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Our Free Evaluation Services

Our Free Evaluation Services

CDR Report, Career Episode

As part of our services in CDR sample we provide free evaluation in case you have prepared your Career Episodes or the entire CDR yourself. How free evaluation helps you? Free evaluation would help you understand if you have included all necessary information in your Career Episodes. We have prepared over a 1000 CDR applications within almost 9 years of our business operation and hence have gained a lot of experience in CDR and similar applications writing. We know the EA requirements in details. Many times one may think that he or she have included everything that needs to be included in Career Episodes but this is not actually so. The EA requirements are sometimes vague and not straightforward to understand. As a result you may not include information that should be in your Career Episode and include information that should not be there instead.   CDR is an important step in your immigration process (or getting the visa type you wish for) and you must get it right. CDR application process is long and costly, and you really need to do it right in order to pass on your first attempt to avoid delays and additional costs.   So, if you have your Career Episodes ready or you are in the middle of drafting your Career Episodes, contact us for our free evaluation services and we will give you a free advice on how to proceed with your CDR further.

How to Use our CDR Sample

How to Use our CDR Sample?

CDR Report

One of the core parts of our services is the provision of CDR samples. We have samples that cover all twelve application categories and offer at least one sample for each ANZSCO code. Here are some tips on how to use these samples the way they are meant to be used, and how to ensure the success of your application by utilizing them in the best way possible. Who are the samples for? Our CDR samples are aimed at the applicants who feel confident about writing their own Career Episodes by themselves, meaning that they have an adequate command of the English language. What is their purpose? The purpose of our CDR samples is to help an applicant gain a better and clearer insight on the proper style of writing, the specific ANZSCO requirements that correspond to the selected application category, the sections of the documents, the format, and the elements that must be present in the context. How to use them? You should thoroughly read through our CDR samples and take notes on what is mentioned and at what point in the documents. For example, you may realize that “design work” is mentioned in the Personal Engineering Activity section, while the “organization hierarchy diagram” is placed in the Background part of the Career Episode. Everything in our samples is there for a reason, and that is why evaluating this reason may need multiple reads. After you have created the first version of your career episode, go back to the sample and compare the two in order to locate things that are still missing.   What shouldn’t you do with them? • You shouldn’t blatantly copy any parts of our samples as this would result in certain rejection of your case • You shouldn’t assume that your own career episodes must feature exactly the same format as the one of the sample • You shouldn’t assume that your own career episodes must contain all of the elements found in our samples, or else it will get rejected • You shouldn’t even remotely paraphrase the main story of our samples • You shouldn’t share them with other colleagues of yours as this would be unethical   Of course, we are always here to provide further clarifications should you need our help with the CDR samples, or if you have any kind of questions regarding their use. If that is the case, feel free to contact us at info@dineshs11.sg-host.com

How WriteMyCDR Ensures High Quality CDR writing Services

How WriteMyCDR Ensures High Quality CDR writing Services?

CDR Report

We at WriteMyCDR like to be transparent as to how we set up our workflow and what exactly processes are followed. In this context, we would like to present you some key details that concern our CDR writing process. Here are the main steps that we follow with each of our clients: Pre-evaluation of the case During this first stage, our agents check the suitability of the category of application, the adequacy of the submitted credentials, and assess the work experience of the client. Based on the above, the stories that will be used for the three Career/Work Episodes are selected. First phase of CDR preparation Questionnaires that will help our expert technical writers prepare the Career Episodes are given to the client who is then expected to fill them out. Next, the answers are evaluated and more questions are submitted if deemed needed. After all the key information is collected, the Career Episodes are written and then submitted to our team of experienced editors who check them thoroughly for any grammatical, punctuation, or syntactical mistakes. During this phase, the content is also checked for plagiarism using specialized tools. Finally, our senior writers perform a last check on the files to ensure that they meet the criteria for a successful evaluation. After this is over, the Career Episodes are sent to the client for checking and approval. The client may ask for minor corrections, changes, or additions at this point. Second phase of CDR preparation After the Career Episodes are done, we enter the second phase of the CDR preparation which is the writing of the Summary Statement and the Continuous Professional Development documents. This is undertaken by the same Technical Writer that worked in the first stage of the case, so as to maintain a high level of coherence between all files of the CDR. Again, the SS and CPD is checked by our editing team, and then by our senior writers before their submission to the client. After the files are through this stage, the client can check them and suggest changes or additions. After the CDR is submitted No case is considered “done” for us until the client is successful with the evaluation. That said, we remain by your side and ready to step in and help you in the case of a rejection. Should this happen, we prioritize the re-work of your case which is then undertaken by our most experienced specialists.

What makes WriteMyCDR different from other similar service provider

What makes WriteMyCDR different from other similar service provider?

CDR Report

So, you need help with your CDR but you are not sure about which of the many companies that offer this kind of services can really guarantee you the best results. Here is a post that will highlight the factors that make us unique in the field, and the reasons why choosing WriteMyCDR is your best bet. We have the expertise Our Company isn’t just a person or a small group of people who prepare any kind of CDR. We are a diverse team of professional technical writers who all have actual experience in a specific engineering field. The cases are assigned to the right people depending on the ANZSCO code so that Chemical Engineers prepare chemical engineering CDRs, Telecommunication Engineers prepare relevant cases, etc. That way we can ensure that the content of the career episodes contains technical details that showcase expertise and in-depth knowledge, instead of filling in the elements of competency with generic claims. We have the experience we have succeeded in sending over five hundred engineers to Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. This number is not only indicative of our experience but also a sign of our dedication in what we do. This experience has given us the tools to understand the actual assessment requirements, the common pitfalls that aren’t mentioned in guidance booklets, and how to succeed in the first try. We are open while others can only claim high success rates and expertise, we are able to prove it through our own openness. We have active social network communities where our clients can confirm our claims, and we put their feedback on the forefront as the best proof of what we do. Moreover, we are completely transparent in what we do and we regularly post guides and tutorials analyzing our advanced methodologies on our website for everyone out there to read. We are not afraid of strengthening our competitors through these articles, as we believe that sharing expertise should be a fundamental value of the engineer and the scientist in general. We are reliable we are the only company that offers a 150% money back guarantee in the case of a rejection of your case. This is how confident we are, and this is the pure reflection of our confidence in the level of our service quality. That doesn’t mean that we will do whatever we want or we believe that is right without any regards to your opinion or wishes. We respect our clients and we listen to all claims that they make, trying to cover all of the special needs and requests while also fully meeting the requirements for a successful assessment.

Common Misconceptions about the evaluation

Common Misconceptions about the evaluation

CDR Report

Applying for a Migration Skills Assessment can be a stressful procedure since it can last for some time, and it can yield a wide range of outcomes depending on the situation. After having worked in so many cases, we know the various factors that can lead to success or rejection, and we also know the common misconceptions that lead applicants to further frustration. Here are the most frequent points of faulty thinking that you should stay away from: This is just a typical process MSA isn’t a typical process where you simply need to make generic claims about your previous work and education experience. This is a serious procedure that needs to be taken as such by the applicants. CDRs can contain anything You can be sure that all information that is contained in your CDR will be scrutinized, double-checked, and confirmed. You must not add fictional or untruthful elements in it, or you probably be left exposed later on in the evaluation process. All assessments are 100% objective Assessments are being done by agents who are human beings, and thus there can be no such thing as 100% objectivity. Some agents are quite strict while others have a more relaxed approach. How one translates the official guidelines of the assessment is completely subjective, and so is the specific level of requirements by each submitted CDR. I can always re-apply in the case of a rejection If an applicant is judged to be seriously unethical due to the submission of copied material or other reasons, he/she may be excluded from re-applying for a period of time, or even for life. If I am rejected, there’s nothing I can do If you are confident that you have been wrongfully rejected, you may ask for an “informal review” of your CDR which is done by an independent assessor. If the outcome is still negative, there’s the option of the “Formal Appeal” which will take your application for yet another review by the IRCPE (Independent Review Committee of Professional Engineers). The first step may take up to two months, while the second up to three and they both cost an additional fee for the applicant. My MSA result is taking too long to be announced. Assessments make take up to 15 weeks depending on the information, the number of agents, and the number of applicants at the time. If you’re in a hurry, you can always pay an additional $275 to take the “Fast Track” path that will ensure an assessment result within two weeks.

CDR writing rules Avoid plagiarism

CDR writing rules Avoid plagiarism

CDR Report

When you are writing your CDR, particularly the Career Episodes, you should follow CDR writing rules. One of the most important rules when you are writing your Career Episodes is to avoid any plagiarism. Even if you use any internet sources to find other CDRs or Career Episodes for reference, you need to make sure that you don’t copy and paste any content from there “as is”. All content you use needs to be heavily modified so that nothing from the original content appears in your Career Episodes.   When Engineers Australia receive you application, they compare the wording of your Career Episodes to their database and check if any content is same to previous submitted CDR. The worst type of negative outcome you may receive from the Engineers Australia is a rejection on a plagiarism basis. In this case not only your application will be rejected, you will also not have a possibility to reapply with a new CDR for a period of time or even indefinitely. So follow these most important CDR writing rules and avoid plagiarism in your CDR.   You can find a lot of online plagiarism checking software. If you do use some online resources for information, do use plagiarism checking software to check if there is any plagiarism left in your Career Episodes. This will help you avoiding plagiarism from online sources.   If you order our services for CDR writing, we would never copy content from any online resources and any previous CDRs we have prepared. We also use specialist plagiarism checking software that allows us to check that your Career Episodes are free of plagiarism against online sources. Also, this software allows us to check content of your Career Episodes against all CDRs we have previously done so there is no way of plagiarism to appear in your CDR.   If you need our services for CDR writing or upgrade or Summary Statement preparation, please contact us on info@writemycdr.com. For more CDR writing rule please visit our blogs section writemycdr.com/blog


Why You Should Choose Our CDR Plagiarism Checking & Removal Service?

CDR Report

Engineers Australia is strict about plagiarism and they have even mentioned it in the Migration Skilled Assessment booklet. They do not entertain misuse/copying of information and data from any source like websites, books, magazines, journals, CDR samples that are available online or from any of the CDRs submitted before. They use advanced plagiarism software to detect plagiarism in the CDR submitted by engineers. If they find any content that is copied from any of the above- listed sources, they reject the entire CDR as they view the plagiarism in the submitted CDR against their code of ethics. Further, depending on the case scenario, in the light of plagiarized content, Engineers Australia also had the power to debar you for applying for assessment for the next twelve months. The engineers should hire an expert, who will not only check the plagiarism in their CDR but also remove them by adding the appropriate content to remove the plagiarism in their content. The plagiarism in the CDRs invites unnecessary hassle and ban from further applying for Skilled Migration Assessment. Hence the applicants should hire professional CDR plagiarism removal experts for getting error- free and plagiarism- free Competency Demonstration Report. With expert professional editors and writers in our team at WriteMyCDR, we ensure that the CDRs are free from any errors and plagiarism. We have top subject experts, Australian language experts, editors and proof-readers for making, editing, proofreading and removing plagiarism. We use specialized software to check the plagiarism. It identifies the sources and highlights the copied sentences. Do not take the risk of being accused of plagiarism, as we have seen Rejection Letters due to plagiarized content from the assessing authorities. Why you should use our Plagiarism Checking Service before sending your report to the assessing authorities; Copying content from any published material (papers, articles, websites, books, etc.) and previously assessed CDR reports can have serious consequences. It is important to use plagiarism free and your work in your own words to avoid rejection. Our Plagiarism checking service provides you confidence that your work was not copied and you can save your time and money. Our plagiarism detection software can detect copied material from large databases. Plagiarism report highlights the copied sentences. Plagiarism report provides the percentages of similarity. Plagiarism checking service helps our clients to evaluate their paraphrasing abilities. Plagiarism checking provides you confidence that you will not get rejected and you have done true work that is free from copied material. Our Report writing service is 100% plagiarism free and we use World’s best plagiarism checking software to evaluate the content to help our clients, SO they can get positive skill assessment.

How to Write the Best CDR-Report for Engineers Australia Online

How to Write the Best CDR-Report for Engineers Australia Online?

CDR Report

Writemycdr.com is one of the number 1 Australia service provider for CDR Report Writing & Reviewing Service provider for Engineers Australia Skills Assessment.The best CDR writing professional organization would be the one which offers you the best nature of the report, before deadlines, at the most adequate cost. Constantly somebody that can offer you a successful report at the absolute first attempt.The latest guidelines are always available on the official website of the Engineers Australia (EA), and the MSA booklet is to be downloaded for free from that website. What are the Components of a CDR Report? The Major Components of a CDR are listed below: An Updated CV: You always need to enclose your updated CV with your CDR. 3 Career Episodes (CE): These are like small essays that describe your professional skill and experience in the technical field. Summary Statement: It is to be written in 1 page and a single paragraph. This is a summarized form of everything mentioned in the Career Episodes (CEs). Continuing Professional Development (CPD): The EA needs it for the Migration Skilled Assessment process. It shows how you are keeping yourself updated in your field. How to Write an Ideal CDR for Engineers Australia? To write an ideal CDR report, you always need to follow the latest EA parameters as given below: • Before starting to write the CDR, understand the purpose of the story very carefully. Each of the 3 Elements of the CDR report-Career Episodes, Summary Statement and the CPD, each of these elements serves very importantly in your career highlight. Thus, you always need to write each element with a lot of care and attention. • Always write the whole CDR Report in Australian English • Always choose the right topics for your 3 Career Episodes (CEs). • The EA assessors only want to know about you and not your companies. Thus, always try to highlight your technical skills and experiences in the report. • In most of the cases, the EA selectors read the Summary Statement part; first, this write-in in the most interesting way. • Write all the three Career Episodes in 1st person ad in an active voice. • Use the CDR Samples Writing as good references while writing the report • Enclose the scans of all your previous qualification as well as experience certificates duly signed by the concerned authority along with your CDR. • Your latest passport number should also be given with the CDR application form.   If you follow all the tips mentioned above, you can get your CDR selected by the Engineers Australia (EA) team. Availing a reliable CDR for Engineers Australia writing online service can be the best option for you. The expert can write the CDR reports exactly as per the EA parameters. Thus, you have ample chances of your CDR being selected by the EA. More information regarding CDR composition you can visit our website Or contact us at infor@dineshs11.sg-host.com

Why You Need CDR Review Service

Why You Need CDR Review Service?

CDR Report

After you submit your CDR to the Engineers Australia, they might reject it or ask you to edit and resubmit it or they might assess you for a lesser category than you were expecting. There are four categories in which the engineer can develop a CDR and submit to the EA. They are Professional Engineer, Engineering Manager, Engineering Associate and Engineering Technologist. If the assessor finds any mistake in your CDR, you might be assessed and chosen as Engineering Technologist or Engineering Associate even if you have four year Bachelor degree in Engineering. Once you get assessed in the different category, there might be chances that you might not make it into SOL or they may not call you for the immigration interview. Even if you go to Australia, you might not get the jobs according to your qualification. Hence it is necessary that you get CDR review Australia from the top experts so that any mistakes, if any, could be rectified by them, allowing you to be successful for Australia Skilled Migration. Reasons for CDR Rejection You didn’t mention your duties in the teamwork or group activity and the role you played in the project. It is difficult for EA to assess you if you fail to demonstrate your responsibilities You wrote CE points as bullet points and not in the paragraphs You failed to mention the methods you used for solving complex problems, tools and techniques you used in the projects, how you applied the design processes and experience in the project management There is no mention of company’s profile and the objectives and duration of projects you undertook in that company Describing the same project report in multiple Career Episodes that leads to confusion You used technical details like calculations, diagrams, tables and photos excessively in the CDR These are some of the reasons why your CDR might be rejected by Engineers Australia. At writeMycdr.com, our professional engineers will review your CDR and give you a detailed report on the changes you need to make so that the assessor will consider you in the desired category. Why to Choose Our Writers to Review Your CDR Report? We have an accomplished team of technical writers and professional engineers for reviewing your CDR and rectifying the mistakes that you have made while preparing it. Our highly skilled team reviews the CDR given by the applicant in a best possible way and make changes according to the requirements of the applicant. CDR review will include Editing and Proofreading services as well as Plagiarism Checking and Removal services in addition to the rectification of technical elements missing in the CDR. Our team for CDR writing services includes technical writers and professional engineers, who have many years of experience in making CDRs for Migration Skills Assessment.  With 1000+ engineering experts, we deliver winning CDR reports to the engineers, who are looking for migration to Australia.  In the CDR, our writers include all the skills and knowledge acquired by the engineers in their specific engineering domain.  We can provide all the services within hours as we have a huge team of writing experts.  We cover all the engineering fields as our technical writers come from diverse fields.  We are strict about plagiarism that helps you get 100% plagiarism- free CDRs from our technical experts.  We have complete understanding of CDR processes and requirements due to which we can deliver flawless CDR reports to the applicants. We have all the resources and a highly skilled team to provide professional CDRs to the engineers for Australia Skilled Migration. During the CDR review, we highlight and rectify the mistakes that might be done accidentally by you while preparing the CDR. We also ensure that the structure of the Summary Statement and Career Episodes is improved leading to the successful assessment. We provide guaranteed guidance and support to all the engineers looking to migrate to Australia. In addition to the timely assistance, our CDR writing services are affordable too.

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