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Job Description for Electrical Engineer

Job Description for Electrical Engineer (ANZSCO Code: 233311)

Engineers Australia

Electrical engineer designs, develops and supervises the manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance of equipment, machines and systems for the generation, distribution, utilization and control of electric power. Registration or licensing may be required.   Job Description/ Tasks for Electrical Engineer: Planning and designing power stations and power generation equipmen Determining the type and arrangement of circuits, transformers, circuit-breakers, transmission lines and other equipment Developing products such as electric motors, components, equipment and appliances Interpretingspecifications, drawings, standards and regulations relating to electric power equipment and use  Organizing and managing resources used in the supply of electrical components, machines, appliances and equipment WriteMyCDR is helping engineers from all disciplines to prepare their Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). Successful CDR samples for Electrical Engineers are available at a very economical price that will help as a guideline. Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is the most critical step for getting Australian Skilled Migration and we don’t recommend you to take any risk.For assistance related to the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR), Contact Us info@dineshs11.sg-host.com & writemycdr.com

Writing Tips for Telecommunication Engineers Australia CDR

Writing Tips for Telecommunication Engineers Australia CDR

Engineers Australia

Telecommunications Engineers are the engineers who use their technical skills to provide a range of services and engineering solutions revolving around various modes of communication and information transfer like wireless telephone services, radio and satellite communications, internet and broadband technologies. For getting an employment in Telecommunications Engineering Industry, a minimum qualification of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in electronic engineering, computer science, IT or other technical subject is required. CDR For Telecommunication Engineers Australia Introduction: CDR (competency demonstration report) for Australian Immigration is very important for the telecommunication engineers who want to migration on skills basis with Engineers of Australia. Telecom is the most advanced industry, which helps to interact with the world. It is practically difficult for the countries to operate without sending and receiving data. This is the function of telecommunication engineers.   Due to the highly capable in this field, the Engineers Australia (EA) allows only the skilled people to get into their country. A very useful and fair CDR writing is essential in proving that you have good qualification and you are good at your job.   Every year many engineers apply for the Immigration of Australia but lack of applications got rejected because they could not meet their requirements. This is important for the Engineers to know for which category they are suitable and where they see them in future.   Therefore a telecommunication engineer won’t take a risk to write CDR casually.   Documents which Are Required in CDR: If you have to get through the CDR you have to assess your qualification also Complete your application form Attach attested copies of your academic documents Attach all documents of your professional career include your training program Three career episode A summary statement English test results such as IELTS, TOFEL etc.   Basic Principle of Writing CDR: The basic of writing a professional CDR includes.   You have to understand what report is saying. You should provide all the information which you get notified by the EA (Engineers Australia) guideline. Write in the language and style which is approved by Engineers Australia (EA) standard.   Preparing Competency Demonstration Report (CDR): When you select your category the next option and work to do, the preparation of Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). Many people do not know the basic needs for preparing (CDR) Competency Demonstration Report. Career Episodes(Three) Summary Statement(One) Continual Professional Development(CPD) Professional Resume   Career Episodes: Are totally based on your projects which you have completed your qualification in college and in your job career. This information or projects are about your qualification you get and your job. Career Episodes have some points Introduction Background Personal Engineering activities Summary Introduction: You have to give a brief introduction about yourself of (50 to 100) words in which you mention your agenda of your whole career and your qualification. Background: In this section, you have to mention about your qualification where you have studying and worked at that time. You have to focus those points and objectives you took apart. You must highlight the area where you have been working and your place in the company. Personal Engineering Activities: You have to describe the exact work you appointed for and the tasks you completed. You have to talk about the process of applying engineer skills and how you use your knowledge to the situation. You can also talk about the situations where you worked as a team member and you played the role as a team leader. Summary: In the end, you have to highlight all of you career details in order to compete for the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). This information is all about your future career if you want to apply for a job in Australia then you have to meet the requirements of Engineers Australia (EA).

Rejection Reason of Mechanical CDR

Rejection Reason of Mechanical CDR

Engineers Australia

Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is to prove that you are applying your skills and abilities on daily basis. It is important to know that Career Episodes not only the assessment which gives details about your work. It includes all the data and elements.   Competency Demonstration Report is the shadow of your own experience, your engineering tasks on daily basis and your duties you perform related to your project. Mechanical engineer CDR should describe in your own words and totally based on your education, experience, and skills you have which you applied on your Mechanical engineering projects. The main thing in CDR is to write only about yourself using the words of ‘I planned’, ‘I did’, etc. you can also describe your work as a team member and your role towards your project as a team leader. Typical Mistakes which cause Rejection: • If you provide many practical details about your project without giving any description of your own performance. This will ended up in rejection. • If you do not provide all the elements demanded by EA which includes in CDR. This kind of CDR report will fail the assessment • If you do not write about your responsibilities in the field of Mechanical Engineering than EA will reject your CDR. You need to highlight the area how you work and what problems you solved. • Mostly Mechanical Engineers do not know how to write CDR they write without knowing its boundaries. They do typical grammar mistakes and they write their CDR in other formats except for Australian English Standard Format. • They finish their CDR in limited words less than 1000 words. They do the copy paste to make their CDR for saving their time and they have to face rejection.

Get the Best CV-Resume Writing Services for Engineers (EA)

Get the Best CV-Resume Writing Services for Engineers (EA)

Engineers Australia

The resume or CV  writing is the most vital part of your job application. It creates your total picture of who you are. The resume provides the members of the EA (Engineers Australia) community to get to know about your career goals, educational qualification, the experience you have regarding the job, and your overall personality.   It should be written in a manner that it would provide all the necessary information about the applicant and should make the applicant look like the best-fitted candidate for the applied post. The writers of our team are aware of what the hiring authority might be looking for in the resume. They will write your resume in a manner that it will make you look like the best-fitted candidate for the specific post by making your personality presentable. Know about CV or Resume Writing Services When you prepare the resume, you have to take extensive care. You have to keep in mind your career goals and what you want to achieve. You also have to make sure that you get regarded as the best candidate for the job you are applying for. There are some of the things which you have to remember while writing your CV. Educational Qualification It would be highly beneficial for you if you provide each and every detail of your educational qualification that you have till the date. You can provide this with the detail of the institute from which you have passed, the percentage you got, and the location where the institute is in. Employment Details You should also be providing your employment details, the experience of your work, the internships that you have done. You should also include the craft of your engineering in the resume. Engineering Skills You should also include the engineering skills that you have attained at the time of your engineering course, or outside training course, or workshops which will add credentials to your resume. Past Experiences For the details of your employment, you should be including each and every detail about your previous organization which will include the location and the name and other details of the organization. Also, include the post you held and the projects you handled in that organization and the responsibilities you fulfilled. Things you should know about CV-Resume Writing A Resume needs to be prepared with utmost care and with time keeping in mind your career goals and objectives so that you are the best candidate for whichever position you are applying for. There are certain things you should be kept in mind while CV-resume writing. • It would help if you provided all the details of your education preferably from undergraduate till date or completion of your engineering course. You can provide this with the detail of location and institute and your percentage achieved. • You must provide details of employment, work experience, internships along with details of your engineering craft and experience employed. • You can also enlist the engineering skills attained by you during your graduation and workshops or training outside adding an extra credential to your resume. • For complete employment details, you must include the name, location, and details of your employing organization, the exact duration of your employment, a position held by you and details of the task assigned to you and your responsibilities. • You must be honest while compiling your Resume and be careful to not miss out on the continuity in your career years. An Engineer preferably a member of Engineers Australia must verify each event in your resume. The verification needs to be done in a particular format as described by EA community members. The following statement must accompany the CV and countersign by the verifier.   “I verify that this is a true statement of the career history of (candidate’s name) during the period (date) to (date).” This statement must be accompanied by the printed name, address, phone number and status of the Verifier, with their membership number if applicable. Engineers in Australia then confirm the verification.   In case the candidate cannot provide a verified CV due to overseas employment, they must provide a letter of recommendation from the current employer stating the location, contact details, terms and duration of employment, roles and responsibilities.   • The CV must be prepared in English. If due to employment outside the country with non-native English citizen, an original of recommendation letter from employer and a copy in English must be submitted. • Under exceptional cases and for some reason verification cannot be provided for last three-year employment period, you must upload a declaration certificate stating the information provided by you is true to the best of your knowledge. • Finally, you must prepare your Resume in chronological order, check it for any spelling errors and grammatical mistakes and use refined English. Also, while printing you must use good quality paper and never forget to put your signature.   Our Writers know exactly how to arrange your information so that your CV looks informative and makes your credentials high. The information provided by you is transformed into a well-written CV by us which you can put forward to the EA members for your candidature in a well-reputed organization and be assured of your selection.

Require a Summary Statement Sample for Engineering Manager?

Require a Summary Statement Sample for Engineering Manager?

Engineers Australia

The Summary Statement is dependably to be composed in an exceptionally apt and successful way. The readers and the assessors ought to dependably have an early introduction just from the CDR report. Along these lines, this report is your initial step of beginning a promising specialized profession in any presumed association of Australia. In the summary statement, you need to provide the cross references of the paragraphs that you have written in each career episode.   The purpose of this CDR Summary Statement Sample is to help gain a better and clearer insight on the sections of the document, the format and the elements that must be present in the context. If you are applying for assessment as an Engineering Manager, you can carefully study summary statement  sample for engineering manager displayed below. Engineering Manager Summary Statement Sample

How to write career episodes industrial engineer – 233511 for engineers Australia

How to write career episodes industrial engineer – 233511 for engineers Australia ?

Engineers Australia

Engineering establishments and companies which are functioning successfully in the country of Australia welcome migrants who have high levels of knowledge and experience in the industrial engineer. Aspirants who have required qualification, education, experience and other demonstrated competencies should submit the 233511 industrial engineer CDR according to the requirements of the EA. Qualified aspirants who are planning to gain entry into Australian firms should write career episode industrial engineer descriptively and understandably. An engineer who has received an interview call from reputed engineering consultancies should write three career episodes and impress the EA. They should write the contents in chronological order and check for plagiarism, errors and other mistakes. Industrial Engineer Job Responsibilities Engineers Australia which approves industrial engineers (233511) from abroad would test their engineering competencies skills. Some of the essential tasks an industrial engineer has to perform are: • Analyze and develop industrial strategies and execute according to the pre-designed plans. • Organizing and allocation of tasks to lower and middle-level workers. • Developing specifications that need for implementing the programs • Preparing industrial flowchart and monitoring the activities of the workers • Design, fabricate and process the machinery and tools in the plant and so on. Average salary for industrial engineer (Anzsco code: 233511) Mammoth size industries which are recruiting international industrial engineers for various posts will provide the best pay and motivate them wonderfully. The average income an industrial engineer can expect will be around AU$80000 per annum. Candidates should write world-class report according to the specifications of EA. Visitors can download sample CDR for industrial engineering and go through the samples before writing full-fledged competency document. Pathways Skilled and intelligent engineers should first prepare competency reports which should include personal information, educational qualification, experience, career episodes, summary statement and other details. Migrants should also submit passport size photos, resume, a copy of passport and visa and other documentary evidence to the EA. If the association is happy with the contents and the supporting documents they will approve the reports within a short period. Career episode for industrial engineers Australia Engineers who have scored wonderful marks in Industrial engineering should write three career episodes. These episodes will provide information about the engineering projects that were handled by industrial engineers after they graduated from reputed engineering colleges. EA will assess the technical competencies and experience levels of the industrial engineers when they explore the contents. Industrial engineer CDR and Australian immigration Australian immigration authority is one of the reputed organizations in the country of Australia which scrutinizes the passport, visa, flight tickets and other documents of the migrating engineers. This government organization will follow the strict code of conduct and never entertain wrongdoings. They will approve the visa and other documents only when the migrants have submitted according to the rules and regulations prescribed by Australian Government.

Want To Know How to Write A Professional Summary Statement for Engineers Australia

Want To Know How to Write A Professional Summary Statement for Engineers Australia?

Engineers Australia

The Summary Statement is one of the main components of the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). The Engineers Australia summary statement is presented after you have prepared the three Career Episodes. As you may guess from the name, it is a summarization of the three career episodes. Here is a quick guide on how to write a professional summary statement. The summary statement is a short cross-reference directory The summary statement highlights all the competency elements that you have stated in the career episodes. Hence, it is a well-structured document. According to the Migration Skills Assessment Booklet of Engineers Australia, the summary statement is presented in a tabular form where each row provides a cross-reference to the paragraphs of the career episodes. That is why you are always asked to number the paragraphs of each career episode.   The booklet also provides samples and templates of summary statements from which you can get a complete idea of what things you need to mention in your summary statement. If you think you might not be able to map the competencies correctly you should go for a summary statement writing service. This will minimize the chances of errors and will give a good finishing touch to your CDR as well. How to Write the Summary Statement The format of the summary statement depends upon the category of engineers that you are applying for. You must be aware that there are four different categories namely: Professional Engineers, Engineering Associates, Engineering Managers and Technologists. Each of these has different competency requirements. Hence, the summary statement will vary accordingly. For instance, the format of a Professional Engineer Summary Statement includes the following headings: Knowledge and Skill Base: it includes elements such as understanding of engineering fundamentals, mathematics, statistics, computing, information sciences and knowledge of contextual factors in engineering. Engineering Application Ability: it highlights how you have used the engineering tools, resources and techniques, what engineering methods you have applied and your project management skills. Professional and Personal Attributes: it will highlight your innovative skills, creativeness, and communication and ethical skills. You can also mention your leadership and teamwork capabilities here. Five things to consider while writing the Engineers Australia Summary Statement Understand each element of the summary in details so that you can map them accurately with the points you have mentioned in your career episodes. Go through sample summary statements for your occupation and get familiar with the format. See if you have mentioned the listed competencies in the career episodes accordingly or not. Make sure you have entered correct paragraph numbers in the summary statement. The accuracy of the summary statement is important. Always remember that you need to create one summary for all the three career episodes. Make sure you have effectively written the career episodes in order to prepare an effective summary statement. When to seek help from a summary statement writing service You should understand that the CDR plays a crucial role in your immigration to Australia as a skilled worker. In other words, we can say that the CDR puts a good first impression on the assessment committee. Hence, it is very important that you prepare this document precisely. Summary statement writing experts have years of experience in writing CDRs. They have the eloquent skills and adequate knowledge about the guidelines for preparing CDR report. They can help you create an effective summary without any hustle.   Moreover, they will take care of the language usage, grammatical errors and plagiarism issues in the summary as well. They will perform a keen analysis of your career episodes and perform a correct cross-reference to the same. Many service providers also offer to review and Engineers Australia summary statement editing services. If you think you can prepare the summary on your own you can ask them to review the same for you.

5 CDR Mistakes That Engineers in Australia Are Often Found To Commit

5 CDR Mistakes That Engineers in Australia Are Often Found To Commit

Engineers Australia

Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is a document required by Engineers Australia to evaluate your qualification and competency. So, the candidates need to present a superior-quality CDR report to the Engineers Australia authorities to demonstrate their skill-set in their chosen professional field. But even if you are eligible to get through, it’s natural to make mistakes. And these mistakes can ruin your chances to pursue a successful career in “The Land of Plenty”. Incidentally, it’s quite usual for CDRs to get rejected if not prepared appropriately, and if you are particularly concerned that your CDR report should turn out flawless, you might want to spare a few minutes to go through this post. 5 CDR Mistakes to Be Avoided By Engineers Now when it comes, CDR reports one of the most frequently asked queries that engineers have is, what are the requirements of CDR Engineers Australia? Well, let’s start by stating that the authorities at the EA always seek only the most credible individuals to migrate to the country. That’s why Engineers Australia have specified the immigration requirements in their migration skills assessment booklet available on their website. So listed below are the primary requisites of a CDR report or Competency Demonstration Report according to Engineers Australia. Your personal information which consists your birth certificate, passport, and other essential documents. A proof of efficiency in the English language (the test scores for IELTS) A properly updated copy of Resume which vividly elaborates on your employment and educational information. Enrollment certificates, academic transcripts or additional documents Documentary evidence for previous employment A concise summary statement Career episodes For further information on the documents, you can visit us at WriteMyCDR.com You may have witnessed that most of the requisites mentioned in the Competency Demonstration Report for immigration to Australia are depending on employment and legal information. The hardest possible section to prepare for a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is the Summary statement and the Career episodes. Your CDR report should be focused on three practical assignments of engineering one for each of the career episodes. The quality of your CDR is determined by how well it satisfies the migration skills assessment requirements as emphasized by the Engineers Australia authorities. The summary statement cross-references the three career episodes of your CDR report. If your career episodes are incompetent, then your summary statement automatically becomes ineffective. That way your entire CDR report loses its credibility. You should take the greatest of care when presenting the three career episodes for your competency demonstration report (CDR report) for migrating to Australia.   When aiming for a dream start to a career in engineering, most engineers find Australia as highly promising in terms of career prospects. Now in order to unlock the career opportunities that Australia has in store, engineers are required to prepare stellar CDR reports to establish their credibility. However, in an attempt to present a remarkable CDR report in Australia, some engineers get carried away and commit several glaring mistakes which further leads to the rejection of their application. So now let’s dive in to discuss the common mistakes that the CDR help services in Australia always warn the candidates against while applying for the Engineer Australia Skill Assessment. Breaking down one project to incorporate it into two Career Episodes Many of the applicants commit this common error while preparing Career Episodes. They often present the same project separately in two divisions and add each section in each one of the Career Episodes. But as per the requirement elaborated by Engineers Australia, you need to describe one full project in each Career Episode. This is the reason many engineers applying for jobs in Australia choose CDR writing services to present a brilliant report. Mentioned below is an example why breaking down the same project doesn’t work in favor of engineers looking for opportunities in Australia.   An Engineer wrote his Career Episodes depending on the projects completed during the last two semesters of the course. These assignments were about the design and functioning of the wind turbine.   The first assignment was finished, when he was in the seventh semester. The assignment was about gathering sufficient information, putting together the literature review and the designing the wind turbine. Hence, he already elaborated about this assignment in his first Career Episode.   The second project went underway while he was in his eighth semester. In this assignment, he was required to offer a thorough analysis of the wind turbine, examine the turbine, and make changes in the design as per the requirements and finally observe the outcome and prepare a report on how the machine functions.   Although these two assignments were treated as separate and served different purposes for the course, he was taking. For EA, The two assignments are parts of one project since both of those were based on the design and construction of the wind turbine. The second assignment was ideally dependent on the first one. So, the EA authorities will count both the projects as one, and also that it was divided into two separate sections. So, it’s better to emphasize on the assignments in one Career Episode. If you are stuck with your CDR report, you can look for online services in Australia who provide CDR help to engineers.  Preparing a Career Episode about group projects and activities This is again a common blunder that people make. Elaborating on how your team or group worked on an assignment, overcame the issues and presented the final product, is not what the EA is looking for exactly. CDR is used to evaluate your skill and not the collective expertise of a group. It analyses the role you had in the assignment that you have presented, how you carried out your responsibilities, what issues you faced while working on your assignments, how you exercised your skills in decision-making etc. This is why you should write your CDR in the first person. For example, instead of saying, “That’s how we performed our responsibilities, say “This is how I

EA Chartered application – stage 2 assessment

EA Chartered application – stage 2 assessment

Engineers Australia

Today we are going to talk about the 8th element of your EA chartered application titled: “Communication”.   This element, “communication”, requires applicants to demonstrate their skills in communicating and collaborating with the wider team, the project stakeholders and in general people involved in the project. The main goal here is to prove the ability of the applicant in engaging in dialogue effectively by presenting his/her ideas and comprehending as well the opinion and views of other interested parties.   The applicant should convince with the examples used that he or she is capable in communicating in the English language. Such examples could be; meetings he or she has participated in, presentations made, documents defined, and negotiations held, among others. Mention occasions that show your respect of the confidentiality obligations when negotiating or when you are conveying information.   For sure you must have had incidents that a different approach was put on the table and there were diversified opinions over it. This is a topic that should be included in this narration. Describe the ways you have intervened, explained the advantages and disadvantages and achieved bridging the differences. Analyze the way you have been a leader in similar occasions, and how you have managed with your words and actions to inspire and succeed an effective collaboration.   Of course there could be examples that you were also influenced by more experienced engineers, managers or non-technical staff when you were introduced to their point of view. Understanding, accepting and integrating alternative views with an outer goal to better serve the project goals shows your appreciation and definiteness of the power of communication and collaboration and therefore such events should also be included in the narrative.   Although the above summarizes the main points to be included in the eight element of competence for your EA Chartered application, in case you are in need of more specific instructions or you have questions that need a more adept answer, do contact us using the Website: www://dineshs11.sg-host.com/ Email: info@writemycdr.com

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