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CDR report helps you in landing a dream job

CDR Report

To have a prosperous career, you need to make a lot of hard work and develop your skills that may be useful in your job. However, if you’re an immigrant Engineer who is looking for a job in Australia, you need something more than that. Competency Demonstration Report or CDR is a set of documents that one needs to submit in order to get the permission to apply or Engineering jobs in Australia. The complex requirements and a number of document presentations may seem a little hard for aspiring Engineers. However, one can always resort to CDR report writers who are always there to help people with their CDR.   As mentioned, preparing an impressive CDR is not particularly a child’s play. There is a set of documents that needs to be presented at the CDR Engineers Australia, the organization responsible for the recruitment of engineers in Australia, and if the report is not impressive enough, it may get rejected. So, one needs to be extremely careful during CDR report writing. An ideal CDR consists of the following documents:   • The application form CDR • A self-signed and attested copy of your report clearly stating that your report has been exclusively written by you • Scanned and attested copies of your academic record • A copy of your CV • CPD listing or Continuing Profession Development listing • Your English test results, preferably IELTS • Career Episode Reports or CERs – 3 of them • A summary of your competencies and abilities based on your CERs   Some of these documents require better drafting skills, while some can be presented as they are. To make sure your CDR makes the cut, you need to see your career episodes and resume are well written. Also, you need to pay more attention to your career summary. The professional CDR writer can be of use in this case. Every year, thousands of CDR applications get rejected as they fail to make an impression on the evaluators. So it becomes necessary for you to be a bit cautious. The professionals who have years of experience in drafting CDR for engineers can provide you with the necessary help.   If you want, you can prepare the CDR on your own. However, you need to be very particular about how you write the CERs. The career episodes may be the key to your success.

CDR For Engineers Planning For Migration to Australia

CDR For Engineers Planning For Migration to Australia

Skilled Migration

In Australia, good engineers are in great demand. The Australian government has been implementing plans to encourage migration to Australia – especially for those who fall under the skilled migrant category, like engineers. As engineering is a technical subject, the engineers are assessed on certain parameters.   Assessment of Engineering Degree Engineering, like any other technical subject, is taught by special institutes. Some countries with these institutes are recognized by Engineers Australia. And, candidates who pass engineering degree through these recognized or accredited engineering colleges are assessed through accredited programs, such as Washington Accord and Sydney Accord. These options are less strenuous.   However, if your engineering degree is not recognized by appropriate accredited groups, you need to submit a suitable report on your engineering work, known as the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). The CDR is a parameter which highlights how well the engineer has been able to demonstrate his engineering skills in a particular situation. This document is essential if you wish to work as an engineer in Australia and go for a hassle-free migration to Australia.   In short, CDR is used as a means to assess a non-recognized engineering qualification. Importance of Preparing an Effective CDR Preparing an effective CDR is a very important to get a valid visa to Australia. A well-organized CDR can instantly provide you with a passport to a prosperous life in Australia. However, a shabbily written CDR can ruin your prospects for a bright future in engineering area in Australia and stall your migration to Australia.   In other words, if you are an engineer who belongs to the category in which CDR has to be written for getting positive skill assessment, you should draft an accepted CDR with all information scripted in the way that catches the eye. There is a definite way to write a CDR where you should highlight specific levels that you have attained as an engineer while working in a company. Contents of the CDR CDR is a report that has reference to three engineering projects or performances which the prospective engineer has accomplished during his tenure as an engineer. In these episodes, various competencies are measured.   The CDR shows how well a candidate has mastered the engineering skills to showcase his competencies in each of these episodes or projects. The stipulated competencies have been collated by Engineers Australia.   One of the methods to create a well-made CDR is to look for samples that can give you a fair idea as to how to create this useful document. Researches have shown that a CDR would generally have… • The hurdles, problems, or issues which the company was facing. • The gravity of the problems in terms of losses it was incurring. • The steps were taken by the engineer to help solve the problem. • The team contribution and the individual effort was given by the engineer. • The rewards and recognition he earned due to his effort in the project. • The summary statement to collate the main points in the project or episode. • A report on the ongoing engineering development work carried out by the engineer. ….And, the entire report should be carefully narrated, tabulated, bulleted, and designated with sub-topics. Smooth Migration to Australia   An effective CDR suavely delineates all the competencies precisely and orderly so that it becomes a successful document for the engineer with a non-recognized degree who is pursuing migration to Australia. The document is an assessment benchmark to check the quality of the engineering degrees earned by the candidates.   There are different categories in engineering. And, for each category, the intense learning and competencies vary from one institute to another. It is through on-the-job learning that many engineers imbibe further knowledge and acquire effective competencies.   If you don’t have an accredited degree but looking for a prestigious engineering job nevertheless, you need to meet certain parameters – and this is delineated in a CDR. This document analytically highlights the engineering skills and applications of the candidate. These skills are measured as per the competency standard in Australia. This would enable the industry to understand the engineering know-how attained by the candidate.   Moreover, the entire CDR report is written in the English language that is accepted in Australia. In short, CDR is a final assessment document which is thoroughly checked by Engineers Australia. And, the review can either successfully help you get a permanent residency in Australia or nullify your chances to work in Australia. Word of Caution   CDR can make or break your effort to pursue better lifestyle, economic well-being, and secured life in Australia. Even though there are engineers with the superb track record at work and excellent educational qualifications, they fail to get their visas just because they don’t have an accredited degree and their CDR was also not a carefully written one.   Money, time, effort go waste and many lose their dream opportunity to settle in Australia just because of CDR glitch. So, before migration to Australia becomes a fiasco, pull up your socks and get started to create an efficient CDR. Take professional help, seek reviews and read up articles on CDR – you’d be sure to get useful tips and tricks to make your effort in creating a well-organized CDR.

CDR Engineers Australia –100% Guaranteed EA Approval

CDR Engineers Australia –100% Guaranteed EA Approval

Engineers Australia

CDR for Engineers Australia is must for overseas migrating and landing a dream job in Australia. The CDR is assessed according to Engineers Australia skills assessment guidelines. Engineers Australia CDR assessment is done to check every project, work areas or industrial activity that can satisfy EA Migration Skills Assessment Requirements for the specific job, according to ANZSCO codes.   Though skilled migration provides over 70% of Australia’s engineers, you would be surprised to know that the rates of rejection are equally high. And maximum rejection is for CDR Engineers Australia. Many engineers with superb academic and work records have got their CDRs rejected. These expert engineers were under the misconception that CDRs did not carry as much importance, as their technical skills and years of work. Our CDR Engineers Australia team knows the efforts that students put in to build up unmatched technical skills and academic expertise. We hate situations, when these years of experience goes into drains and work visa gets rejected, just because of CDR.   We have delivered brilliantly crafted CDRs which confirms your selection by Engineers Australia CDR Assessment Services. Our CDR Engineers Australia team, having over 10+ years of expertise in creating great career episodes, summary statements and CPDs, ensures that EA Australia is not just satisfied but loves your work. So, just submit details of your work process, projects you handled, workshops, seminars you attended etc. along with your core academic credentials to our CDR Engineers Australia team, so that we can start your success run with a class apart CDR. CDR Engineers Australia – Quality CDR Report Just Clicks Away…. Think, you have invested all those years gaining experience and skills in your engineering field, along with investing hours in projects and work. Would you like to lose out on the opportunity for an Australian Work Visa, just because you had not drafted your CDR properly? Off course, not!! A CDR report includes (a) CPD: A list of activities you took to keep you updated about your field after engineering graduation. (b) Three career episodes; Three essays (1000-2500 words long) that needs to be written, to demonstrate your growth as an engineer. (c) Summary statement; This is the last page of CDR report, where you show how the career episodes written by you matches the competencies EA wants to consider you valid for Australian Work Visa. Why Us? • Best Engineering and PhD experts to write CDR for Engineers Australia • Stellar CV or resume writing experience • Creating great writing career episodes • Drafting apt summary statements • Best representation of Continuing Professional Development • 100% plagiarism free work • Guaranteed Approval • Complete Refund guarantee • 24* 7 Live assistance • Best price and Timely delivery of CDR report. • Unlimited checks and revisions of CDR for Engineers in Australia. • Strictly adhering to MSA guidelines CDR Engineers Australia’s Migration Skills Assessment Sufficed Our CDR writing experts believe that choosing an apt topic and introduction is half battle won. With years of experience in delivering class apart CDRs, we are at the verge of being called the only CDR report writing service that understands what engineers migrating to Australia wants.   Our CDR report writing ensures that grammatically flawless, conceptually and technically sound and adhering to EA standards is created. From highlighting your TOEFL, IBT and IELTS results to ensuring a completely updated CV added to the report; we won’t leave a single scope for the CDR examiners at Engineers Australia to figure out loopholes or reject your application.   Our CDR report writers for Engineers Australia know how to come up with impressively drafted reports, highlighting those projects, models you created or researches you have done that EA is looking for. Craft a Perfect Career Episode with Our Help If you are planning to prepare an ideal CDR report for Engineers Australia, then Career Episode would be the most important area that you need to work on. Career episodes display skills and proficiency that would make your case as an ideal engineer, matching Australian standards. Engineers Australia’s Migration Skills Assessment would require you to present impressive career episodes, in the report.   For career episodes, we help you choose the perfect theme or incident and help you highlight the competencies you used to solve the engineering problem.   We ensure that all project reports that you have earlier worked on are properly represented and the segments are summarized uniquely to impress the CDR examiners at Engineers Australia. So you can bid goodbye to CDR rejections and improve your chances of getting Work Visa, with a perfect CDR report from us. Strict Adherence to Migration Skills Assessment Guidelines Whether it be Knowledge and Skill base, Engineering application ability, Professional and personal Attributes representation, all our works are in strict accordance with Migration Skills Assessment guidelines and Engineers Australia.   The CDR career episodes format, background and CDR summary statements are drafted according to MSA guidelines. The CPD details in CDR application is provided in list format as required by MSA.   The Engineers-Australia dedicated CDR experts ensure that all the technical and knowledge skills adhering to Engineers Australia Migration skills assessment are highlighted more than other skills. The CDR experts have more than 10+years’ experience in drafting successful career episodes, CPD and entire CDR. CDR Engineer Australia Experts- We Are the First Choice Our Engineers Australia-dedicated CDR professionals completely acknowledge the fact that submitting a perfect CDR to the Engineers Australia website isn’t a child’s play. We do understand that the immigrants are not only in need of a CDR report help for the Engineers Australia site; they prefer certain after-sales services, support and helpful add-ons as well.   This is the reason why our in-house experts have introduced certain service perks for the immigrant engineers looking for the best CDRs in Australia. So we provide live consultation to let them know about all the requirements for getting approved as an Engineer in Australia.

CDR Assessment Answers

CDR Assessment Answers

CDR Report

CDR represent competency demonstration report which is mandatory report for those who are willing to migrate to Australia. CDR report usually should be in the format as per the Engineers Australia (EA) for the skills migration assessments (MSA). CDR report writing quality is very important and there are various samples online you can used them as a references which actually follow the guidelines of engineers Australia (EA).   To acquire the score you desire, you need to know what exactly is asked of anyone who submits a CDR with the EA. Before we shed light on the crux, it is important for you to know how your CDR is processed and hence, analyzed.   For an engineer looking for the Australian PR, CDR could land the PR to you or land you in a good MNC. According to our CDR and assignment experts in Australia, it’s basically a representation of all the engineering skills in an essay-like format. When you do submit the CDR, it will follow a pre-set procedure. At the end-point of the procedure, the EA will take the decision as to whether you are eligible for the PR or not, and if you are, how eligible are you? Some of the rare tips for writing a good CDR   Knowledge of What You Are Applying For   In case, you are applying for a specific job designation it is a mandate for you to know what the firms look for these days regarding that particular job . If you are applying for the PR, just write the content according to the MSA Guidelines, and you shall be fine. Now we are not going to shower over you the tips that are required for a good Resume or CV, so, just do it.   Continuous Professional Development   When the research part is done, you can then think about initiating the process of the CPD list. For a layman be informed, it is just a list of all the things that you have probably done post your graduation. So, what shall a CPD include? Here’s the list, simple and straight.   Post-graduation details   • It shall include all the books you used or referred to in order to gain a deeper insight into the knowledge about the field. • If you had attended conferences, summits, meetings, seminars, webinars regarding your field of study, you have the option to include them as well. • If you had done some mentoring, internships, or short-term industry exposure things, you may well include them too. • Your learnings and takeaways from the seminars or the internships you were a part of. The next on the list is the Career Episode (you are now almost a master of how to write a good CDR).   Career Episode   There is a total of three career episodes. Each of them is 1000 to 2000-word essays. All the three depict your growth and development as a profound engineer. One of the key points that need to be followed by you while you are attempting to write a Career Statement or when you need CDR help is that whenever you begin writing it, you must begin with talking about the details of the company you had been employed by and the projects that were assigned to you. Remember, there is a total of three. For those three, the following four points or SECTIONS would get your CDR rightly evaluated by the EA in-charge of your CDR who knows how to write a good CDR. So, you will have to match and conquer his expectations.   The first section is going to be an introduction (100 words). One approach to go about the introductory part is to talk about the dates and duration of the job employment or your association with the organizations. To follow the introduction part, next on the list is the part that would build a background to your essay. In about 200 to 500 words, you may describe the context that the essay to follow is going to corner about.   To narrate the actual activities that you performed, in about 500 to 1000 words, the recommended approach shall be to list everything about your work experience (relevant). To include all the involved hurdles that stopped you from achieving your targets and what you did in order to overcome or jump over them could be one of the approaches as recommended by our CDR writers. Coming to the conclusion of the essay, a career summary shall now be in position. It shall highlight all the competencies that are related to engineering for that specific essay.   If there were any key calculations involved during your experience, it is a must for you to know that they are going to enhance and hence be the highlight of your essay. Check them thrice so your assessor knows that you know how to write a good CDR.   At the end of the career episode, it is time to impress the assessor. List down all the achievements, which may include the outcomes of the projects assigned to you or the group you were a part of.   Summary Statement   As the name suggests, it is the summary that is going to summarize your career episodes. The ANZSCO code chosen is of the utmost importance here. Be it you or anyone; it is a must to address all the Engineers Australia competencies. If there are any references that need to backbone your claims n the above essays, this is the time and place for them. It is vital not to spark an argument or initiate anything new here for which you would be required to include more references later on and the chain would never end.   • Skills and Knowledge, • Engineering Capabilities and their application, • Personal yet Professional traits. That is all you need to know when you try and write your own CDR. We hope you would now be able


does your work experience have to be related to your degree?

Skilled Migration

No, it isn’t mandatory and you can request for an Australian visa in different ways. Although if the work experience that you claim to have isn’t aligned to your educational degrees, it could pull you back a few steps. For instance, you may be an Arts Major, but working in IT (Information Technology). In this scenario, it is the Australian Computer Society (ACS), which will assess your work experience and also take into consideration your educational background. But the latter is in Arts domain and so the ACS will deduct a chunk of your work experience for this very reason. You just might have to submit an RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application in this case.   Moreover, the visa process is all document based and to explain and clarify a mismatch between your degree and work experience is again time-consuming and document heavy. Having a degree in the domain of your work also helps to accumulate higher immigration points, which assist you in receiving the ITA (Invitation to Apply) quickly.   Since you ask about the significance of your work experience in this process, let me tell you that it is a very important one, just like the factors of age, skills, educational qualifications, language ability and the likes. And, just to be eligible to apply for an Australian visa, you need to score a 60 on 100 in the point’s grid.   Anyways you are offering a huge fee to the Australian government while submitting the visa application and are also getting 2 years from your work experience deducted in the name of training years, so make the other years count. The more they are aligned to your degree, the better your chances to reach the 60/100 score for that ITA.


5 Ways To Write A Perfect CDR

CDR Report

CDR refers to Competency Demonstration Report which is a technical report required by Engineers Australia from the applicants who are aiming to make a career in engineering in Australia. Career Episode Writing Service is a crucial aspect of your CDR- required by Engineers Australia (EA) to judge whether your engineering skills and knowledge match the Australian standards or not. The main purpose to write a Career Episode is to give a brief explanation of your engineering education, job experience and any training related to engineering. Along with that, a summary statement is an important document in the CDR for Migration Skills Assessment. CDR Summary statement actively talks about the competencies one holds that is suited to the requirements laid down by EA.   More specifically, the following 5 steps are to be followed for a perfect CDR:     Step 1: Analyze your career or academic Qualification and identify instances/ projects that you can use to demonstrate your competency   Step 2: Select 3 projects and decide which will be used to prepare CE1, CE2 and CE3.   Step 3: Follow the structure below for your Career Episodes Background Personal Engineering Activity Summary Step 4: Check the format of a Career Episode from the Latest MSA Booklet by Engineers Australia   Step 5: Download Summary Statement template from EA website and fill it very carefully by cross referencing your CEs.   CDR refers to Competency Demonstration Report which is a technical report required by Engineers Australia from the applicants who are aiming to make a career in engineering in Australia. Career Episode Writing Service is a crucial aspect of your CDR- required by Engineers Australia (EA) to judge whether your engineering skills and knowledge match the Australian standards or not. The main purpose to write a Career Episode is to give a brief explanation of your engineering education, job experience and any training related to engineering. Along with that, a summary statement is an important document in the CDR for Migration Skills Assessment. CDR Summary statement actively talks about the competencies one holds that is suited to the requirements laid down by EA. More specifically, the following 5 steps are to be followed for a perfect CDR: Guidelines for Career Episode Writing: 1. Introduction (100 words) •Objective and nature of the project you are focused in •Chronology – Dates and duration of the Career Episode (the exact date of beginning as well as the ending of the episode) •Name of the educational institution/organization where the experience was gained •Geographical location of your project (city, state, country) where the experience was gained •Title of the position held by you at that particular institution/organization 2. Background (200-500 words) •Nature of the engineering project you carried out and objective of the project •Nature of the work area your project focused on •Organizational structure chart highlighting your position in the project’s hierarchy during that particular Career Episode •Statement/Details of your duties in relation to the project concerned (provide an official duty statement where available) 3. Personal Engineering Activity (500-1000 words) •Your particular role in the team and how you applied your knowledge •The engineering tasks that were entrusted to you •How you accomplished the project •How you worked with other team members •Any particular technical difficulties/problems you encountered and how you solved them •Significant contribution or strategies devised by you including any original or creative design work 4. Summary (50-100 words) •Overview of your project •Information about whether the project met its goals/objectives •Engineering Knowledge and Skills, Engineering Application Ability and Professional and Personal Strengths •Mention about the praise if you got any for the project •How your personal role contributed to the project in the conclusion section Guidelines for Summary Statement Writing: PE1 Knowledge and skill base •PE 1.1: The detailed and comprehensive theory of physical sciences and engineering of your Engineering discipline. •PE 1.2: The conceptual knowledge in the following domains according to your engineering discipline: Mathematics, computer & Information Sciences, Statics and numerical Analysis. •PE 1.3: According to your engineering discipline you should have deep knowledge of specialist bodies. •PE 1.4: The proper research direction skill and knowledge development in your specific engineering discipline. •PE 1.5: Knowledge of all the dependent factors which have impact on your engineering field. •PE 1.6: Complete knowledge and understanding of professional scope, fundamental assumptions, liabilities and latest awareness of all engineering practice in your particular field. PE2 Capability of engineering application •PE 2.1: The designing of such methods which leads to solving of complex engineering problems. •PE 2.2: The fast eloquent tools and techniques in specific engineering field. •PE 2.3: All the synthesis and design processes. •PE 2.4: The efficient application systematic approach which gives conductance to management in engineering projects. PE3 Professional and personal characteristics •PE 3.1: The answer ability of professional and humane •PE 3.2: The efficient and compelling communication in particular engineering domain. •PE 3.3: Inventive, prolific and creative attitude. •PE 3.4: The proper professional management and sorting of information of data. •PE 3.5: The professional conductance in proper orderly manner.

A Basic Overview Of Skilled Migration To Australia

Skilled Migration

Skills are valued Potential migrants with skills that can benefit the Australian economy are prioritized for visas. What those skills are depends on the skills shortages in the Australian job market, and on the occupations needed for Australia’s long-term growth.Skilled workers are highly valued. In fact, according to the Australian Government, skilled migrants are expected to make up 68% of the total number of migrants to Australia in 2014/15.This is good news for skilled workers looking to migrate to Australia, but there’s still the problem of qualifying for a skilled visa. This is where the Skill Select system comes in. Expressions of Interest Before submitting a visa application, applicants must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via Skill Select. • Personal information • Occupation and work experience • Education • English language ability • Qualifications It is essential that all information is truthful, accurate and able to be Supported by appropriate documents. The more detailed and targeted the information in the EOI, the better your chances of proceeding to the next stage. A skilled migration agent in Australia can help you create a compelling EOI. Once the EOI is submitted, state and territory governments can search the EOI register. They can nominate people with desirable skills to be invited to lodge a visa application. This is known as a State Nomination Visa (subclass 190). Private employers and the Australian Government can also invite people to lodge visa applications. Invitations to apply for visas are held monthly and the Australian Government publicizes how many invitations it expects to issue. An EOI is valid for two years. Applicants are encouraged to update them as necessary. If an applicant is twice invited to apply for a visa and twice fails to lodge the application, the EOI is removed from Skill Select. The EOI is also removed from Skill Select once a visa application is made. Visa applications must be made within 60 days of the invitation being issued. Skill Select Anyone applying for a skilled visa must apply via Skill Select. Skill Select has a point’s test that applicants must satisfy. The points test will provide a ranking for the applicant. The minimum point’s requirement must be met for a visa application to proceed, even if the applicant has been nominated or invited to apply.   Skill Select also allows applicants to nominate whether they are willing to be located in a regional area, and if they are, their application will be put forward for regional sponsorship. The main use of the Skill Select system however, is with State Sponsorship. The various Australian States are able to select who they would like to sponsor from the Skill Select database.

Engineers Australia Assessment Validity

Engineers Australia

  Engineers Australia (EA) offers Migration Skills Assessment (MSA) for applicants intending to apply for migration to Australian via the Points Test Skilled Migration scheme. Positive Skill Assessment Result is the main important key to your Skilled Migration to Australia. If the assessment is successful, an assessment outcome letter suitable for migration purposes will be sent to you by email. The outcome letter can be verified online by entering the application details here.   Please note that from the perspective of Engineers Australia, the assessment letter has no expiry date. However, we are aware that the Department of Home Affairs validity policy may vary from this. As such, if the Department of Home Affairs requests an updated letter, please contact Engineers Australia for instructions.   In the case that you are searching for Skilled Migration to Australia, at that point you should acquire positive skill evaluation result first before applying for the visa. MSA (Migration Skills Assessment) Engineers Australia is the assigned surveying specialist for all engineering professions who will measure your academic capability, work understanding, English dimension and so forth. When you get the assessment result for your ideal pathway, you can apply for the migration.   As indicated by the Engineers Australia, the evaluation result will stay legitimate eternally for Engineers Australia. In any case, DIBP (Department of Immigration and Border Protection) orders that the assessment warning ought to be close to three years of age at the period of migration application. You need to contact the MSA (Migration Skills Assessment) for the renewal of the evaluation letter after that timeframe. You should restore the first letter to MSA with the full installment structure to get a refreshed letter.   After the achievement of your evaluation system, an evaluation result letter proper for migration purposes will be sent to you by methods for email. If you have selected a migration operator following up for your benefit, your result letter will be sent by methods for email to your specialist. For the letters that can’t be issued electronically, it will be sent by conventional post and you might be charged an expense for this service. The result letters can be affirmed online by entering the application facts on the Assessment Outcome Verification page

Engineers Australia Assessment Timeline

Engineers Australia

Engineers Australia Assessment is usually processed via Normal Migration Skill Assessment process, but Fast Track Migration Skills Assessment is more convenient and faster process.   Normal Migration Skills Assessment: Normally, Migration Skills Assessment (MSA) applications takes about 4 – 7 months i.e. a long time to process.   Fast Track: However, you can fast track your application and have it assigned to an assessor for processing within 20 working days. The Fast Track fee would be $330.00 (AUD) including GST. How to Fast Track MSA Application?     The turn around time for processing assessments can vary, depending upon the numbers of incoming applications. Engineers Australia is not to be contacted within this time span as this will defer processing time for all applications.   Remember, you can reduce this turnaround time and have your application assigned to a case officer in 20 working days with the fast track service.   Non-accredited qualifications: 9 weeks before the application is assigned to a case officer.   Accredited Australian and Accord qualifications: 7 weeks before application is assigned to a case officer. Please be aware of the following: Exact waiting times can vary depending on the number of incoming applications. Waiting times are based on the date of receipt of all required information. Please do not contact Engineers Australia within the time frames listed above, as this will only delay processing times for all applications. Regularly updated advice on the dates of applications currently being processed can be sought by sending us a blank status email request. You will receive an automatic response.

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