord, Dublin Accord, or Washington Accord. Others (who have a place with nations that are not authorize by EA) need to present a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR).

Some of the Steps to follow for Positive Skill Assessment

  • Provide complete and accurate details while filling the Application Form
  •  Educational Records, Academic Transcripts, and other relevant documents must be attested with the relevant regulatory bodies and submitted along the application form
  •  Design/ Prepare your Resume as per the Engineers Australia Standard
  • Compile your Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
  • Preparation of Three Career Episodes, CPD, and Summary Statement
  • Take your English Language Test (IELTS) and instruct the center to directly post the result to Engineers Australia
  •  Forward all these credentials to Engineers Australia for assessment
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