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How WriteMyCDR keeps the CDR report writing services price affordable and reasonable

How WriteMyCDR keeps CDR report prices affordable and fair?

CDR Report

We would like to share how we in WriteMyCDR pricing for their services for Competency Demonstration Report writing services down comparing to the market.   First of all – we never advertise using AdWords or other paid advertisement anywhere online. For you as services (or product) buyer it is important to understand that if you buy any services from a company that has massive online advertisement, you, as a buyer pay for this advertisement campaign from your pocket. Companies who use advertisement to promote their sales through paid campaigns need to cover their costs and they have to increase price for their services or product.   We, in WriteMyCDR never use paid advertising, you will never see us on google AdWords or similar and this helps us keeping the price for our services relatively low. We don’t have a call center. All communication with our Clients is done on email. This method has proven its suitability and convenience over 8 years that we operate. Using emails instead of phone conversations is convenient as emails are picked up quickly and our Clients don’t need to adjust themselves to the time difference. We have many Clients from Far East and Australia that can send us an email at any time and this is just as convenient as for Client who live closer to our time zone.   Please read our articles here writemycdr.com/blog/ Please contact us on info@dineshs11.sg-host.com any queries related to CDR preparation.


What are the dos and don’ts one must keep in mind while writing a CDR?

CDR Report

Professional engineers get access to migration visa to Australia through CDR report. The CDR report enables EA assessors to comprehend the ability level that you have in a given competency component. Wherein, the last is wanted for the word related job that you have connected for in your visa application.You may experience the Migration Skills Assessment booklet to comprehend the unmistakable sectional boundaries, necessities as far as language, report structure, competency definitions and so forth. This could well be your initial move towards composing a CDR. Proficient CDR composing professionals share few Do’s and Don’ts for your advantage. Apply these points for maintaining quality CDR report Distinguish the right ANZSCO code that you have to apply for and thoroughly consider the word related job too Offer brief insights regarding preparing, classes, workshops, confirmations finished in your building space, through the Continuing Professional Development report. It will enable the assessors to measure your tendency to create in your space, constantly. While you do that remember that all of what you offer must appear in accordance with the word related job that you have connected for. As you compose the three Career Episodes, guarantee that every one of them remain to be selective of one another and help show certain abilities required for the picked job. Each venture case that you share through a specific scene should effectively feature your expected set of responsibilities and job. Make sure to concentrate on your commitments to the task objective and not go in insights regarding the group accomplishments. You may expand on the job, venture span, clarify pecking order and so on. While you do this, again remember the word related job you are presenting the application for. This will enable you to monitor your venture decisions. Guarantee that you utilize ideal Australian English to compose the scenes and pursue the structure gave in the MSA. Begin your sentences like “I conveyed”, “I determined”, and “I brought the group along”… and so on to illuminate your activities. Utilize a functioning voice. Imprint each section of every scene with units and pointers coordinated in the MSA. For example, sections will be numbered as “1.1, 1.2, 1.3″… for Career Episode 1 and similarly for different scenes. Utilize the chance to illuminate your achievements and accomplishments in your expert voyage Pick the activities will enable you to do the previously mentioned completely Embrace the EA anticipated style of introduction, with the scenes   A portion of the Don’ts you have to remember   Get befuddled picking the right ANZSCO code and word related job Utilize specialized language, charts, nitty gritty numerals or immaterial languages in your scenes Keep group achievements in center, rather than your own commitments and accomplishments Mis-coordinate the competency component with a wrong section of the sceneUtilize amateurish language, which is uncalled for in an expert report or another dialect rather than Australian English which isn’t joined by a transcript also Pass up the accommodation due dates Duplicate glue the substance from the web or some other source Your CDR is a special report that shows your specialized abilities alongside illuminating your character qualities. It is essential to get a positive evaluation for the CDR to continue with the visa procedure. You can look for expert help with your CDR report writing to guarantee that it gets endorsed at the absolute initially go.

CDR Report Editing and Proofreading Services

CDR Report Editing and Proofreading Services

CDR Report

We are here for the engineers that are trying to obtain an Australian visa for skilled immigration process by submitting a well oriented and well written CDR. The body that checks and goes through all of these submitted CDR is the EA which stands for Engineers Australia.   The main objective behind formation of the EA is to assess that an engineer who has submitted his CDR is fit for the occupation he desires to go for while living in Australia. Any error in the CDR reduces the chance of getting a visa for an engineer.   We have come up with the best service to check for any errors, structural analysis of the document, any grammatical mistake, and all the qualities that an engineer should possess for the profession he is going for. Summary Statement should cover vital qualities for the profession an engineer is applying for. Guidelines for a well written CDR CDR is an abbreviation for what is known as Competency Demonstration Report and it is the most important step for application of an Australian visa. Through the process of skilled immigration process, EA is the designated authority which reviews the CDR that are submitted for the visa purpose. A solid foundation of the CDR is very necessary to make sure that a 100% chance of attainment of visa is enclosed. Some necessary details for orientation of a perfect CDR are:    Reviewing the CDR is last step that should be conducted by an engineer while submitting it. Editing and proofreading process takes place after an engineer has devised his CDR which should be strictly under the guidelines that the EA has devised. All the necessary elements should be covered while writing the career episodes. Grammatical mistakes should be something that should be avoided at any cost because what is shows is the lack of writing skills and bad communication skills by an engineer who is going for a job in Australia through skilled immigration process. So rejected CDRs have a lot of things in common and the top most reason is bad English which should be avoided at any cost. There is a difference between subtle illustrations and fonts and going plain crazy with everything. Font size, font style and attributes must be classic.  CDR should be checked for any kind of error that exists related to everything and anything that comes under the category of grammatical mistakes, irregularities in punctuation, correct use of tenses and wrong kind of English. All of the process comes under the category of reviewed sense known as Proofreading. Any kind of error that exists in the written CDR should be eliminated during the proofreading process. It is the last step to ensure a CDR free from error.  Active voice and first person reference is appreciated while writing a CDR, much of the technical aspect while giving the description of qualities of an engineer can be neglected. Actual facts and references must be used which gives the EA a clear idea of how an engineer is fit for the job he is applying for Why choose our CDR editing and proofreading services? We have experts that are exceptional at editing and proofreading of a CDR to be submitted before the EA which is submitted in a perfect manner ensures the engineer to get a skilled immigration visa for Australia. We guarantee that the CDR that has to be submitted would be error free, grammatically correct, well oriented, true to the facts and every quality designated for a job by the EA has been displayed perfectly.   We help engineers by painting a bigger picture of them in front of the EA in a positive and effective manner. We keep in mind every  CDR guidelines set by the EA which tones up the perfect image of an engineer, getting a visa for Australia has never been easier.

Help in writing Engineering Competency Claims Report

Help in writing Engineering Competency Claims Report?

CDR Report

An ECC (Engineering Competency Claims) Report is documentary evidence required by Engineers Australia (EA) to provide it’s Chartered Membership. It is among the four documents that you need to submit to the Institution of Engineers Australia for assessment. The members of EA who are aspiring to get themselves registered in the National Engineering Register (NER) have to prove their competencies as professional engineers. These competencies must be relevant to the competency standards of Engineers Australia stage 2. Chartered Status is itself a top-ranked engineering professional status through practice. Hence the engineers who are already a member of EA and want the status of a Chartered Member have to authenticate their engineering competency in leadership, safety, quality, and expertise through ECC. Engineering Competency Claims The claims in Engineering Competency Claims (ECC) report range between 11 to 16. The number depends on the selected E-Chartered assessment pathway for Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng). The four pathways include: Professional Development Program (PDP) Matured Experienced Engineer (MEEE) Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) Engineering Competency Report (ECR) One who opts for assessment through Engineering Competency Report (ECR) has to submit a total of 16 Engineering Competencies Claim (ECCs). In every Engineering Competency Claim, you have to explain in detail the engineering contribution made by you in the technical projects throughout your career as a professional engineer. These claims will be based on the following elements of EA standard   Engineer’s personal commitment: In this section, you have to explain how you will develop and recognize your competencies and handle the responsibilities of your work. Engineer’s accountability to the community: In this section, your responsibility towards the betterment of your community has to be represented. What you have done for it and what kind of solutions you have given to the requirements of people that proved sustainable to them is of much importance. Engineer’s value in the workplace: In this section, you have to explain how you can incorporate the processes and tools to maintain working standards. You have to demonstrate how you will communicate in the workplace. Engineer’s proficiency at a technical level: In this section, you have to represent your technical abilities to EA. You have to demonstrate how you have applied your engineering skills in particular engineering problems and how you have provided solutions to them. Engineering Competency Claim Writing:As a structural engineer, you have to think about the minimum 6 career episodes in which you have significantly contributed. You may refer all your proposals, resume, achievements or specifications and also the engineering activities and problems mentioned in EA stage 2 standards. Many online services provide ECC writing help. Those which help in writing CDR report also guide in writing the Engineering Competency Claims. They can help you in submitting your documents for registration of Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng). They provide assistance as well as review your ECC for best results.   The online service providers hire professional writers who have experience in writing ECCs. All you need to do is provide your CDR report (if submitted before to EA) and CV. If you have not made your CDR report then they will ask you questions about your professional experience and will write effective claims for you.


10 Commandments to write an Excellent CDR

CDR Report

CDR report writing is very crucial report for those professionals engineer who are hoping to immigrate to Australia. This report should be as per the guidelines of the Engineers Australia for the migration skills assessment. Writemycdr.com have the bunch of professional experienced writers who are there for your help in writing CD report as per standard of Engineers Australia. Excellent CDR Report contains following Attributes Project Objectives, duration, Your position with Hierarchy, Company’s Background & Location Detailed 7 responsibilities as per ANZSCO Code (as per your engineering discipline) Engineering/ Technical Problems faced & Solutions offered Design Components (highly important to mention at least two design items) Engineering/ Technical Calculations (what types (names), how performed, results) Codes/ Standards, Software used, Trainings attended Meetings, Presentations, Documentation, Discussions & Literature review Team Work, Dealing, Innovation Environment, Health, & Safety considerations, Social activity Professional Achievements, Project Out puts, Goals/ Targets met, Recognition

WriteMyCDR is a one-stop shop for all CDR services you are looking for!

WriteMyCDR is a one-stop shop for all CDR services you are looking for!

CDR Report

WriteMyCDR.com aims to help Engineers in arrangement of Competency Demonstration Reports (CDR) and give finish direction to Competency Assessment for Engineers Australia Membership. We are an independent association with an exceedingly proficient group furnishing prosperous participation to Engineers all inclusive with their skills assessment in view of our huge involvement in this field.   Our involvement in proficient report writing encourages transients (migrants) to get noteworthy answers for every one of their issues. Our groups of prestigious specialists have ensured PhD. journalists holding flawless information in their branch of knowledge.   We give various commendable CDR reports for all engineering disciplines at efficient costs for reference, which are assessed and suggested by Engineers Australia. Our especially high achievement rate for help gave to our customers is a proof that our direction, the assessment and sample CDR reports are amazingly useful and beneficial.   Our mission is to enable you to secure the highest position by offering you excellent writing work just as per your gave rules and guidelines. Here, you will encounter 100% consumer satisfaction with a couple of outstanding guarantees too. Our fantastic group of client support officials’ works diligently to help you present a top-notch scholastic paper without investing much exertion. Values on Which We Work Upon Client-First We work with a customer driven approach and it is the reason we have customers in excess of 20 nations all inclusive. Our impalpable items have helped our customers achieve the apex in their space. Innovation The vision of our organization isn’t simply constrained to help the students, yet we strive to wind up the main learning based organization among buyers. Teamwork What we convey is through our collaboration. There are a few difficulties in each procedure that we address with the assistance of proficient and powerful coordinated effort. We guarantee that our entryways are opened just to the correct ones. Professional Being unprofessional is simple; yet keeping up the correct etiquette takes a great deal of positive experience. Professionalism and respectful helps us with the repeating customers, and that is the thing that makes us effective. Mail us at: info@writemycdr.com or visit our site at  writemycdr.com/

Ideas for creating a Competency Demonstration Report by myself

Ideas for creating a Competency Demonstration Report by myself

CDR Report

A Competency Demonstration Report is your gate pass to a promising career in Australia. Once the assessing authority EA (Engineers Australia) approves the CDR, it becomes an easy task to get a visa approval. The CDR helps EA assessors understand your past academic journey and the work experience that you have attained. It also helps them to gauge your future aspirations and the developmental journey that you have adopted. And, it does all of that by sharing details of some of the projects that you have been a part of and elaborating on your role. So the choice of these projects that you want to elaborate in the CDR is certainly a strategic decision. It should go well with the occupational role that you are applying that visa for and align well with the right ANZSCO code.   As you begin to understand the process better, it will help if you go through the MSA (Migration Skills Assessment) booklet thoroughly. It is a one-stop guide for all your CDR related queries and elaborates on every section of the report. It also defines different competency elements for better understanding and a correct decision at your end.   Since you are working on your CDR, it’s safe to assume that you are an engineer with a certain amount of professional experience in your kitty. So you certainly are an expert in your domain. On the same lines, CDR writing also requires the expertise of a different kind: technical report writing, understanding of the domain, and a good understanding of written English, ability to structure and present the report well, check for content authenticity, and uniqueness. Some ideas to work your way through the CDR smoothly: Identify the projects where you had a meaty role to play and your contribution was absolutely required to achieve the desired goal.  The expert assessors are not keen to know about the organization history or team objectives. It is you whom they are assessing and nothing else. So elaborate on your role, duties and responsibilities, through an Organogram.  Do not use heavy technical representations, jargons, graphical representations, or calculations in the report. Keep it simple while making them understand your contributions to the eventual goal well. Use the opportunity wisely to demonstrate your technical prowess and stress upon your contributions by using sentences like “I calculated”, “I established”, “I designed”, etc.  Elaborate on any design projects that you have undertaken or let them know of professional achievements that make you stand out  Share how you worked for the benefit of the employees and the environment.  Ensure that the report is unique and tells your story  It should perfectly match up to the degree and work experience claims that you have made in the report So the above mentioned are some of the ideas that you can adapt to write and deliver a good CDR. Look out for experienced CDR writers to help you with your reports, if you aren’t sure of doing this task yourself with complete conviction.


Common CV-Resume Mistakes

CDR Report

Make sure your resume is in top-notch shape by avoiding the top 10 resume blunders: Being Too Focused on Job Duties Your resume should not be a boring list of job duties and responsibilities. One of the most basic resume tips is to go beyond showing what was required and demonstrate how you made a difference at each company, providing specific examples. When developing your achievements, ask yourself: • How did you perform the job better than others? What were the problems or challenges faced? How did you overcome them? What were the results? How did the company benefit from your performance? Did you receive any awards, special recognition’s or promotions as a result? Using a Flowery or General Objective Statement Many candidates lose their readers in the beginning. Statements such as “a challenging position enabling me to contribute to organizational goals while offering an opportunity for growth and advancement” are overused, too general and waste valuable space. If you’re on a career track, replace theresume objective with a tagline stating what you do or your expertise. Making Your Resume Too Short or Too Long Many people try to squeeze their experiences onto one page, because they’ve heard resumes shouldn’t be longer. By doing so, job seekers may delete impressive achievements. Other candidates ramble on about irrelevant or redundant experiences. There is no rule about appropriate resume length. When writing your resume, ask yourself, “Will this statement help me land an interview?” Every word should sell you, so include only the information that elicits a “yes.” Using Personal Pronouns and Articles A resume is a form of business communication, so it should be concise and written in a telegraphic style. There should be no mentions of “I” or “me,” and only minimal use of articles. For example:   I developed a new product that added $2 million in sales and increased the market segment’s gross margin by 12%.   Should be changed to:   Developed new product that added $2 million in sales and increased market segment’s gross margin by 12%.  Listing Irrelevant Information Many people include their interests, but they should include only those relating to the job. For example, if a candidate is applying for a position as a ski instructor, he should list cross-country skiing as a hobby. Personal information, such as date of birth, marital status, height and weight, normally should not be on the resume unless you’re an entertainment professional or job seeker outside the US. Using a Functional Resume When You Have a Good Career History It irks hiring managers not to see the career progression and impact you made at each position. Unless you have an emergency situation, such as virtually no work history or excessive job-hopping, avoid the functional resume format. The modified chronological format, combination resume, is often the most effective. Here’s the basic layout: Header (name, address, email address, phone number). Lead with a strong profile section detailing the scope of your experience and areas of proficiency. Reverse chronological employment history emphasizing achievements over the past 10 to 15 years. Education (new grads may put this at the top). Not including a Summary Section That Makes an Initial Hard Sell This is one of the job seeker’s greatest tools. Candidates who have done their homework will know the skills and competencies important to the position. Thecareer summary should demonstrate the skill level and experiences directly related to the position being sought. As part of your Professional resume preparation, peruse job openings to determine what’s important to employers. Next, write a list of your matching skills, experience and education. Incorporate these points into your summary. Not Including Keywords With so many companies using technology to store resumes, job seekers should sprinkle relevant keywords throughout their resumes. Determine keywords by reading job descriptions that interest you, and include the words you see repeatedly in your resume. Referring to Your References Employers know you have professional references. Use this statement only to signal the end of a long resume or to round out the resume layout. Typos One typo can land your resume in the garbage. Proofread and show your resume to several friends to have them proofread it as well. This document is a reflection of you and should be perfect.

How can WriteMYCDR help

How can WriteMYCDR help?

CDR Report

WriteMyCDR.com have come across a number of highly dejected and annoyed engineers post-assessment of their CDR by EA since they have been pegged as ‘Engineering Associate’ or ‘Engineering Technologist’. This is despite holding a 4-year bachelor’s degree in engineering. The catch is if one is assessed for any category other than the one applied for, it may result in loss of opportunity for the candidate to be in the SOL list and hence may even be called for the immigration interview. Even if a candidate did make it to Australia, he will not be entitled to certain jobs that he is otherwise qualified for being an engineering graduate. What are the main reasons of rejection? Some of the main reasons why CDR gets rejected include: • Understanding that career episode is all about demonstrating how you as an individual has applied engineering abilities in the work. Therefore, care must be taken that you show your contribution and use phrases like “I designed”, “I investigated” rather than the team effort. This is in-fact the most common mistake we see whenever we are carrying out a CDR Review. • Ensuring that each career episode highlights one competency unit and its subsequent elements in detail. Lot of times while reviewing CDRs, our team has observed that applicants try to cramp in too much in each career episode. • Another associated mistake (to the above point) which a lot of people do is putting in too much technical details (graphs, tables etc…) in the career episode. While the intention of doing so might be correct (to display technical prowess) but it causes a hindrance in assessing the contribution. Therefore, fine balance needs to be maintained while writing career episodes. • CPD (Continuing Professional Development) needs to be restricted to One A4 Size Page. Applicants often extend it to even 3 pages to include all certifications. • Word Limit needs to be strictly adhered to. For example – As per MSA (Migration Skills Assessment) booklet, career episodes need to be from 1000 – 2500 words. • Though not encountered that often but improper usage of grammar also pops-up as one of the points worth taking a second look. • Last but not the least, we have also encountered plagiarism a lot of times while reviewing CDRs. Trust us there is no big deal breaker than plagiarism. There is absolutely ZERO percent tolerance level for plagiarism. Why to Take CDR Review Service from Our Experts? Year after years thousands of students are engaging themselves with us to get designed an impressive CDR for the final presentation based on our world-class CDR review service. WriteMyCDR.com assure you that success rate of our CDR Review service are very high as most of our students have successfully bagged a job in this country as an engineer. Also, we bring an originality and exclusivity to our work. Our work is 100% plagiarized free and has significance to our previous work. As it is the final presentation, submission of the work is very crucial to make an impactful impression, so we deliver our work within the given targeted time. This helps the candidates to meet the deadline and achieve their targets successfully. Mail us at: info@dineshs11.sg-host.com or visit our website writemycdr.com/blog/

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