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When Do I Go for Stage 1 Competency Assessment for Engineers Australia

When Do I Go for Stage 1 Competency Assessment for Engineers Australia?

Engineers Australia

Stage 1 competency is for those migrant engineers if your technical/engineering qualification is not recognized by EA (engineers Australia). Let me explain you with example   If you have Australian engineering degree but it’s not approved by engineers Australia.Migrant engineer (overseas) having engineering degree is not recognized by EA.Candidates having degree in engineering not approved by EA but may have graduate degree in engineering. Engineering occupation categories Engineers Australia has three engineering categories • Professional engineer: – Four year bachelor engineering degree or five year of master engineering. • Engineering technologist: – Three year of bachelor engineering or Bachelor of Science degree. • Engineering associate: – Two year advanced diploma or associate degree in engineering field. Required Document for Stage 1 Assessment Competency for Engineers Australia You have to upload required file in pdf or doc but preferred format is pdf by scanning all document with very clear with maximum 10 Mb. ⇒ Photo identification proof ⇒ Verified CV/Resume ⇒ English language competency report ⇒ Qualifications document ⇒ Three career episodes report ⇒ Summary statement How WriteMyCDR.com Help in Making Career Episodes Report for Stage 1 Assessment? WriteMyCDR is trusted online CDR report writing helper for overseas engineers in all engineering streams having team of engineers to write all three career episodes report and the summary statement report for engineers Australia with HD quality. We have delivered thousands of competency demonstration report to our client and they are working as engineer in and getting good salary package. The main motive of three career episodes is to demonstrate yourself to assessor and prove that you are suitable for particular job. Each career episodes should be 1000 to 2000 words. You have to keep some point while writing team project. You should explain the whole project but the main point is that you should not miss the role you done while doing particular project and how you used tools/method to come over that. There is a lot of parameter which is needed to be remembered while writing career episodes report for engineers Australia.   Get stag 1 competency assessment career episodes writing help by our experienced engineers (writers) to get best report.

7 Tips by Experts to Qualify EA Parameters

7 Tips by Experts to Qualify EA Parameters

Engineers Australia

CDR is submitted to the EA for them to assess communication skills and demonstrate a stand out quality for the person submitting it. After a positive impact is made through a well oriented and well written CDR, the odds stacked up for an engineer to settle down in Australia liquefy. So in a nutshell we can say that a well written CDR ensures the chances of an engineer to settle down in Australia. We have professional writers for helping candidates that are trying to go to Australia via CDR writing. A positive feedback from the EA is safeguarded and chances of getting an Australian visa is made definite by our CDR writing services.  Guidelines decorated for a well written CDR demonstrating positive and exceptional communication skills are already devised by the EA. Before actual writing work for a CDR is commenced, one should go through the guidelines and understand the motive behind submission of a CDR. Three vital factors for a CDR are: Continuous Professional Development list, three career episodes and a summary statement. Each of these three have a very important motive which should be made clear before actual writing starts. The English that is used for written documents in Australia is similar to the one used in Britain. Style of writing, spellings and the words being used should fit perfectly into the guidelines devised by the EA. We have experts that are well versed with the parameters of CDR writing for the EA. Any errors in the CDR written by one are corrected by our proofreaders and experts having the capability to look for any irregularities in the English. We use a series of questions with the objective of gathering information to cast the career episodes for our clients in the best possible way. EA evaluates the candidates who apply for the profession chosen by them in a way that they fit the category like a glove. Any category that comes up with engineering can be chosen and the events which took place in one’s life where the qualities for the chosen profession is displayed are checked. When a workplace is shown by a candidate, what the EA looks for is the contribution of the candidate in that place. All the irrelevant details where how successful the workplace is and its history can be neglected. If any appraisal or awards are won by a candidate in that workplace then certificates or authentic documents should be submitted. While writing the summary statement every aspect of the three career episodes are looked into and the factors supporting them are checked. First and foremost the summary statement is evaluated in which if all the facts and evaluation of information provided is perfect then one’s impression is set in a positive way. Active voice is the correct way to devise career episode because it shows how fresh the memory of a candidate is. Doing things that are important to a workplace and writing them as I did, I evaluated and I checked is the correct way. Being crisp about the information provided and avoiding any redundancies is also important. Being authentic about the CDR written by someone is the best way to make it as the deciding factor whether proposal for visa is accepted or rejected. Copying samples online is a sin known as plagiarism which should be avoided. We offer plagiarism checker and offer authentic written CDR’s. If you have looked for CDR samples online and used the exact sentences or phrases then surely the EA would rule out the CDR. For the same purpose we have paraphrasing tools to remove any errors and similarities between samples and the actual written CDR.


Common Technical Difficulties/Problems in Career Episode

Engineers Australia

Career Episode composing is a vital part of your Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) – required by Engineers Australia (EA) to pass judgment on whether your engineering skills and information coordinate the Australian standard or not. Engineers who need to move to Australia need to apply under one of the four occupation characterized by EA for Skilled Migration: Professional Engineers Engineering Technologists Engineering Associates Engineering Managers     EA records capabilities for every one of these categories. When you compose your Career Episode Report, you should remember that you are explicitly composing it to show that you have all the competency components referenced under the occupation classification for which you are applying. Tips from our Career Episode Writing Experts   When you are conceptualizing on the Career Episode point, it is a smart thought to have the EA list of abilities in front of you. Think about the occasions where you connected those specific skills in your career range – and weave a Career Episode around it. Keep in mind that you should support your cases with confirmations. Henceforth, adhere to the realities and subtleties that you can demonstrate to be valid. Keep your CE inside the predefined word limit (1000 to 2500 words), do exclude such a large number of specialized languages in your profession scene, and utilize right Australian English. Your CDR report is utilized by your assessor to pass judgment on your personal abilities as well. Consequently, be cautious about how to exhibit your story. In a Career Episode, center around utilizations of engineering information and aptitudes you have. Continuously utilize the primary individual to characterize your individual, in particular, to characterize your own job in the occurrence you set out to describe. EA assessors search for words like ‘I structured’, ‘I arranged’, ‘I gauged’, ‘I determined’, and ‘I researched’ and so on to realize what all you can do. Abstain from utilizing tables, computations, or photographs that make your paper look excessively specialized however when you are telling about a engineering issue you distinguished and solved, it is ideal to portray the problem solving strategies you utilized in detail – to make your Career Episode look increasingly reliable. Each Career Episode ought to in a perfect world have four areas: Introduction, Background, Personal Engineering Activity and Summary. Introduction: In around 100 words, it should make reference to the order of the career episode (in which period of your career it occurred), dates and time of the episode, geological area where it occurred, name of the foundation or organization included, and your situation there. Background: In around 200 to 500 words, depict the setting of what you were studying or dealing with at the time. You may make reference to the nature and targets of the engineering task you embraced, the specific work area you were included with, the hierarchical structure graph or the organigram which features your situation in the organization at the time, and your expected set of responsibilities, key duties or occupation profile at the organization. You may need to substantiate any cases with the official responsibility statement or arrangement letter you got. Personal Engineering Activity: In around 500 to 1000 words, depict the real work you set out to describe. Concentrate on the engineering related assignments you performed. Discussion about how you connected your engineering skills and information to the circumstance, what assignment was appointed to you and how you achieved it, and specialized troubles or difficulties you confronted and how you defeated them. Concentrate on any developments, innovative structures, uncommon methodologies or unique thoughts you invented. You can likewise discuss your association with your colleagues and you job as a team leader or negotiator or astute follower. Summary: At the end, compose a summary for your Career Episode that features all the engineering related capabilities you showed in that specific story. Try not to give your Career Episode a chance to be excessively conventional or excessively specialized. You ought to be adjusted in your methodology. When you state, ‘I planned a circuit board’, you may include subtleties like which parts you used to make it, which structure programming apparatus you utilized, things in which you expected to work together with others, and where and why you required corrections in its circuit structuring. Then again, be careful about including such a large number of specialized subtleties that you are not ready to incorporate different components of the undertaking as the spearheading forms you were a piece of, detailing and correspondence system of the task, and cost-related choices you were included with. Try not to get occupied while composing a Career Episode. Keep in mind, it is about you and your abilities – and now what your group or office did. The assessors are not inspired by sentences like ‘we reproduced’ or ‘we planned’. They just have eyes for ‘I structured’, ‘I did’ and so forth that demonstrates your job in the group and your commitment to the venture. One of the greatest errors you can make is to depend on ‘lying’ about your job in the time. In the event that you are not ready to demonstrate any of the cases you make in your CDR, it is probably going to get dismissed by EA. Writemycdr.com has a group of expert CDR writers and editors who can keep in touch with you best Career Episodes. They ask you the correct inquiries and offer you modified CE arrangements rapidly. Get in touch with them at writemycdr.com.

Purpose of the Stage 1 Competency Standards

Purpose of the Stage 1 Competency Standards

Engineers Australia

Engineering Associate qualifications often have titles that embrace a broad field of engineering, such as Civil, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering. They may equally well relate to a particular area of application such as aircraft maintenance, soil testing, marine propulsion, or computer networking.Engineering Associates should have a capability that goes beyond a particular industry training regime, and a generalized knowledge base that allows them to locate their knowledge in the widest possible context and take professional responsibility for their work as fully-qualified members of the engineering team.   Stage 1 competency represents the level of preparation necessary and adequate for entry to practice. A newly-qualified Engineering Associate would be expected to work initially under the supervision and guidance of more experienced Associates or Professional Engineers, while experience is gained. Graduate Associates are encouraged to undertake Professional Development Programs approved by Engineers Australia while developing the practice competencies that will qualify them for Stage 2 assessment and the status of Chartered Engineering Associate.   Stage 1 competency corresponds to completion of a 2-year Advanced Diploma of Engineering or Associate Degree of Engineering (AQF Level 6) incorporating a program of units of competency or subjects approved by Engineers Australia. However, some Engineering Associates will have followed other pathways; for example, successive phases of in-service training early in their career, with later consolidation and broadening of their knowledge to strengthen its theoretical base. It is not expected that candidates will have demonstrated every detail of the knowledge, competencies and attributes that follow; but they must demonstrate at least the substance of each element. Assessment will be made in a holistic way. Stage 1 Competency Standard For Engineering Associate The Competency Standard is defined by 3 Competencies: Knowledge and Skill Base Engineering Application Ability Professional and Personal Attributes Each Competency is further described by Elements of Competency, of which there are sixteen in all. Together, the Competencies and Elements of Competency represent the profession’s expression of the knowledge and skill base, engineering application abilities, and professional skills, values and attitudes that must be demonstrated at the point of entry to practice.

Does EA demand project reports for CDR

Does EA demand project reports for CDR?

Engineers Australia

CDR report as mentioned by the guidelines of Engineers Australia in the Migration Skill Assessment booklet has to be in a total page from 1000 to 2500 words. Expert CDR Writers help applicants in grafting the best possible reports for them which will definitely help in clearing the CDR assessment.   EA does not per say ask for project reports for the assessment. But, in the case of discrepancies, the EA may, in fact, ask applicants to come forward with project reports so as to match them to the submitted documents.   As the EA outlays, applicants have to categorically mention their career Episodes in the CDR report. Each career report should be included in a paragraph of its own. Only a brief outline of the project should be mentioned and not very detailed information which can be tedious and boring for the people at EA and ultimately result in an unprofessional report. Each CE should have a proper introduction followed by information of the exact role of the applicant in the particular project. Then it should end with a summary. But make sure that every important information does get included. It is strongly suggested to avoid usage of bullet points in the CE and to write it in the form of an essay.   Of course, it is self-evident that the EA guidelines and the ANZSCO code descriptions are the limiting factors in writing a CDR report. Hence applicants need to thoroughly go through them before writing their own report. At this point, an applicant will have to decide which part of their Career report is better suited for the competencies mentioned by EA and work on their report accordingly.   After completing the report it is highly advised to proofread the report for errors such a spelling mistakes and punctuation and such which on hindsight can be a damaging factor for the applicant if not taken care of. Applicants should also run their report in a plagiarism checking software just to make sure there are no unfortunate plagiarism flags being reported in their CDR report

Engineering Technologist Role Description

Engineering Technologist Role Description

Engineers Australia

Engineering technologist analyses and modifies new and existing engineering technologies and applies them in the testing and implementation of engineering projects. Registration or licensing may be required.   Some of the task description of Engineering technologist is listed below:- Establishing the standards and policies for installation, input, testing, modification, creation, quality, control, tracking, maintenance and inspection of the industry  Inspecting the plans for ensuring optimum performances Delivering via the support of any plan in building and the equipment plans for coordinating with the management requirements in designing new surveys, things, and scheduled maintenances. Preparing the contractors and the pre-specifications for constructing the plan and the facility acquisitions. The engineering technologists schedule the pans and details the production activities. Engineering Technologists may not, however, be expected to exercise the same breadth of perspective as Professional Engineers or carry the same wide-ranging responsibilities for stakeholder interactions, for system integration, and for synthesizing overall approaches to complex situations and complex engineering problems.   The work of Engineering Technologists combines the need for a strong understanding of practical situations and applications, with the intellectual challenge of keeping abreast of leading-edge developments as a specialist in a technology domain and how these relate to established practice. For this purpose, Engineering Technologists need a strong understanding of scientific and engineering principles and a well-developed capacity for analysis. The work of Engineering Technologists is most often concerned with applying current and emerging technologies, often in new contexts; or with the application of established principles in the development of new practice.   Engineering Technologists may also contribute to the advancement of technology. Engineering Technologists frequently will take responsibility for engineering projects, services, functions and facilities within a technology domain, for specific interactions with other aspects of an overall operating context and for managing the contributions of their specialist work to a broader engineering system or solution.   Engineering Technologists must focus on sustainable solutions and practices which optimize technical, social, environmental and economic outcomes within the technology domain and over a whole systems life cycle in the above-mentioned roles. They will have an intimate understanding of the standards and codes of practice that underpin the technology domain and ensure that technology outcomes comply with statutory requirements.   Engineering Technologists are required to interact effectively with Professional Engineers and Engineering Associates, with other professionals, tradespersons, clients, stakeholders and society in general, to ensure that technology outcomes and developments fully integrate with the overall system and context.   Engineering Technologists must ensure that all aspects of a technological product or operation are soundly based in theory and fundamental principle. They must understand how new developments related to their specific field of expertise. They will be often required to interpret technological possibilities, to investigate interfaces, limitations, consequences, costs, and risks.   Engineering Technologists may lead teams responsible for; Implementation, Operation, Quality assurance, Safety, Management, and maintenance of projects, plant, facilities, or processes within specialist practice area(s) of the technology domain.   Some Engineering Technologists may establish their own companies or may move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises, employing Professional Engineers and other specialists where appropriate.

Petroleum Engineers hoping to migrate Australia

Petroleum Engineers hoping to migrate Australia

Engineers Australia

Petroleum Engineer Plans and directs the engineering aspects of locating and extracting petroleum or natural gas from the earth. Registration or licensing may be required. Task included are conducting preliminary surveys of mineral, petroleum and natural gas deposits with prospectors, Geologists, Geophysicists, other mineral scientists and other engineers to determine the resources present, the feasibility of extracting the reserves preparing operation and project cost estimates and production schedules, and reporting progress, production and costs compared to budgetM determining the most suitable methods of ore extraction taking account of such factors as depth of overburden, and attitude and physical characteristics of deposits and surrounding strata preparing plans for tunnels and chambers, location and construction of mine shafts, layout of mine development and the application of appropriate mining techniques To make it happen CDR report is the first step for the professional engineers. Every year thousands of engineers are migrating to Australia. CDR represents Competency demonstration report which simply proves whether you are capable to work in Australia as an engineer or not. The engineers with four years of Bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering can apply for the post of Petroleum Engineers.   CDR sample for Petroleum Engineers includes all the required reports such as Curriculum Vitae (CV), Continuing Professional Development (CPD), threeCareer Episodes(CE), and Summary Statement.   CDR writing is not an easy task any kind of mistakes can lead to 12 months suspension. Every candidate should be fully aware of the Engineers Australia Guidelines and they can also consider hiring professional writers who are experienced. There are various CDR samples online which can be used as a reference but plagiarized content is strictly prohibited. For further info visit us at writemycdr.com or directly contact at info@dineshs11.sg-host.com

Role Description for Engineering Associate

Role Description for Engineering Associate

Engineers Australia

To assess your qualification as an Engineering Associates you need to have a two-year Advanced Diploma or the Associate Degree in an Engineering discipline.   Engineering Associates have a wide range of functions within engineering enterprises and engineering teams. Feasibility investigation, scoping, establishing criteria/ performance measures, assessing and reporting technical and procedural options  design and development; component, resources and materials sourcing and procurement  Construction, prototyping, manufacture, testing, installation, commissioning, service provision and decommissioning; tools, plant, equipment and facilities acquisition management, maintenance, calibration and upgrades; operations management  procedures documentation, presentation and reporting  maintenance systems design and management  project and facility management  quality assurance, costing and budget management; and document control   It is required from the Engineering Associates to be familiar with standards and codes of practice, and to become an expert in their interpretation and application to a wide variety of situations. Many engineering associates develop very extensive experience of practical installations, and may well be more knowledgeable than Professional Engineers or Engineering Technologists on detailed aspects of plant and equipment that can contribute very greatly to safety, cost or effectiveness in operation.   Engineering Associates may have high levels of expertise in aspects of design and development processes. Some of the common areas of their expertise are;    Use of advanced software’s to perform detailed design of structures, mechanical components, and systems  Manufacturing or process plant  Electrical and electronic equipment  Information and communications systems, etc.  Construction of experimental or prototype equipment   Experienced Engineering Associate who operate in these areas often develop detailed practical knowledge and experience complementing the broader or more theoretical knowledge of others.   Engineering Associates need a good grounding in engineering science and the principles underlying their field of expertise, to ensure that their knowledge and skills are portable across different applications and situations within the broad field of practice. Equipment, vendor or context-specific training in a particular job are not sufficient to guarantee generic competency. Given a good knowledge base, however, Engineering Associates may build further on this through high levels of training, in particular, contexts and in relation to particular equipment.   Engineering Associates are competent enough to equip them to certify the quality of engineering work and the condition of equipment and systems in defined circumstances, laid down in recognized standards and codes of practice.   Engineering Associates may lead or manage teams appropriate to these activities. Some may establish their own companies or may move into senior management roles in engineering and related enterprises, employing Professional Engineers, Engineering Technologists, and other specialists where appropriate. In Australia, the term ‘para-professional’ is frequently used to describe the Engineering Associate occupation.

Engineering Manager Role Description

Engineering Manager Role Description

Engineers Australia

Engineering Managers can assess their engineering qualification if they have a Bachelor Degree or higher. Engineering Manager is a high-level position involving the formulation of engineering strategies, policies and plans and the direction, administration and review of engineering operations for an organization must have a record of senior management over a period of three years or more. Letters of reference and organizational charts must be provided must have persons reporting to him/her who are also at a management level. Engineering Manager Role Description Engineering Manager is a high-level position involving engineering strategic policy and planning for an organization. Engineering Managers are expected to have a bachelor degree or higher qualification and, at least, three years’ experience operating at this level. Experience needs to be demonstrated through letters of reference and organizational charts showing the applicant’s position. Engineering Managers plan, organize, direct, control and coordinate the engineering and technical operations of organizations. Engineering Managers perform following tasks; • Implementing and monitoring engineering strategies, policies and plans • Interpreting plans, drawings and specifications, and providing advice on engineering methods and procedures to achieve construction and production requirements • Establishing project schedules and budgets • Ensuring conformity with specifications and plans, and with laws, regulations and safety standards • Ensuring engineering standards of quality, cost, safety, timeliness and performance are observed • Overseeing maintenance requirements to optimize efficiency • Liaising with marketing, research and manufacturing managers regarding engineering aspects of new construction and product design • Contributing to research and development projects

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