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Factors responsible for the CDR report rejections

Factors responsible for the CDR report rejections

CDR Report

Do not try to show more smartness and avoid reflecting any cleverness in the report   Never try to showcase your previous organization   Do not write about unproven or irrelevant knowledge or skillsMajority of the students face difficulties while preparing the career record details in their CDR applications. CDR writing work is composed of multifaceted steps for proper report presentation in utmost proficient and professional manner. The students also forget the basic report writing principles in the CDR. These are some of the most common mistakes while preparing the CDR report. One of the biggest mistakes committed by the students is that they are unable to summarize their technical career episodes in various significant points in order to make it look more attractive. In the process of elaborate discussion, they often miss out in mentioning the major episodes and achievements in their careers.   Some of the applicant also fails in relating their professional development process in their CDR reports. The overseas applicants very often fail to address the requirement or criteria details listed in the Engineers Australia (EA) Handbook. Thus, majority of the CDR applicants often violate the criteria set by EA which result in cdr engineers Australia rejected. You can be freed from all these flaws and gets your CDR application accepted by availing the excellent CDR writing service from the most reputed writemycdr.com online company.

Everything you want to know about a Career Episode in a CDR

Everything you want to know about a Career Episode in a CDR

CDR Report

Drafting a CDR is never easy. The most difficult thing of a CDR is the Career Episodes. Yes, those three career episodes you have to write to prove you have done something worthwhile in your engineering career.   A career episode is to be written in an essay form, in about 1000-2500 words. Each career episode must depict a different scenario, not linked to the other two. You career episode must be in 1st person singular tense. These are the basics of writing a career episode.   But even after knowing all this, many people flunk in writing a good career episode. Well, that is completely understandable. Through a career episode, the Engineers Australia want to check your practical skills.   They want to know how you approach a problem. How analytical your mind is. Not what you have learned in theory, but what you can do in practice.   So, to write a perfect Career Episode, start out with a 100-word introduction. Mention the time and geographical location where the episode took place. Also, mention the name of the organization under which the project was going on, and the position held by you.   Next, give a little background about the project in about 500 words. What the project entails? The nature of the project, the main objective you wanted to achieve and the nature of your work. These are the points that must be covered in this.   Then comes the main body, which you may write in about 1000 words. This must entail full details about the project. Start with your approach to the problem. Give reasons for your approach, and what you hope to achieve from it. Talk about the difficulties you encountered along the way and what you did to overcome them.   Make sure you mention only your contributions and tasks. The Engineers Australia is not interested in what the team did. Rather they want to focus on your contribution and skills.   People often dive deep into the mathematical calculations and formulae, trying to explain the technicalities. Try to stay away from that. Don’t go into the mathematics. Go for the logic. The Engineers Australia is not interested in what you learned in college. They want to know what you can do with that logic. How you approach problems and counter them.   Discuss any strategies devised by you earlier, what changes you had to make to them and how you that affected your plan.   Don’t forget to compare the goals you had set earlier and the result you received in the end. Discuss what other steps you think if you took, things would’ve worked out better.

How to Write A Perfect CV for EA Skill Assessment

Engineers Australia

    A curriculum vitae, often shortened as CV or vita is a written overview of someone’s life’s work. More specifically, according to MSA Booklet it is described as down below:   A CV- resume writing is full summary of your engineering education and work experience. Your CV must be a complete record of your activities like work, studies, workshops or different seminars and must even include any periods of inactivity like gaps in your studies, joined any other subjects/field, year loss due to back logs, discontinued job to look after sick relative, pregnancy or any other health issues.   The CV is to be in a chronological list so it clearly shows what positions you have held and for how long. Projects, performances in the academic projects, workplace and assigned works is a big no to include in your CV. Your CV should be no more than three A4 pages but can just as well be laid out over 10+ pages, if necessary.   For each workplace provided you have to mention the following: The name and location of the organization including the contact detail Date and duration of the employment Your designation or position Your defined role and the brief description   Some Important points to focus while writing a Perfect CV for Engineers Australia: Career objective is mandatory and should be short and clear. Education Qualification should be written in ascending order. Work experience should be clearly described as well. Projects should be clearly written with their working periods. Your role, as well as the major role and objective of the project, should be mentioned.

Engineers Australia Ban

Engineers Australia Ban

Engineers Australia

CDR stands for Competency Demonstration Report. EA is the vessel through which the candidates can showcase their skills, experience to Engineers Australia to migrate to Australia as a Skilled Migrant. This report comprises of 3 Career Episodes, Summary Statement, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Resume. Engineers who prefer CDR for the very first time will feel difficult are completing it. Most of the engineers who are applying for assessment will be working or pursuing their academics, so there will be less time to complete the report. EA wants the candidate to create the best CDR report without any errors meeting all criteria and within the deadlines or else Engineers Australia Ban will be imposed.   Why CDR Gets Rejected & 12 Month Banned Imposed by Engineers Australia? • The CDR report has to be composed like an article; it should not use the above images, or any diagram, graphs. These reports will be rejected quickly. • Engineers who are applying for CDR to EA has to read the rules clearly and should focus, use all the regular rules and abide by them. • Language and Grammar errors have to be avoided because EA will reject the report without appropriate writing structure, grammar and lingual errors. Don’t use any composition or grammar out of guidance. • All the data, the information provided has to be true, and you have to produce a proof for each data. EA will access the reputation of the data, and if the false evidence is identified, then they will reject the reports. • Add a reference to your job experience, which is trusted because there will be a cross verification for all the details provided. • Always maintain a word length of about 1000 – 2500 words. It would help if you did not use any unwanted extra word to fill up the characters. • CDR report should not be plagiarized. It should be written on my own, and so, the candidates should not copy the contents from samples. • The 3 significant sessions CPD, Career Episodes, the summary statement, has to be precise and true data. Has this denoted the experience and skills of the candidate? CDR has to have team quality and team lead quality. So, candidates must submit the proof for the same. Problem-solving ability is the criteria for candidates.   Choose WriteMyCDR.com to Get it Approved Again These are the reasons for the CDR rejection by Engineers Australia. Candidates will ban as Engineers Australia Ban and rejection for one year. They cannot create and apply for CDR assessment for one year. This Banned by EA is because candidates have to analyze the CDR report, which was rejected, and they have solved all the mistakes in that. Candidates can get knowledge and more experience to write CDR. What is the limit for reapplying formally or informally?   If the candidate has any disagreement for results of the CDR report, then they can be applied for a review in two ways like formal appeal an informal request. A legal suit has to be submitted within three months, and Engineers Australia will take around six months to review. Informal request can be submitted within three months, and it takes about eight weeks to get processed. These all the points are essential to get CDR approved by Engineers Australia.

Experts CDR report writing services in Australia

Experts CDR report writing services in Australia

CDR Report

CDR report is done by engineers that are trying to make to their way in the job sectors of engineering in the country of Australia. CDR report writing is used to determine whether an engineer is capable of doing a job in Australia because it is a document that is devised by that engineer trying to show his communication capabilities and much more. Skilled immigration visa is the pathway which is for the engineers that are trying to look for jobs in Australia and to apply for that visa is made possible by submitting a CDR report for it. CDR stands for competency demonstration report, it displays how well does an engineer fits according to the competencies that are devised by the Australian authorities to allow only the best of engineers to work in Australia. There are certain guidelines that are devised by the immigration authorities of Australia under which every engineer submitting his CDR report is assessed upon.   CDR report is written with a basic purpose to get a skilled immigration visa for Australia but the process of writing a CDR is very difficult because of the nature of specific rules under which it should be written. The authority that sums up and evaluates the CDR’s that are submitted by the engineers seeking a skilled immigration visa for a job in Australia is the Engineers Authority (EA). A poorly written CDR can hamper the chances of getting the visa for Australia for an engineer if the written CDR is not according to the mark set by the EA. Most of engineers don’t have a clue about writing a CDR let alone writing the CDR perfectly which matches all the competencies asked for a particular job to display before the EA. Fundamental prerequisites of CDR writing services • A good idea about why the CDR is being submitted by the engineer before the EA should be crystal clear to the engineer submitting it. • All of the information to be placed perfectly in the CDR is not the same or available to everyone and it is very specific to every individual engineer. • Every guideline that is set by the engineer’s authority of Australia (EA) that assess the CDR submitted by the engineer should be met. • A very effective document is to be submitted in the form of CDR by the engineer which should be elegant and simple. • Every little detail of the competency demonstration report is to be set according to the Australian standards which may include writing style, language and referencing. • Evidences that can be proven easily are to be written in the CDR rather than faking it because every detail is checked and then assessed. • To convey your skillset to the EA which would provide you with the respective skilled immigration visa, you have to be able to look for ways to convey all your skill set into paper. • While writing the CDR report immigrants are asked to follow these simple rules of CDR report writing course. • They must include a series of document known as continuous professional development or CPD. • They should be able to devise the CDR as a well-planned out document which displays the competencies of an individual in a very efficient manner. • The meaning of their career path and the competencies displayed by an individual must be related to each other, which is set by the EA. • A curriculum vitae must be displayed along with the competency demonstration report by an individual.

6 Tips for Writing CPD for Engineers Australia Skills Assessment

Engineers Australia

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development which in short is a record of what you experience, learn and then apply. CPD helps you keep up-to-date with developments in your field of engineering after you have gained your undergraduate qualification which can also grow your professional networks and contacts. Also, it is essential to maintain Chartered Status by Engineers Australia.   The mentioned 6 things must be considered while writing CPD for Engineers Australia Skills Assessment:     CPD must be in chronological order along a list format with: Title; Date; Duration; Venue; It must include the detailed information about title, date, time period, location and other relevant information CPD must include details of: Formal post-graduate study; Conferences at which you have delivered papers or attended; Short courses, workshops, seminars, discussion groups, technical inspections and technical meetings you have attended; Preparation and presentation of material for courses, Conferences, seminars and symposia; Services to the engineering profession (volunteer work, board or committee volunteering, mentoring, etc.); Private study (includes books, journals, manuals, etc.); CPD must be in one A4 page. No exceed than one page. Inside the CPD, it only contain the information about what you did but not the how you did. It is not necessary to include certificates from each course. Your CPD records must document a minimum of 150 hours of structured CPD over a three-year period.   CDP SAMPLES CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE 1   S.N. Title Duration Organization Location 1. Intermediate (Pre-Engineering) Name of the organization Pakistan 2. Bachelors of Electronics Engineering …-2013 Name of the organization Pakistan 3. Self: Basic MS Office 1 month Name of the organization Pakistan 4. Self: PCB design Training 2 months Name of the organization Pakistan 5. Intern: Mobile Switch Control Engineer 1 month (2011) Name of the organization Pakistan 6. Design Engineer 2013 Name of the organization Pakistan 7. MS Manufacturing Systems Engineering 2017 Name of the organization Malaysia 8. Production Operator 2018- Present Name of the organization Australia CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE 2   S.NO. ACTIVITIES DURATION ORGANIZATION VENUE 1. Industrial Visit 2 days (2012) Name of the organization India 2. Internship 2 weeks (20…) Name of the organization India 3. Industrial Visit 2 days (2014) Name of the organization Calicut, India 4. Course: Proteus, Eagle and OrCAD 2 weeks (2014) Name of the organization Pampakuda, India 5. Training: MATLAB 2 weeks (2014) Name of the organization Pampakuda, India 6. Presentation: Verilog HDL based Direct Signal Synthesizer 2 days (2015) Name of the organization Pampakuda, India 7. Electronics Engineer June 2015- June 2016 Name of the organization Cochin, Kerala, India 8. Training: Embedded System 5 days (2015) Name of the organization Cochin, Kerala, India 9. Seminar: Digital Electronics 2 days (2015) Name of the organization Cochin, Kerala, India 10. Course: VLSI 5 days (2015) Name of the organization Cochin, Kerala, India 11. Training: SQL and Scriptting 1 week (2015) Name of the organization Cochin, Kerala, India 12. Training: Java 5 days (2015) Name of the organization Cochin, Kerala, India 13. Training: Quality Management System 2 days (2015) Name of the organization Cochin, Kerala, India 14. Presentation: Attendance Recording System 1 day (2016) Name of the organization Cochin, Kerala, India 15. Presentation: Low-Cost Home Security System 1 day (2016) Name of the organization Cochin, Kerala, India 16. COURSE: IoT Sensors and Devices 7 weeks (2016) Name of the organization Online 17. Master of Electronics Engineering and Management July 2016- June 2018 Name of the organization Geelong, Australia 18. Course: Active Optimal Devices 10 weeks (2018) Name of the organization Online 19. Self-study: Magazines 2018 Name of the organization Online  

Engineer’s perspective to migrate Australia

Engineer’s perspective to migrate Australia

Skilled Migration

To apply for skilled migration as an Engineer it is necessary that your engineering discipline should be listed in the Skilled Occupations List at the time you apply. The first step is the positive assessment of your engineering qualification from Engineers Australia. Engineers Australia assesses engineers under the following four categories; • Professional Engineer • Engineering Technologist • Engineering Associate • Engineering Manager Professional Engineer Academic qualification is a 4-year bachelor of engineering degree gained after 12 years of schooling or equivalent. The Professional Engineer should meet the following required tasks; • Focuses on overall systems; • Develops and applies new engineering practices; • Applies leadership and management skills; • Pursues engineering opportunities in a holistic way taking environmental, community and social issues into account; • Solves diverse problems; and • Professional Engineers score 60 points on the Points Test. Engineering Technologist Academic qualification is a 3-year bachelor of engineering technology degree gained after 12 years of schooling or equivalent. The Engineering Technologist should perform the following tasks; • Focuses on interactions within the system; • Modifies and adapts established engineering practices; • Advances engineering technology; and • Engineering Technologists score 60 points on the Points Test. Engineering Associate Academic qualification is a 2 year diploma of engineering gained after 12 years of schooling, or equivalent. The Engineering Associate performs the following tasks; • Focuses on specific elements of the system; • Works within and applies established practices and procedures; and • Engineering Associates score 40 points on the Points Test. • Engineering associate should meet the following requirements before proceeding with your application for assessment of your qualifications: • An appropriate academic qualification (see above); • Engineering work experience, in accordance with the General Skilled Migration requirements; • Certified evidence of assessment under the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or equivalent to Level 6 for each of the 4 IELTS categories; and • Where applicable, certified evidence of registration under the relevant licensing authority in the country in which you are working. Engineering Manager: • Engineering manager contributes to engineering business strategies and develops client relationships • Engineering manager manages the implementation of engineering plans within the business, resources, people, suppliers, business information • Engineering manager monitors engineering business performance Assessment of Engineering Qualifications There are 2 pathways to the recognition of your engineering qualifications; Washington/ Sydney/ Dublin Accord or Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). The Washington Accord is an agreement between the engineering accreditation bodies, listed below, to recognize as substantially equivalent the professional engineering degrees delivered in those countries. The Accord applies only to accreditations conducted by the signatories within their respective national or territorial boundaries. The Australia Institution of Engineers is a signatory of the Accord. Note: The Accord only applies to professional engineering degrees accredited and delivered in the signatory countries. The Accord does not apply to; Qualifications at lower academic levels; or Postgraduate qualifications in engineering. Your qualifications will be checked with the relevant Washington Accord accreditation body. If your qualifications are not accredited under the Washington Accord, you will be required to submit a Competency Demonstration Report. Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) The Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) provides you with the opportunity to establish that your engineering knowledge and competencies are equivalent to Australian standards. WriteMyCDR can help you with writing your CDR. We offer CDR Samples for all Engineering Disciplines. If you have already prepared your CDR then our highly skilled and experienced professionals can perform a technical review of your CDR. We also prepare separate Career Episodes (CEs) and Summary Statement.For any further information, please contact us; info@dineshs11.sg-host.com

EA Approved CDR samples for Australia migration

EA Approved CDR samples for Australia migration

Skilled Migration

WriteMyCDR provides CDR Samples approved from Engineer Australia Migration Skill Assessment. Engineers looking for a skilled migration to Australia are required to submit a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) to Engineers Australia, a professional authority who is responsible to assess the competency of an engineer for Skilled Migration. Engineers need to include all the details regarding their skills, qualification and knowledge and work experience in the CDR along with their career episodes, summary statement and CPD in order to get assessed by the Engineers Australia.   Engineers willing to write their CDR report on their own must refer to the CDR Report Samples first. The CDR Report Samples provide examples for preparing CDR Report. This will help them understand the requirement of the Migration Skill Assessment under Engineers Australia and prepare their CDR report accordingly. If the CDR does not match the guidelines, there is a very high chance of being rejected on the skill assessment. The sample provided in the website are most probably the previously submitted CDR report and must be stored in the EA database. If you copy and paste the content from the sample report, it will be an act of plagiarism which is strictly against the rule and in result your report will be rejected. Hence to avoid rejection, engineers should take the CDR Report Samples as a reference to understand the rules and requirement of the Engineers Australia.   CDR report writing is very crucial task for those who are hoping to migrate to Australia. CDR report includes summary statement, career episodes, Continuing professional development and CV-resume. Many applicants fail to meet the guidelines given by Engineers Australia (EA). However, there are so many CDR report writing service provider which makes the task easier. Such service provider not only help in writing report but also go for a reviewing, plagiarism checking and removal.There are so many CDR samples available online which you can take it as a references. You can freely visit WriteMyCDR for free samples as per your engineering disciplines like Environmental Engineer, Engineering technologist and many more.

How to Write a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) For Engineers Australia

How to Write a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) For EA?

Engineers Australia

CPD stands for continuing professional development. This is the report which consist of development you are up-to-date in your engineering field after under graduation. Each development should be included in CDR application. CPD for Engineers Australia is primarily a record or documentation of the professional experience such as knowledge, surveys, skills, etc. gained by the Engineer in the appropriate field of Engineering. It is the report which consist of development to portray that you are up-to-date in your engineering field. CPD Writing help you to reflect, review and document your learning and experience of engineering knowledge and skills after you have gained your engineering qualification.   The CPD must be provided in list format (title, date, duration, and venue) and should include details of:   • formal engineering study; • conferences at which you have delivered papers or attended; • short courses, workshops, seminars, discussion groups, technical inspections and technical meetings you have attended; • preparation and presentation of material for courses, conferences, seminars and symposia; • Services to the engineering profession (volunteer work, board or committee volunteering, mentoring, etc.);   CPD writings are usually classified into two parts. They are training based and development based. Here, training stands and acts as a formal and linear process. Whereas event is often considered as informal and has significant applications. Training kind of CPD format usually deals with the study of something particular or specific that are related and linked with skill and competency related to Engineering field. Development based CPD is a full range format of CPD and forms a more substantial part of the application. It deals with the capability and competency of the Engineer. This form involves the progression and development that ranges from fundamental to advanced, mature and sophisticated contents and understanding. Overall, Continuing Professional Development Writing plays a leading role in providing and describing a range of skills and competencies such as management, leadership, academics, projects, writing, communication and other skills.   Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is primarily a record or documentation of the professional experience such as knowledge, surveys, skills, etc. gained by the Engineer in the appropriate field of Engineering. CPD is a process that is usually undertaken to document and to track the formal as well as intimate knowledge, surveys, skills and experience. This method includes the training as well as the beginning stage of the work and expertise of the Engineer. An effective CPD should consist of these essential components. It is critical to include all kinds of engineering related CPDs in the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). The details and information that you enter and mention the CPD should be relevant and up to date. The details relate to the title of the training, year of the training, duration of exercise, venue of training. It should consist of the academic details and extracurricular information of the Engineer. Activity Type of CPD Examples Any tertiary course taken either as an individual course or for a formal post-graduate award • Study may be either on college or by distance education • All such activities should involve some form of assessment Short courses, workshops, seminars and discussion groups, conferences, technical inspections and technical meetings • Technical meetings including Engineers Australia presentations • Seminars and workshops delivered or facilitated by third party practitioners in the field Learning activities in the workplace that extend competence in the area of practice • Workshops, seminars and discussion groups for employees (activities that are normal work activities cannot be claimed as learning activities in the workplace) Private study which extends your knowledge and skills • Private study includes the reading of books, journals, transactions, manuals, etc. Sufficient records must be kept of claimed personal reading (e.g. date, title, author and time invested) to address an author’s inquiry. • This information should be recorded after you have read the article for audit purposes

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